

int main(int argc,char* argv[]){

int a=100; /*没有使用的变量*/

int b[8];

printf("Hello c\n");

b[9]=100; /*明显数组越界 */

/* 用到了两个为声明的变量c和d/



return 0;



splint hi.c +bounds


hi.c: (in function main)

hi.c:9:2: Unrecognized identifier: c

Identifier used in code has not been declared. (Use -unrecog to inhibit


hi.c:10:2: Unrecognized identifier: d

hi.c:4:6: Variable a declared but not used

A variable is declared but never used. Use /*@unused@*/ in front of

declaration to suppress message. (Use -varuse to inhibit warning)

hi.c:7:2: Likely out-of-bounds store:


Unable to resolve constraint:

requires 7 >= 9

needed to satisfy precondition:

requires maxSet(b @ hi.c:7:2) >= 9

A memory write may write to an address beyond the allocated buffer. (Use

-likely-boundswrite to inhibit warning)

hi.c:3:14: Parameter argc not used

A function parameter is not used in the body of the function. If the argument

is needed for type compatibility or future plans, use /*@unused@*/ in the

argument declaration. (Use -paramuse to inhibit warning)

hi.c:3:25: Parameter argv not used

Finished checking --- 6 code warnings



hi.c:9:2: Unrecognized identifier: c

Identifier used in code has not been declared. (Use -unrecog to inhibit


hi.c:10:2: Unrecognized identifier: d

hi.c:4:6: Variable a declared but not used

A variable is declared but never used. Use /*@unused@*/ in front of

declaration to suppress message. (Use -varuse to inhibit warning)



hi.c:7:2: Likely out-of-bounds store:


Unable to resolve constraint:

requires 7 >= 9

needed to satisfy precondition:

requires maxSet(b @ hi.c:7:2) >= 9

A memory write may write to an address beyond the allocated buffer. (Use

-likely-boundswrite to inhibit warning)

这些是检查存在数组越界,因为吧b[8]的最大数组序号应该是7,而不是9,所以出现requires 7 >= 9;


hi.c:3:14: Parameter argc not used

A function parameter is not used in the body of the function. If the argument

is needed for type compatibility or future plans, use /*@unused@*/ in the

argument declaration. (Use -paramuse to inhibit warning)

hi.c:3:25: Parameter argv not used



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