is upon us, registration is open NOW. Stop reading this blog post and go register. I'll wait here.

在我们身上,现在就可以注册。 停止阅读此博客文章并注册。 我在这里等

Done? Sweet.


It's not the Build we thought it would be, but it's gonna be special. It's BUILD. Marketing says not to use ALL CAPS because it's Microsoft Build for them. For me, it's BUILD. It's BUILD at HOME. It's BUILD for YOU. It's BUILD for US. It's VIRTUAL BUILD.

它不是我们原本想的版本,但是会很特别。 这是建立的。 市场营销人员说不要使用ALL CAPS,因为它们是Microsoft Build。 对我来说,这是建立的。 这是在家里建立的。 为您打造。 这是为美国建造的。 这是虚拟的。

A ton of folks are working hard to make Microsoft Build 2020 something special when it kinda feels like there's not a lot of special stuff happening.

很多人正在努力使Microsoft Build 2020变得有些特殊,而感觉上好像并没有发生很多特殊的事情。

It needs to be about humans as much as tech. More than tech. We build (BUILD!) stuff for each other - that's the whole point and sometimes it takes a situation like the one we're in to be reminded of that.

它需要与人类和技术一样重要。 不仅仅是技术。 我们为彼此构建(构建!)东西-这就是重点,有时需要提醒我们类似我们所处的那种情况。

What are we building for you this year?


Microsoft Build 2020 will be 48 hours starting May 19th at 8am Pacific Time with Satya himself! Then - scandalously - I'm doing the opening keynote with some of my favorite people and wonderful colleagues who will join me in a parade of demos, technical context, continuous learning, innovation, and I'm sure my children will interrupt me even though the calendar is clearly marked BUILD (note the brand-violating ALL CAPS) because "do not disturb" means nothing these days! :)

Microsoft Build 2020将在5月19日太平洋时间上午8点开始,由Satya亲自进行48小时! 然后-令人难以置信-我正在与一些我最喜欢的人和出色的同事做开幕词,他们将与我一起进行演示,技术背景,持续学习,创新的游行,我相信即使我的孩子打扰了我,日历上明显标有BUILD(请注意违反品牌的所有大写字母),因为“请勿打扰”这几天没有任何意义! :)

Starting the 19th we'll kick off...


  • 48 hours of continuous learning


    • There's a TON of LIVE content and everything will be recorded so if you miss something LIVE you can catch up on YOUR schedule.


    48 hours of continuous learning


  • We are in your timezone


    • o    We’re bringing the experts to you – in your time zone! We'll do sessions 3 times (spread out every 8 hours) so you can spend time with the devs and PMs that build the stuff you use every day. No need to stay up until 2am, we'll do it for you. (Don't worry, we'll take the week off after! We're doing this because we love it.)

      o我们正在您所在的时区为您带来专家! 我们将进行3次会议(每8小时分配一次),以便您可以花时间与开发每天使用的内容的开发人员和PM进行交流。 无需熬夜,直到凌晨2点,我们都会为您服务。 (不用担心,我们将在一周后放假!我们这样做是因为我们喜欢它。)

  • Enhance your learning with LIVE sessions - We'll have shorter and more LIVE sessions and then


    • Those starter sessions then will have longer recorded on-demand sessions to explore after the event. It's Netfl*x for Nerds.然后,这些入门会议将记录更长的按需会议,以在活动结束后进行探索。 书呆子用Netfl * x。

    Enhance your learning with LIVE sessions - We'll have shorter and more LIVE sessions and then


  • Live Q&A with experts


    • Be sure to register (don't be anonymous) so you can do LIVE Q&A with the folks in the know请务必注册(不要匿名),以便您可以与已知人员进行实时问答
  • Community connections


    • Sometimes the best track at a conference is the Hallway Track and we want you to spend time with like-minded people in a positive environment so we'll have ways for you to self-organize and step into your own space to share and learn.有时,会议上最好的赛道是“走廊赛道”,我们希望您在一个积极的环境中与志趣相投的人共度时光,因此我们将为您提供一些自组织方式,并进入自己的共享和学习的空间。
  • Registering for the event is your all access pass to all sessions


  • If you're a teacher, we'll even have content for your student and new learners! 如果您是老师,我们甚至还会为您的学生和新学习者准备内容!
  • 48 hour workshops with Build on Twitch

    Build on Twitch的48小时研讨会

    • For a change of pace and style, we'll have your favorite Live Coders doing long form workshops (1-3 hours) LIVE on Twitch.为了改变节奏和风格,我们将邀请您最喜欢的Live Coder在Twitch上进行长形式的研讨会(1-3小时)。

Whether you've got 30 min, an hour, or you've cleared your schedule and stay up for a few days with us, I know you'll have a great time. Microsoft Build 2020 will be unlike anything *I've* ever be involved in. I'm working hard with my friends to put together an unprecedented Developer Keynote for an unprecedented situation. Better yet, I get to be the opening act for ScottGu (look Ma, I made it), Rajesh Jha, and other Microsoft luminaries far above my pay grade.

无论您是30分钟,一个小时,还是您已清除时间表并在我们这里待了几天,我都知道您会度过愉快的时光。 Microsoft Build 2020将与*我参与过的任何事情都不一样。我正在与我的朋友一起努力,为前所未有的情况组织一次前所未有的Developer Keynote。 更好的是,我成为ScottGu(马,我做到了),Rajesh Jha和其他Microsoft杰出人物的开场白

I'm really proud of what we're working on and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you all. You're still reading? Nice. Go register for Microsoft Build 2020 and leave a comment below on what you want to see from us!

我为我们的工作感到非常自豪,并期待与大家分享。 你还在读书吗? 真好请注册Microsoft Build 2020 ,并对您希望从我们这里看到的内容发表评论!

This week's blog sponsor: Couchbase gives developers the power of SQL with the flexibility of JSON. Start using it today for free with technologies including Kubernetes, Java, .NET, JavaScript, Go, and Python.

本周博客的赞助者: Couchbase为开发人员提供了SQL的功能以及JSON的灵活性。 立即开始免费使用Kubernetes,Java,.NET,JavaScript,Go和Python等技术免费使用它。


Microsoft Build 2020注册不仅是开放的,而且是免费的,实时的,是虚拟的,并且一切都为您服务相关推荐

  1. 深度解读Microsoft Build 2020:提升开发效率,优化开发环境

    Microsoft Build 2020 在众多新产品与技术发布中圆满落幕 但身为开发技术人深知 技术世界的更迭.求索却从未止步 唯有不断提升自身技能栈创新 方能从技术浮沉中获得更多养分 让技术予力世 ...

  2. 揭秘!微软 Build 2020 开发者大会将启,邀您共赴线上新旅程

    微软热爱的开发者,开发者热爱的新技术 微软Build 2020开发者大会大幕将启 行业技术大拿云集,全新技术重磅发布 一场专属技术爱好者间的技术交流盛宴 北京时间5月19日-20日,邀您会面! 大会年 ...

  3. 微软 Build 2020 开发者大会邀请开源社,共赴线上新旅程

    点击上方"开源社"关注我们 | 转载自:微软中国MSDN | 编辑:Corrie | 设计:叶修缘. 微软热爱的开发者,开发者热爱的新技术 微软Build 2020开发者大会大幕将 ...

  4. 微软 Build 2020 为 WSL 带来的新消息一览:WSL2 即将到来,对 GPU 和 Linux GUI 的支持也不远了

    在刚刚召开的微软 Build 2020 大会上,传来不少有关 WSL 的新消息.这篇文章将一并整理.逐一介绍. 其中,本月就可实现的包括以下这两项: 随着 2020 年 5 月更新的发布,Window ...

  5. 微软在 Build 2020 上“展示”新版 Edge for Linux

    微软在 Build 2020 开发者大会上播放的一小段预告片证实了 Microsoft Edge for Linux 的存在. 下面的图片来自开发者在观看 Build 2020 在线会议时的屏幕截图, ...

  6. 【比特熊故事汇】X Microsoft Build 2022——微软专家+MVP,技术亮点全解析

    大家好!我是爱吃.爱玩.更爱学习技术,IT届的新晋小网红,开发者的好朋友比特熊! 比特熊:特别联名Microsoft Build 2022,本期[比特熊故事汇]请来重量级嘉宾,突破直播间嘉宾数新高!由 ...

  7. Microsoft Build 发布丨开发者关注的7大方向技术更新

    一年一度的 Microsoft Build 终于来了,带来了非常非常多的新技术和功能更新.不知道各位小伙伴有没有和我一样熬夜看了开幕式和五个核心主题的全过程呢?接下来我和大家来谈一下作为开发者最应关注 ...

  8. Kyligence at Microsoft Build,助力世界非凡洞见

    2019年5月8日,美国,西雅图--为期3天的微软年度开发者盛会 Microsoft Build 2019 在华盛顿州会议中心落下帷幕,Kyligence 受邀出席 Startup Gallery,是 ...

  9. 微软 Build 2020开发者大会发来一张英雄帖,邀您速来赴约!

    (本文阅读时间:2 分钟) 微软 Build 2020开发者大会将于北京时间5 月 19 日晚上 23:00正式开启.大会将以Teams Live Event的形式面向全球开发者免费注册,并增设中文专 ...


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