aws lambda

Have you ever wanted to create a Twitter Bot? It’s been on my list of things to do for quite some time, and I’ve never really had a good way to do it. Until today.

等皆你曾经想创建一个Twitter博特? 在我要做的事情上已经有一段时间了,而我从来没有真正有好的方法。 直到今天。

I’ve always thought about making some sort of bot, and I always appreciate getting new quotes to ponder, so it was time to just sit down and do it. I just felt the need to finish a project and get something working.

我一直在考虑制作某种机器人,并且我总是很高兴获得新的报价来思考,因此现在是时候坐下来做这件事了。 我只是觉得需要完成一个项目并使某些工作正常进行。

I’ve been using Twitter for quite some time now. I use it to get daily news updates. I get updates about what’s going on before the news. Really it’s a good resource. Not to continue to gloat, but I think it’s a useful product.

我已经使用Twitter很长时间了。 我用它来获取每日新闻更新。 在新闻发布之前,我会得到最新的消息。 真的,这是很好的资源。 不要继续幸灾乐祸,但我认为这是一个有用的产品。

I also have been using IFTTT for quite some time. It’s another useful platform that I don’t use as much as I can but thought of while working on this — it’s just a trigger. It’s great for little if-else scripting statements and can add a lot of functionality to business workflows and even managing your phone operations.

我也使用IFTTT已有相当一段时间了。 这是另一个有用的平台,我没有尽我所能使用,但在进行此工作时却想到了这–它只是一个触发器。 这对于很少使用if-else脚本语句非常有用,并且可以为业务工作流甚至是管理电话操作添加很多功能。

It’s just a cloud trigger.



Now I know I need something that will just fire off a single function trigger. The first stack I think of is AWS Lambda. Low and behold, there is even some documentation on setting up a Serverless function and use that to deploy to AWS.

现在我知道我需要一些可以触发单个功能触发器的东西。 我想到的第一个堆栈是AWS Lambda。 低估了,甚至有一些文档介绍了如何设置无服务器功能并将其用于部署到AWS。


As I’ve got some experience in NodeJS (and I found a starter for NodeJS here), I think it could be useful to flex some pre-learned knowledge and bang the keys to get this going.

由于我对NodeJS有一定的经验(我在这里找到了NodeJS的入门者 ),所以我认为,充分利用一些预先学习的知识并敲击按键来使它继续进行可能会很有用。


Since this is going to be in AWS Lambda, a single-use, serverless structure, I thought I could keep this simple with Serverless. This framework helps setting up and managing not only Lambda functions but Google Cloud, Azure, and more! A safe bet to stick with AWS today.

由于这将在一次性使用的无服务器结构AWS Lambda中进行,因此我认为我可以使用Serverless使其保持简单。 该框架不仅有助于设置和管理Lambda功能,而且还可以帮助您设置和管理Google Cloud,Azure等! 今天可以放心使用AWS。

So with that I now have three platforms on my stack:


  • AWS Lambda for the hosting适用于托管的AWS Lambda
  • NodeJS for the implementationNodeJS实现
  • Serverless for the deploy and management with AWS无服务器,用于通过AWS进行部署和管理

Next, I wanted a way to set up a timer to trigger the function. Luckily AWS has a great tool for that as well: AWS CloudWatch. CloudWatch will be configured with a timed event.

接下来,我想要一种设置计时器以触发功能的方法。 幸运的是,AWS也具有出色的工具:AWS CloudWatch。 CloudWatch将配置有定时事件。

Bringing the total to four on my stack.


Note: the time it runs depends on the region you’re in, so be weary of that.


With the stack setup, we can go into some finer details now.


触发器需要做什么 (What the Trigger Needs To Do)

  1. Authenticate and connect to Twitter验证并连接到Twitter
  2. Get the daily


  3. Create the Tweet from the quote JSON data根据报价JSON数据创建推文
  4. Post the Tweet发表推文

如何调用触发器 (How Will the Trigger Be Called)

CloudWatch Cron Expression as a trigger for the AWS Lambda. This will be covered when we deploy.

CloudWatch Cron Expression作为AWS Lambda的触发器。 部署时将涵盖此内容。

先决条件 (Pre-Requisites)

  • Twitter account and Twitter Developer AccountTwitter帐户和Twitter开发人员帐户
  • AWS AccountAWS账户
  • NodeJS knowledgeNodeJS知识
  • If you know none of the above, check my links, and start learning!如果您不知道上述任何一项,请检查我的链接,然后开始学习!
Photo by Vine Ramazani on Unsplash
Vine Ramazani在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

建立 (Set Up)

Let’s go ahead and crack open a new project. Git or not, I’ve covered a few posts of how to get started with git so we’re going to omit that here.

让我们继续前进,打开一个新项目。 不管是否使用Git,我已经介绍了几篇有关如何开始使用git的文章,因此在这里我们将省略它。

To set up this project, firstly you need the serverless module installed globally:


npm install serverless -g

Then to set up the current project dir with the AWS-NodeJS template:


serverless create --template aws-nodejs

Which will create the following files


  • handler.js


  • serverless.yml


Then we need to add the following packages:


npm install express body-parser oauth request twit serverless-secrets-plugin de-loggingsystem
  • Express for the test serverExpress for测试服务器
  • body-parser for the test server测试服务器的主体解析器
  • oauth for authenticating the Twitter API用于验证Twitter API的oauth
  • twit for the Twitter APITwitter API简介
  • serverless-secrets-plugin for encrypting/decrypting our .env file


  • de-loggingsystem is a custom logger package I made that helps my prints outde-loggingsystem是我制作的自定义记录程序包,可以帮助打印
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash
Luca Bravo在 Unsplash上的 照片

I am going to give you some scripts that I kept in my package.json file that really helped my workflow and suggest for you as well:



It’s a little messy, but essentially:


precommit & commit are used to encrypt the secrets.* file and then for committing to my source control with some clean AngularJS commit messages.

precommit & commit用于加密secrets.*文件,然后使用一些干净的AngularJS commit消息提交到我的源代码管理。

develop is to run the function locally one time.


predeploy & deploy will decrypt the file before deploying the production data to the AWS Lambda project.

在将生产数据部署到AWS Lambda项目之前, predeploy & deploy将解密文件。

test is to run the testing functions.


All start:local ‘s should be in a separate terminal.


Dealing with encrypt or decrypt functions, before the npm command add: PASSWORD=[your password] npm run deploy to pass the key.

在npm命令添加以下内容之前,要处理encryptdecrypt功能: PASSWORD=[your password] npm run deploy来传递密钥。

These functions really helped with my own workflow, and perhaps you can make it even better! If you do, let’s share that knowledge in responses.

这些功能确实对我自己的工作流程有所帮助,也许您可​​以使其变得更好! 如果您这样做,让我们在回应中分享这些知识。

Now that the project has been set up, we can begin to actually code the project and use those libraries.


Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash
照片由 Arnold Francisca在 Unsplash上 拍摄

码 (Code)

Before we go further, let’s add secrets.* to the .gitignore and create and files with your Twitter app credentials:

在继续之前,让我们将secrets.*添加到.gitignore ,并使用您的Twitter应用程序凭据创建secrets.devsecrets.prod文件:

API_URL can vary from dev to prod as we will see in testing later.


Now we can start changing the handler.js file to something more twitter-quote-botty.


我们将逐步进行。 (We’re going to take this step-by-step.)

Let’s add all the modules we need:



These are all the modules we installed earlier, except we don’t have express and we do have https . Express will be used later for our test API server, and the HTTPS module is a NodeJS default.

这些是我们之前安装的所有模块,除了我们没有express和我们拥有https 。 Express稍后将用于我们的测试API服务器,并且HTTPS模块是NodeJS的默认设置。

Now we need to modify the hello function. Go ahead and change it to async :

现在我们需要修改hello函数。 继续并将其更改为async


Then we can set up our twit config object with our Twitter credentials loaded in from the environment and connect to Twitter.

然后,我们可以使用从环境中加载的Twitter凭证设置twit config对象,并连接到Twitter。


Therefore, connected to Twitter, we can call the API as a promise, that will be what our AWS Lambda function will return. This one is lengthy, so we will break it into parts:

因此,连接到Twitter后,我们可以将 API称为promise,这将是我们的AWS Lambda函数将返回的内容。 这很长,因此我们将其分为几部分:

We create a response (what we return) and tell the variable to await the promise for the object. The promise calls a request function that uses a callback function to handle the request-response.

我们创建一个response (返回的内容),并告诉变量等待对象的promisepromise调用一个request函数,该函数使用回调函数来处理请求-响应。


Then parse the data from the body of the request-response into a JSON object. I create and load a tag variable with the tags of the quote. Then I use funky backticks (`) to parse the request-response JSON object into a quote-able string, and add all the tags.

然后将请求响应主体中的数据解析为JSON对象。 我用引号的标签创建并加载一个tag变量。 然后,我使用时髦的反引号(`)将请求响应JSON对象解析为可引用的字符串,然后添加所有标签。


Finally, I try to post the Tweet and if there is a success or failure, the console logs the output:



Here is the final file (with all the logging included I left out before):


const https = require('https');
const request = require('request');
const logger = require('de-loggingsystem');
const OAuth2 = require('oauth').OAuth2;
const twit = require('twit');
module.exports.hello = async event => {let config = {consumer_key: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,consumer_secret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,access_token: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN,access_token_secret: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET};
const Twitter = new twit(config);
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {request(process.env.API_URL, function(err, res, body) {logger.log(logger.LogLevel.debug, `Response: ${res}. Body: ${body}`);let data = JSON.parse(body);logger.log(logger.LogLevel.debug, `Parsed rfdc object: ${data.contents.quotes[0].quote}`);var tags = "";for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.contents.quotes[0].tags)) {let tag = value;tags += `#${tag} `;};var tweet = `"${data.contents.quotes[0].quote}" - ${data.contents.quotes[0].author}\n\n\n${tags}`;
logger.log(logger.LogLevel.debug, tweet);'statuses/update', { status: tweet }, function(err, data, response) {if (err) {logger.log(logger.LogLevel.error, `Tweet was not posted. Errorcode: ${err}`, logger.ErrorCode.Error);} else {logger.log(, `Tweet posted`);}});});});
return response;


Instead of copy-paste, why not type things in; you remember more of it ⌨️.
为什么不输入内容而不是复制粘贴? 你还记得更多⌨

设置测试 (Set Up Tests)

For testing (well to code the tests) we need a simple JSON quote file to be sent back. We can do this with an Express instance. Create a server.js file with the following:

为了进行测试(对测试进行编码),我们需要将一个简单的JSON报价文件发送回去。 我们可以使用Express实例来做到这一点。 使用以下命令创建server.js文件:


Now, I took this from my own example express server, but I took that from an example, and they used a routes/routes.js files, so I do too:



Now when you run your tests (using the your function will call the local server with the API_URL: http://localhost:3000/qod

现在,当您运行测试(使用 )时,您的函数将使用API​​_URL调用本地服务器: http://localhost:3000/qod

实际测试 (Actual Testing)

To run the tests, first, you must run the test server. To run the test server, open another terminal to the folder path and run the server with:

要运行测试,首先,您必须运行测试服务器。 要运行测试服务器,请在文件夹路径中打开另一个终端,并使用以下命令运行服务器:

node server.js

I set up an npm test script with the following:


"test": "sls invoke local -f hello --verbose --stage dev"

Which in turn runs the local function using the dev stage; which in turn uses the file. You should see the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson sent to Twitter.

依次使用dev阶段运行本地功能; 依次使用secrets.dev文件。 您应该看到Ralph Waldo Emerson发送给Twitter的报价。

Photo by Stanley Dai on Unsplash
斯坦利·戴 ( Stanley Dai)在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

部署方式 (Deployment)

You will need to login with your AWS IAM account that you want to use with the project. You can do so with the instructions here.

您将需要使用要用于项目的AWS IAM帐户登录。 您可以按照此处的说明进行操作 。

Serverless handles the deployment.


We can use the PASSWORD=[your password] npm run deploy script setup before to deploy to our AWS Lambda project setup now. Once it’s deployed, you’ll be able to check the status on the Dashboard.

我们可以先使用PASSWORD=[your password] npm run deploy脚本设置,然后立即部署到我们的AWS Lambda项目设置。 部署完成后,您将可以在仪表板上检查状态。

Now that we’ve set up this project, we need to add a trigger from CloudWatch. To create a new trigger, AWS has some great documentation that will walk you through it. Be sure to check the correct action to run, and double-check your region, or calculate the timezone difference.

现在我们已经设置了这个项目,我们需要从CloudWatch添加触发器。 为了创建一个新的触发器, AWS提供了一些出色的文档 ,将逐步引导您。 确保检查要运行的正确操作,并仔细检查您的区域,或计算时区差异。

When you have your trigger ready, you can test the trigger with some blank data — which will pull from the API and post a tweet without the scheduled time.


Photo by Jingda Chen on Unsplash
Chenjingda Chen在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

你做到了! (You did it!)

You made a Twitter quote bot too! I wanted to document this so that others could have fun making bots and other quirky APIs. Perhaps that’s next on the list, connecting this to an AWS API?

您也做了一个Twitter报价机器人! 我想对此进行记录,以使其他人可以玩机器人和其他古怪的API。 也许那是列表中的下一个,将其连接到AWS API?

Anywho, what did you like about making this project today? Are there any steps you improved? Let me know! It would be great to hear what others have to say, or tips they might have to speed up the process even more! I’m sure there’s a way to implement most of the deployment in GitHub Actions even (

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