
Facebook has had two-factor authentication for a long time, but it used to be called Login Approvals. Now it’s been polished and streamlined and it doesn’t require a phone number. Here’s how to setup 2FA for Facebook using Authy or your favorite authenticator app.

Facebook拥有双重身份验证已很久了,但以前称为Login Approvals 。 现在,它已经打磨和精简了 ,不需要电话号码。 这是使用Authy或您最喜欢的身份验证器应用为Facebook设置2FA的方法。

Not sure what Two-Factor authentication is? Basically, whenever you try to login to your account from a new device, Facebook (or whatever site you are trying to log in to) will send you a text message to your phone with a code to enter, making sure that it’s really you. You could also use a special application like Authy or Google Authenticator that has a special code on your phone to enter when logging in. Unfortunately, SMS two-factor isn’t quite as secure as the non-SMS kind—but any two-factor is better than none.

不确定什么是双重身份验证 ? 基本上,每当您尝试从新设备登录帐户时,Facebook(或您尝试登录的任何网站)都会向您的手机发送一条短信,并带有输入密码,以确保您确实是您。 您还可以使用诸如Authy或Google Authenticator之类的特殊应用程序,在登录时在手机上输入特殊代码。不幸的是, SMS两因素不如非SMS类型安全 ,但任何两因素总比没有好。

It’s definitely a good idea to setup more security on your Facebook account. If it’s the first time you’ve enabled two-factor, you may as well just do the SMS text message option and use the code. It’s simple and easy. Once you’re a pro at locking everything down, it might be time to look at setting up Authy.

在您的Facebook帐户上设置更高的安全性绝对是一个好主意。 如果这是您第一次启用双重因素,那么您也可以只使用SMS短信选项并使用代码。 这很简单。 一旦您成为锁定所有内容的专业人士, 也许是时候考虑设置Authy了 。

Ready to setup two factor for Facebook? Here’s how to do it:

准备为Facebook设置两个因素了吗? 方法如下:

  1. Go to Settings -> Account Settings转到设置->帐户设置
  2. Click on “Security and Login”点击“安全和登录”
  3. Scroll down a little and click on “Use two-factor authentication”向下滚动一点,然后单击“使用双重身份验证”
  4. Follow the prompts to either enter a code from a text message or an authentication app.按照提示输入短信或身份验证应用中的代码。

Once you’re all done enabling two-factor, the next time you login to your Facebook account from a new device, you’re going to be required to enter the code.


And now that your account has two-factor enabled, you will get access to some additional features—for instance, you can use a security key like Yubikey to protect your Facebook account.


On the same page you’ll also find some recovery codes that would be useful if you don’t have access to your phone while you’re traveling. It’s probably a good idea to print them and save them somewhere offline.

在同一页面上,您还会找到一些恢复代码,这些代码对于在旅途中无法使用手机的情况非常有用。 打印它们并将其保存在脱机位置可能是一个好主意。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebook-upgrades-two-factor-authentication-heres-how-to-set-it-up/



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