Interval to minimum,something wrong with ICs or model

root@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expt# sh_gamit -expt expt -d 2020 173 -orbit IGSF -pres ELEV -noftp
Sh_gamit Version 10.70 (2019/9/14)
Input options -expt expt -d 2020 173 -orbit IGSF -pres ELEV -noftp

Processing 2020 173
X-file series to be used is: 0

Sites extracted from sites.default to ftp from global rinex data archives: hkcl hkfn hkks hkkt hklm hklt hkmw hknp hkoh hkpc hkqt hksc hksl hkss hkst hktk hkws kyc1 t430 jfng lhaz cusv ptgg
Sites extracted from sites.default to exclude from automatic station.info updating: all_sites
X-files from sites.defaults to be excluded: ttth:1999_256-1999_278 ttth:1999_300-1999_365
Checking and making required directories
X-files to be excluded:

Checking that enough diskspace to complete run is available

Using IGS final orbits - repro2 for GPS weeks 658-1831

Checking GAMIT tables in directory: /root/Desktop/expt/tables
sh_setup -yr 2020 -doy 173 -series usno -expt expt -apr igs14_comb.apr -upd_l -topt none
EXECUTING sh_setup
~/Desktop/expt/tables ~/Desktop/expt
localeop: no
Checking links: sh_links.tables -frame J2000 -year 2020 -eop usno -topt none
Updating lfile. with coordinates from: igs14_comb.apr

Checking to see if EOP tables are up to date
sh_update_eop -series usno -jd 2459021.5000 -noftp Y -ftp_prog ftp -inv -min 7
Observations within the span of the current eop series table: usno
Not attempting to get new series

Orbit file igs21110.sp3 exists in /root/Desktop/expt/igs directory, no download attempted
Using existing igs21110.sp3 in igs directory to get a g-file
Use SP3 accuracy code to exclude satellites
Maximum fit rms for including a satellite 0.100 m

sh_sp3fit: Generating fitted g-file for: igsg 2020 173
sh_sp3fit: gfile and sp3fit files for igsg renamed to igsg for GPS

Gravity field degree not input, set = 12

Earth tide degree not input, set = 2

Ocean tide degree not input, set = 0
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 10.11 2019/1/9 12:50 (Linux) Library ver. 11.29b of 2019/08/15 13:00 UTC (Linux)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Reading igs21110.sp3 to write tigs21110.sp3 for GNSS = G
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote Earth-fixed T-file 97 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigs21110.sp3)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened print file: (Name trot.out)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened output T-file: (Name tigs21110.sp3)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened input T-file: (Name tigs2111e.sp3)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Successfully wrote Inertial T-file: (Name tigs21110.sp3)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/gmake: Successfully wrote G-file: (Name gigs21110.sp3)
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Normal end to NGSTOT
sh_sp3fit: Creating initial ARC input file
ARC models: : EGM08 BERNE 900.0 75.0 GPST INERTIAL J2000 IAU76 NONE NONE 12 2 0
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.91 of 2019/1/9 12:40 (Linux) Library ver. 11.29b of 2019/08/15 13:00 UTC (Linux)
Degree options Grav 12 Etide 2 Otide 0
Gravity CSnm for EGM08 Coefficients normalized Max N 2- 4
EGM08 C/S 2 0 -48416507.2506E-11
EGM08 C/S 2 1 -73.3852E-11 140.3915E-11
EGM08 C/S 2 2 243938.3573E-11 -140027.3704E-11
EGM08 C/S 3 0 95726.1528E-11
EGM08 C/S 3 1 203046.2010E-11 24820.0416E-11
EGM08 C/S 3 2 90478.7895E-11 -61900.5475E-11
EGM08 C/S 3 3 72132.1757E-11 141434.9262E-11
EGM08 C/S 4 0 54006.2093E-11
EGM08 C/S 4 1 -53615.7389E-11 -47356.7347E-11
EGM08 C/S 4 2 35050.1624E-11 66248.0026E-11
EGM08 C/S 4 3 99085.6767E-11 -20092.8369E-11
EGM08 C/S 4 4 -18856.0804E-11 30885.3174E-11
WARNING:210130:1939:34.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Requested radiation-pressure model (BERNE) differs from g-file (SPHRC) (Name gigs21110.sp3)
WARNING:210130:1939:34.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Use requested model, set RAD(1)=1.0, others = 0.0
STATUS :210130:1939:34.0 ARC/lib/ephred: Opened planetary ephemeris file (Name nbody)
STATUS :210130:1939:35.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 1 G 1 63 IIF PRN 1
Gravity CSnm for SETIDE Coefficients (normalized Max N 2- 4
SETIDE C/S 2 0 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 2 1 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 2 2 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 3 0 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 3 1 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 3 2 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 3 3 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 4 0 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 4 1 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 4 2 NaNE-11 NaNE-11
SETIDE C/S 4 3 0.0000E-11 0.0000E-11
SETIDE C/S 4 4 0.0000E-11 0.0000E-11
NoPole tide: F
xpole xpm m1 ypole ypm m2 7.2832039755062834E-007 8.6976255386695106E-007 -2.9174538967757822E-002 2.1176912552128325E-006 1.6775485051523350E-006 -9.0785959062292684E-002
SE pole-tide dC21 dS21 4.0281363803466592E-011 1.2057045233492991E-010
C21, S21 w/ pole tide normalized NaN NaN
STATUS :210130:1939:35.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF = 0.00 watts
FATAL :210130:1939:35.0 ARC/eval: Interval to minimum, something wrong with ICs or model
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
GAMIT.fatal exists, stop in sh_sp3fit
mv: cannot stat ‘gigsg0.173’: No such file or directory
sh_sp3fit failed to generate a g-file, stop


而doy 173的JD为2459021.5;



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