
As I have pointed out in a previous post, Spybot Search & Destroy is by no means outdated as some in the industry would have you believe. I wrote that article over a year ago and since then Spybot has only gotten better.

正如我在上一篇文章中指出的那样,Spybot Search&Destroy绝不会过时,就像业内人士希望的那样。 我一年多以前写过那篇文章,从那以后Spybot变得越来越好。

In this article we will go over one of the advanced features which allows scheduled scans of spyware on your system. When you initially install Spybot Search & Destroy the basic mode is enabled by default. We need to access the advanced mode, so click on Mode and select Advanced Mode.

在本文中,我们将介绍一种高级功能,该功能允许按计划扫描系统上的间谍软件。 最初安装Spybot Search&Destroy时,默认情况下会启用基本模式。 我们需要访问高级模式,因此单击“模式”并选择“高级模式”。

Click Yes to the warning message that appears.


Now you will notice a lot more options, Tools, and settings. Here is where we can access some cool features available in Spybot.

现在,您会注意到更多的选项,工具和设置。 在这里我们可以访问Spybot中的一些很酷的功能。

Expand Settings in the menu and select Scheduler. Then Click on both Add buttons so now we have the ability to edit the schedule for updates and scans.

展开菜单中的设置,然后选择计划程序。 然后单击两个“添加”按钮,这样我们就可以编辑更新和扫描的时间表。

Spybot launches Scheduled Tasks which is a Windows component. It doesn’t matter which one you start with but here we will edit the Updater first. So just click on Edit (Updater), the Schedule tab, and the new button. This will allow you to set up a date, time, and frequency to check for database updates.

Spybot启动Windows的计划任务。 无论从哪一个开始,都没有关系,但是在这里我们将首先编辑更新程序。 因此,只需单击Edit(更新程序),Schedule选项卡和new按钮。 这将允许您设置日期,时间和频率以检查数据库更新。

You can also go into the Settings tab to configure other system settings related to the update.


After setting up all the information you will be prompted to enter in the user name and password for your PC. Once done go ahead and click OK and everything is set. One thing to keep in mind is blank passwords are not accepted.

设置完所有信息后,将提示您输入PC的用户名和密码。 完成后,继续并单击“确定”,一切设置完成。 要记住的一件事是不接受空白密码。

Also, don’t forget to check out the Easter Egg in Spybot Search & Destroy

另外,别忘了在Spybot Search&Destroy中查看复活节彩蛋

Download Spybot Search & Destroy


Note: If you would like to help us out and know of quality programs we have not covered just go to the How-To Geek Wiki and add content to our growing list of Anti-Spyware applications!

注意:如果您想帮助我们并了解我们未涵盖的优质程序,请访问How-To Geek Wiki,然后将内容添加到我们不断增长的 Anti-Spyware应用程序 列表中

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80039/secure-computing-create-scheduled-scans-with-spybot-search-destroy-2/



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