

<view class="wrapper"><view class="handBtn"><button catchtap="retDraw" class="delBtn">重写</button><button catchtap="subCanvas" class="subBtn">完成</button></view><view class="handCenter"><canvas class="handWriting" disable-scroll="true" bindtouchstart="uploadScaleStart" bindtouchmove="uploadScaleMove"bindtouchend="uploadScaleEnd" bindtap="mouseDown" canvas-id="handWriting"></canvas></view><view class="handRight"><view class="handTitle">手写板</view></view>


/* pages/mine/sign.wxss */
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}.delBtn image {position: absolute;top: 13rpx;left: 25rpx;
}.subBtn {position: absolute;bottom: 52rpx;left: -3rpx;display: inline-flex;transform: rotate(90deg);background: #008ef6;color: #fff;margin-bottom: 30rpx;text-align: center;justify-content: center;
}.black-select {width: 60rpx;height: 60rpx;position: absolute;top: 30rpx;left: 25rpx;
.black-select.color_select {width: 90rpx;height: 90rpx;top: 30rpx;left: 10rpx;
.red-select {width: 60rpx;height: 60rpx;position: absolute;top:140rpx;left:25rpx;
.red-select.color_select {width: 90rpx;height: 90rpx;top: 120rpx;left: 10rpx;

.js 方法基本都有标注

// pages/mine/sign.jsvar app = getApp()
Page({data: {userInfo:{},form:{},canvasName: 'handWriting',ctx: '',canvasWidth: 0,canvasHeight: 0,transparent: 1, // 透明度selectColor: 'black',lineColor: '#1A1A1A', // 颜色lineSize: 1.5,  // 笔记倍数lineMin: 0.5,   // 最小笔画半径lineMax: 4,     // 最大笔画半径pressure: 1,     // 默认压力smoothness: 60,  //顺滑度,用60的距离来计算速度currentPoint: {},currentLine: [],  // 当前线条firstTouch: true, // 第一次触发radius: 1, //画圆的半径cutArea: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, //裁剪区域bethelPoint: [],  //保存所有线条 生成的贝塞尔点;lastPoint: 0,chirography: [], //笔迹currentChirography: {}, //当前笔迹linePrack: [] //划线轨迹 , 生成线条的实际点},// 笔迹开始uploadScaleStart (e) {if (e.type != 'touchstart') return false;let ctx = this.data.ctx;ctx.setFillStyle(this.data.lineColor);  // 初始线条设置颜色ctx.setGlobalAlpha(this.data.transparent);  // 设置半透明let currentPoint = {x: e.touches[0].x,y: e.touches[0].y}let currentLine = this.data.currentLine;currentLine.unshift({time: new Date().getTime(),dis: 0,x: currentPoint.x,y: currentPoint.y})this.setData({currentPoint,// currentLine})if (this.data.firstTouch) {this.setData({cutArea: { top: currentPoint.y, right: currentPoint.x, bottom: currentPoint.y, left: currentPoint.x },firstTouch: false})}this.pointToLine(currentLine);},// 笔迹移动uploadScaleMove (e) {if (e.type != 'touchmove') return false;if (e.cancelable) {// 判断默认行为是否已经被禁用if (!e.defaultPrevented) {e.preventDefault();}}let point = {x: e.touches[0].x,y: e.touches[0].y}//测试裁剪if (point.y < this.data.cutArea.top) {this.data.cutArea.top = point.y;}if (point.y < 0) this.data.cutArea.top = 0;if (point.x > this.data.cutArea.right) {this.data.cutArea.right = point.x;}if (this.data.canvasWidth - point.x <= 0) {this.data.cutArea.right = this.data.canvasWidth;}if (point.y > this.data.cutArea.bottom) {this.data.cutArea.bottom = point.y;}if (this.data.canvasHeight - point.y <= 0) {this.data.cutArea.bottom = this.data.canvasHeight;}if (point.x < this.data.cutArea.left) {this.data.cutArea.left = point.x;}if (point.x < 0) this.data.cutArea.left = 0;this.setData({lastPoint: this.data.currentPoint,currentPoint: point})let currentLine = this.data.currentLinecurrentLine.unshift({time: new Date().getTime(),dis: this.distance(this.data.currentPoint, this.data.lastPoint),x: point.x,y: point.y})// this.setData({//   currentLine// })this.pointToLine(currentLine);},// 笔迹结束uploadScaleEnd (e) {if (e.type != 'touchend') return 0;let point = {x: e.changedTouches[0].x,y: e.changedTouches[0].y}this.setData({lastPoint: this.data.currentPoint,currentPoint: point})let currentLine = this.data.currentLinecurrentLine.unshift({time: new Date().getTime(),dis: this.distance(this.data.currentPoint, this.data.lastPoint),x: point.x,y: point.y})// this.setData({//   currentLine// })if (currentLine.length > 2) {var info = (currentLine[0].time - currentLine[currentLine.length - 1].time) / currentLine.length;//$("#info").text(info.toFixed(2));}//一笔结束,保存笔迹的坐标点,清空,当前笔迹//增加判断是否在手写区域;this.pointToLine(currentLine);var currentChirography = {lineSize: this.data.lineSize,lineColor: this.data.lineColor};var chirography = this.data.chirographychirography.unshift(currentChirography);this.setData({chirography})var linePrack = this.data.linePracklinePrack.unshift(this.data.currentLine);this.setData({linePrack,currentLine: []})},onLoad () {let canvasName = this.data.canvasNamelet ctx = wx.createCanvasContext(canvasName)this.setData({ctx: ctx})var query = wx.createSelectorQuery();query.select('.handCenter').boundingClientRect(rect => {this.setData({canvasWidth: rect.width,canvasHeight: rect.height})}).exec();this.setData({userInfo:app.globalData.userInfo})},retDraw () {this.data.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 700, 730)this.data.ctx.draw()},subCanvas(event){// 保存的方法,这里单独列出},//画两点之间的线条;参数为:line,会绘制最近的开始的两个点;pointToLine (line) {this.calcBethelLine(line);return;},//计算插值的方式;calcBethelLine (line) {if (line.length <= 1) {line[0].r = this.data.radius;return;}let x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, r0, r1, r2, len, lastRadius, dis = 0, time = 0, curveValue = 0.5;if (line.length <= 2) {x0 = line[1].xy0 = line[1].yx2 = line[1].x + (line[0].x - line[1].x) * curveValue;y2 = line[1].y + (line[0].y - line[1].y) * curveValue;//x2 = line[1].x;//y2 = line[1].y;x1 = x0 + (x2 - x0) * curveValue;y1 = y0 + (y2 - y0) * curveValue;;} else {x0 = line[2].x + (line[1].x - line[2].x) * curveValue;y0 = line[2].y + (line[1].y - line[2].y) * curveValue;x1 = line[1].x;y1 = line[1].y;x2 = x1 + (line[0].x - x1) * curveValue;y2 = y1 + (line[0].y - y1) * curveValue;}//从计算公式看,三个点分别是(x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2) ;(x1,y1)这个是控制点,控制点不会落在曲线上;实际上,这个点还会手写获取的实际点,却落在曲线上len = this.distance({ x: x2, y: y2 }, { x: x0, y: y0 });lastRadius = this.data.radius;for (let n = 0; n < line.length - 1; n++) {dis += line[n].dis;time += line[n].time - line[n + 1].time;if (dis > this.data.smoothness) break;}this.setData({radius: Math.min(time / len * this.data.pressure + this.data.lineMin, this.data.lineMax) * this.data.lineSize});line[0].r = this.data.radius;//计算笔迹半径;if (line.length <= 2) {r0 = (lastRadius + this.data.radius) / 2;r1 = r0;r2 = r1;//return;} else {r0 = (line[2].r + line[1].r) / 2;r1 = line[1].r;r2 = (line[1].r + line[0].r) / 2;}let n = 5;let point = [];for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {let t = i / (n - 1);let x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * x0 + 2 * t * (1 - t) * x1 + t * t * x2;let y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * y0 + 2 * t * (1 - t) * y1 + t * t * y2;let r = lastRadius + (this.data.radius - lastRadius) / n * i;point.push({ x: x, y: y, r: r });if (point.length == 3) {let a = this.ctaCalc(point[0].x, point[0].y, point[0].r, point[1].x, point[1].y, point[1].r, point[2].x, point[2].y, point[2].r);a[0].color = this.data.lineColor;// let bethelPoint = this.data.bethelPoint;// console.log(a)// console.log(this.data.bethelPoint)// bethelPoint = bethelPoint.push(a);this.bethelDraw(a, 1);point = [{ x: x, y: y, r: r }];}}this.setData({currentLine: line})},//求两点之间距离distance (a, b) {let x = b.x - a.x;let y = b.y - a.y;return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);},ctaCalc (x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {let a = [], vx01, vy01, norm, n_x0, n_y0, vx21, vy21, n_x2, n_y2;vx01 = x1 - x0;vy01 = y1 - y0;norm = Math.sqrt(vx01 * vx01 + vy01 * vy01 + 0.0001) * 2;vx01 = vx01 / norm * r0;vy01 = vy01 / norm * r0;n_x0 = vy01;n_y0 = -vx01;vx21 = x1 - x2;vy21 = y1 - y2;norm = Math.sqrt(vx21 * vx21 + vy21 * vy21 + 0.0001) * 2;vx21 = vx21 / norm * r2;vy21 = vy21 / norm * r2;n_x2 = -vy21;n_y2 = vx21;a.push({ mx: x0 + n_x0, my: y0 + n_y0, color: "#1A1A1A" });a.push({ c1x: x1 + n_x0, c1y: y1 + n_y0, c2x: x1 + n_x2, c2y: y1 + n_y2, ex: x2 + n_x2, ey: y2 + n_y2 });a.push({ c1x: x2 + n_x2 - vx21, c1y: y2 + n_y2 - vy21, c2x: x2 - n_x2 - vx21, c2y: y2 - n_y2 - vy21, ex: x2 - n_x2, ey: y2 - n_y2 });a.push({ c1x: x1 - n_x2, c1y: y1 - n_y2, c2x: x1 - n_x0, c2y: y1 - n_y0, ex: x0 - n_x0, ey: y0 - n_y0 });a.push({ c1x: x0 - n_x0 - vx01, c1y: y0 - n_y0 - vy01, c2x: x0 + n_x0 - vx01, c2y: y0 + n_y0 - vy01, ex: x0 + n_x0, ey: y0 + n_y0 });a[0].mx = a[0].mx.toFixed(1);a[0].mx = parseFloat(a[0].mx);a[0].my = a[0].my.toFixed(1);a[0].my = parseFloat(a[0].my);for (let i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {a[i].c1x = a[i].c1x.toFixed(1);a[i].c1x = parseFloat(a[i].c1x);a[i].c1y = a[i].c1y.toFixed(1);a[i].c1y = parseFloat(a[i].c1y);a[i].c2x = a[i].c2x.toFixed(1);a[i].c2x = parseFloat(a[i].c2x);a[i].c2y = a[i].c2y.toFixed(1);a[i].c2y = parseFloat(a[i].c2y);a[i].ex = a[i].ex.toFixed(1);a[i].ex = parseFloat(a[i].ex);a[i].ey = a[i].ey.toFixed(1);a[i].ey = parseFloat(a[i].ey);}return a;},bethelDraw (point, is_fill, color) {let ctx = this.data.ctx;ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(point[0].mx, point[0].my);if (undefined != color) {ctx.setFillStyle(color);ctx.setStrokeStyle(color);} else {ctx.setFillStyle(point[0].color);ctx.setStrokeStyle(point[0].color);}for (let i = 1; i < point.length; i++) {ctx.bezierCurveTo(point[i].c1x, point[i].c1y, point[i].c2x, point[i].c2y, point[i].ex, point[i].ey);}ctx.stroke();if (undefined != is_fill) {ctx.fill(); //填充图形 ( 后绘制的图形会覆盖前面的图形, 绘制时注意先后顺序 )}ctx.draw(true)},selectColorEvent (event) {console.log(event)var color = event.currentTarget.dataset.colorValue;var colorSelected = event.currentTarget.dataset.color;this.setData({selectColor: colorSelected,lineColor: color})}


subCanvas(event){console.log(event);var that = thiswx.canvasToTempFilePath({destWidth: 60,destHeight: 60,canvasId: 'handWriting',success(res) {// 此处就签名成功,返回res//filePath: res.tempFilePath  调用微信的图片上传的方法,即可完成签名图片的上传。}})},



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    工作中公司业务需要的微信小程序用户签字功能 先看效果图: wxml: <view class="wrapper"><view class="handBt ...

  2. 【微信小程序canvas】实现小程序手写板用户签名(附代码)

    [微信小程序canvas]实现小程序手写板用户签名(附代码) 工作中公司业务需要的微信小程序用户签字功能 先看效果图: wxml <view class="wrapper"& ...

  3. 微信小程序 手写签名_微信小程序实现电子签名功能

    本文实例为大家分享了微信小程序实现电子签名的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 // XXXX.wxml bindtouchmove="canvasMove" bindtouche ...

  4. 微信小程序 手写签名_你竟然还不知道在微信上就可以手写签名、签文件了~

    原标题:你竟然还不知道在微信上就可以手写签名.签文件了~ 你是否遇到以下问题: 正在休假却收到公司的夺命连环call,说有重要文件需要你签字确认? 正在上班,却有孩子学校.小区.甚至居委会各种需要通知 ...

  5. 微信小程序---手写签名(签字版)

    公司近期有个需要用户签名的功能,就用小程序canvas写了个, wxml <view class="sign"><view class="paper&q ...

  6. 微信小程序 手写签名_小程序手写签名(wepy)

    对于手写签名组件组件晚上有很多种写法,我选择了一种进行了wepy的框架的改造.如果使用wepy框架做手写签名的话可以直接复制下面的代码. 这里需要提醒的是:安卓手机和苹果手机有适配性的问题,苹果手机在 ...

  7. 微信小程序 手写签名_微信小程序实现手写签字

    无纸化办公,这是老板对我的要求,然而有人现场执法文件全部电子化,只有签字部分让一个搞web的人有点儿头疼,不能为了这个找个人来开发app吧于是想到了小程序,对于一个新接触小程序的人来说还是有挑战性的, ...

  8. php 手写签批 手机办公_好签小程序手写签名组件/在线手写签批系统

    支持多种文档格式 好签原笔迹手写技术可以在任何版式文档格式上进行手写与笔迹的展示,与文档类型无关,它是一款真正意义的跨文档格式的手写批示引擎,在常用的版式文件上都可以进行手写批示,如PDF.JGP. ...

  9. 微信小程序 手写签名_微信小程序 绘图 canvas 手写板

    清除画布 导出图片 Page { //background: #cfeeff; } .canvas{ width: 100%; height: 680rpx; background: #ffffff; ...


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