
  • 1. 复现错误
  • 2. 分析错误
  • 3. 解决错误

1. 复现错误


  1. 只更新值为nulllabel_code

  2. 且以/edit/${id}'结尾的option_value


SELECT id, label, label_code, option_value
FROM app_page_button
WHERE label_code IS NULL AND option_value LIKE '%/edit/${id}';+-----+-------+------------+-----------------------+
| id  | label | label_code | option_value          |
| 706 | 编辑  | NULL       | put:common/edit/${id} |
| 710 | 编辑  | NULL       | put:common/edit/${id} |
| 714 | 编辑  | NULL       | put:common/edit/${id} |


UPDATE app_page_button
SET label_code = 'edit'
WHEREid IN ( SELECT id FROM  app_page_button WHERE label_code IS NULL AND option_value LIKE '%/edit/${id}' );ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'app_page_button' for update in FROM clause

You can't specify target table 'app_page_button' for update in FROM clause的错误。

2. 分析错误




You can't specify target table 'app_page_button' for update in FROM clause的含义:不能在同一表(app_page_button)中查询的数据,作为同一表(app_page_button)的更新数据。

3. 解决错误


UPDATE app_page_button
SET label_code = 'edit'
WHEREid IN ( SELECT id FROM ( SELECT id FROM app_page_button WHERE label_code IS NULL AND option_value LIKE '%/edit/${id}' ) as tmp );Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

根据Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)这句话可知,已更新成功,从如下SQL可以看到:

select id, label, label_code, option_value
from app_page_button
where id in (706,710,714);+-----+-------+------------+-----------------------+
| id  | label | label_code | option_value          |
| 706 | 编辑  | edit       | put:common/edit/${id} |
| 710 | 编辑  | edit       | put:common/edit/${id} |
| 714 | 编辑  | edit       | put:common/edit/${id} |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

全网详细解决1093 - You can‘t specify target table ‘xxx‘ for update in FROM clause的错误相关推荐

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  3. 【MySQL】Error Code: 1093. You can‘t specify target table ‘xxx‘ for update in FROM clause

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  4. 解决——》[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'fcf' for update in FROM clause

    版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,无需授权即可转载,甚至无需保留以上版权声明,转载时请务必注明作者. https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43453386/article/detai ...

  5. [Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 's' for update in FROM clause

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  6. MySQL [1093] You can‘t specify target table ‘titles_test‘ for update in FROM clause

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  7. MySQL 语法问题:You can‘t specify target table ‘xxx‘ for update in FROM clause. 原因及解决方法

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  8. 错误:You can't specify target table 'xxx' for update in FROM clause的解决

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  9. 【mysql 】sql错误代码 1093 You cannot specify target table xxxx for update in FROM clause

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