【欧美经典音乐】When you told me you loved me


Once doesn't mean anything to me
Come, show me the meaning of complete
Where? did our love go wrong
Once we were so strong
How will I go on?

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one

Why? can't I just leave it all behind
I, the passion so bright that I was blind
Then something made me weak
Talking in my sleep
Baby I'm to deep, and you know I believed

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one

Your lips, your face
Sending that time just can't erase
My heart could break all over again

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one

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