
# Create dataset
data=data.frame(individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
)# Set a number of 'empty bar'
empty_bar=10# Add lines to the initial dataset
to_add = matrix(NA, empty_bar, ncol(data))
colnames(to_add) = colnames(data)
data=rbind(data, to_add)
data$id=seq(1, nrow(data))# Get the name and the y position of each label
angle= 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar     # I substract 0.5 because the letter must have the angle of the center of the bars. Not extreme right(1) or extreme left (0)
label_data$hjust<-ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle<-ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)# Make the plot
p = ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value)) +       # Note that id is a factor. If x is numeric, there is some space between the first bargeom_bar(stat="identity", fill=alpha("green", 0.3)) +ylim(-100,120) +theme_minimal() +theme(axis.text = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),panel.grid = element_blank(),plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm") ) +coord_polar(start = 0) + geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) p

#library(tidyverse)# Create dataset
data=data.frame(individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
)# Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
to_add = data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group), ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) = colnames(data)
to_add$group=rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
data=rbind(data, to_add)
data=data %>% arrange(group)
data$id=seq(1, nrow(data))# Get the name and the y position of each label
angle= 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar     # I substract 0.5 because the letter must have the angle of the center of the bars. Not extreme right(1) or extreme left (0)
label_data$hjust<-ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle<-ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)# Make the plot
p = ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group)) +       # Note that id is a factor. If x is numeric, there is some space between the first bargeom_bar(stat="identity", alpha=0.5) +ylim(-100,120) +theme_minimal() +theme(legend.position = "none",axis.text = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),panel.grid = element_blank(),plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm") ) +coord_polar() + geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) p

# library
#library(tidyverse)# Create dataset
data=data.frame(individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
)data = data %>% arrange(group,value)
# Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
to_add = data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group), ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) = colnames(data)
to_add$group=rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
data=rbind(data, to_add)
data=data %>% arrange(group)
data$id=seq(1, nrow(data))# Get the name and the y position of each label
angle= 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar     # I substract 0.5 because the letter must have the angle of the center of the bars. Not extreme right(1) or extreme left (0)
label_data$hjust<-ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle<-ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)# Make the plot
p = ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group)) +       # Note that id is a factor. If x is numeric, there is some space between the first bargeom_bar(stat="identity", alpha=0.5) +ylim(-100,120) +theme_minimal() +theme(legend.position = "none",axis.text = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),panel.grid = element_blank(),plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm") ) +coord_polar() + geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) p

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