
题目:Where Did You Learn That From? Surprising Effectiveness of Membership Inference Attacks Against Temporally Correlated Data in Deep Reinforcement Learning(成员推理攻击在深度强化学习中对时间相关数据的惊人有效性)
**作者信息:**Maziar Gomrokchi,Susan Amin,Hossein Aboutalebi




While significant research advances have been made in the field of deep reinforcement learning, a major challenge to widespread industrial adoption of deep reinforcement learning that has recently surfaced but little explored is the potential vulnerability to privacy breaches. In particular, there have been no concrete adversarial attack strategies in literature tailored for studying the vulnerability of deep reinforcement learning algorithms to membership inference attacks.
To address this gap, we propose an adversarial attack framework tailored for testing the vulnerability of deep reinforcement learning algorithms to membership inference attacks. More specifically, we design a series of experiments to investigate the impact of temporal correlation, which naturally exists in reinforcement learning training data, on the probability of information leakage. Furthermore, we study the differences in the performance of collective and individual membership attacks against deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed adversarial attack framework is surprisingly effective at inferring the data used during deep reinforcement training with an accuracy exceeding 84% in individual and 97% in collective mode on two different control tasks in OpenAI Gym, which raises serious privacy concerns in the deployment of models resulting from deep reinforcement learning. Moreover, we show that the learning state of a reinforcement learning algorithm significantly influences the level of the privacy breach.


为了解决这一差距,我们提出了一种对抗性攻击框架,专门用于测试深度强化学习算法对成员推理攻击的脆弱性。更具体地说,我们设计了一系列实验研究了强化学习训练数据中自然存在的时间相关性对信息泄露概率的影响。此外,我们研究了针对深度强化学习的集体和个人成员攻击的性能差异实验结果表明,所提出的对抗性攻击框架在推断深度强化训练期间使用的数据方面非常有效,在 OpenAI Gym 中的两个不同控制任务中,个人准确率超过 84%,集体模式下准确率超过 97%,这提高了严重的隐私性深度强化学习导致模型部署的担忧。此外,我们表明强化学习算法的学习状态显着影响隐私泄露的程度。


  • 成员推理攻击



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