
I love learning, yet I often struggle to learn new things.


It’s hard to admit, especially as I feel like I’m studying a lot. I’m aware that the technological landscape changes rapidly and I have to adapt.

很难承认,尤其是当我觉得自己在学习很多东西时。 我知道技术形势瞬息万变,我必须适应。

But often, despite hours spent on keeping up, I fail to make significant progress. It feels like filling an endless pit without getting anything back. Eventually, I discovered a culprit — procrastination.

但是通常,尽管花了很多时间来跟上,但我却没有取得重大进展。 感觉就像填满了一个无尽的坑,没有任何东西回来。 最终,我发现了罪魁祸首-拖延症。

I’m a smart procrastinator. I don’t watch Netflix or YouTube. Instead, I give myself a learning illusion. I let my mind fool me I’m working hard when I’m lying relaxed on the sofa.

我是一个聪明的拖延者。 我不看Netflix或YouTube。 相反,我给自己一种学习上的幻想。 当我躺在沙发上放松时,我让我愚弄我正在努力工作。

Have you had this experience?


It’s time to fight active procrastination. To beat our enemy, we must learn to recognize it. Here are some common ways we procrastinate and tips on escaping procrastination.

现在是时候应对主动拖延症了。 为了击败我们的敌人,我们必须学会认清它。 这是我们拖延的一些常见方法,以及逃避拖延的提示。

看太多的课程 (Watching Too Many Courses)

I know it’s tempting. You want to learn something new and there’s a shiny new course, almost for free. So you buy it and start watching it.

我知道这很诱人。 您想学习一些新知识,并且有一门崭新的课程,几乎免费。 因此,您购买它并开始观看它。

The thing is, courses don’t automatically pour knowledge to your head. It may be useful to watch a class, especially at 1.5x speed, to get an introductory overview. But besides that, they’re mostly a waste of time.

关键是,课程不会自动将知识浇灌到您的头上。 观看课程,尤其是以1.5倍的速度观看课程,以获得入门概述可能会很有用。 但是除此之外,它们主要是在浪费时间。

You don’t learn to code by watching courses. To learn to program, you have to create projects. You have to challenge yourself, think on your own, and look for solutions. Courses are just the beginning, not the finish line.

您不会通过观看课程来学习编码。 要学习编程,您必须创建项目。 您必须挑战自我,自己思考,然后寻找解决方案。 课程只是开始,而不是终点。

An even worse kind of procrastination is re-watching courses. If you didn’t learn much the first time, what makes you think it will be better now? Getting through the documentation and building something by yourself is a much better investment of your time.

更糟糕的拖延是重新观看课程。 如果您第一次没有学到很多东西,那么什么使您认为现在会更好呢? 遍历文档并自己构建某些东西是您的时间上更好的投资。

If you still want to take a course, be sure it’s good quality. If your teacher wants you to re-type CSS, you’re wasting your time (unless it’s a CSS course). Non-essential code should be available for you to download, and the code you write must have a direct connection to the course topic.

如果您仍然想参加一门课程,请确保它的质量很好。 如果您的老师希望您重新输入CSS,那您就在浪费时间(除非这是一门CSS课程)。 您可以下载非必需的代码,并且编写的代码必须与课程主题直接相关。

The same advice applies to the tutorials. You don’t progress by copying someone else’s code. So treat tutorials and courses as a starting point and a source of inspiration, not a viable way to learn.

相同的建议适用于教程。 复制别人的代码不会进步。 因此,将教程和课程视为起点和灵感来源,而不是可行的学习方法。

实施非本质功能 (Implementing Non-Essential Features)

Let’s say you started a new side project. For example, you want to learn Firebase by creating a Reddit clone. So far, so good, that’s a perfect way to grow.

假设您开始了一个新的附带项目。 例如,您想通过创建Reddit克隆来学习Firebase。 到目前为止,一切都很好,这是一种完美的成长方式。

You begin motivated and make a few functionalities in the first two days. Great. On the third day, you encounter a problem. It doesn’t seem huge, but to rest a bit, you decide to work on application CSS. What happens the next day?

您开始有动力,并在前两天进行了一些功能。 大。 第三天,您遇到问题。 它似乎并不庞大,但请稍作休息,然后决定使用应用程序CSS。 第二天会发生什么?

Many times, we entangle ourselves with details, losing sight of a thing we wanted to learn. In a few weeks, we find ourselves discouraged, with no progress on the application, but hours spent fine-tuning UI.

很多时候,我们纠缠于细节,却忽略了我们想学习的东西。 几周后,我们发现自己灰心丧气,在应用程序上没有任何进展,但花了数小时来微调UI。

To grow, we have to concentrate on essential features. But the urge to do something comfortable and familiar is hard to resist. That’s why you should use UI libraries in your learning projects — you want to focus on what’s hard and essential for learning. Everything else is just a distraction. Every tool that automates non-essential features is a blessing.

为了成长,我们必须专注于基本功能。 但是,很难抗拒做些舒适和熟悉的事情。 这就是为什么您应该在学习项目中使用UI库的原因-您想专注于学习的难点和实质。 其他一切都只是分散注意力。 使非必需功能自动化的每个工具都是一种祝福。

Procrastination doesn’t only concern UI. When you’re learning to create an E-commerce site, the blog is not essential. So focus your efforts on where it matters.

拖延不仅涉及UI。 当您学习创建电子商务网站时,博客不是必需的。 因此,请集中精力解决问题。

Don’t just scratch the surface. Photo by Karl JK Hedin on Unsplash
不要只刮擦表面。 Karl JK Hedin在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

从表面学习太多东西 (Learning Too Many Things Superficially)

As a programmer, you can do a myriad of things. You can build games, websites, analyze big data, or even sends rockets to space. And you want to do everything. At least I do. But you can’t — and you shouldn’t even try.

作为程序员,您可以做很多事情。 您可以构建游戏,网站,分析大数据,甚至将火箭发射到太空。 而您想做的一切。 至少我知道。 但是您不能 -甚至都不应该尝试。

You can fail in many ways, but there’s no surer route to stay in place than trying to move in every direction at the same time. To learn new things, you need to devote your time and your attention. You can’t be distracted by dozens of sparkling new languages and frameworks. But your mind craves novelty.

您可以通过多种方式失败,但是没有比尝试同时向各个方向移动更可靠的方法了。 要学习新事物,您需要投入时间和精力。 您不能被数十种崭新的语言和框架所吸引。 但是您的思想渴望新颖。

Don’t let it happen. Don’t procrastinate by learning too much, too superficially. Create your learning plan based on your skills and interests. It’s better to expand your knowledge step-by-step than to rush to everything that seems interesting.

不要让它发生。 不要因为学习过多,肤浅而拖延。 根据您的技能和兴趣制定学习计划。 逐步扩展您的知识比匆忙着看似有趣的所有事情要好。

When you create your plan — stick to it. Don’t succumb to the temptation of the modern IT world.

创建计划时-坚持执行。 不要屈服于现代IT世界的诱惑。

尝试编写完美的代码 (Trying to Write Perfect Code)

This is a sneaky one. Programmers take pride in their code and can be protective of it. That’s a good thing — we should aim to write quality code. But it’s also a trap, as perfectionism can stop us from doing anything.

这是一个偷偷摸摸的人。 程序员以自己的代码为荣,并且可以对其进行保护。 这是一件好事-我们应该以编写高质量的代码为目标。 但这也是一个陷阱,因为完美主义会阻止我们做任何事情。

When we’re learning new things, we’re bound to make bad decisions, sometimes silly ones. So we often spend hours trying to crack the perfect application without doing any coding.

当我们学习新事物时,我们必然会做出错误的决定,有时甚至是愚蠢的决定。 因此,我们经常花费数小时试图破解完美的应用程序而无需进行任何编码。

The solution is to understand that coding and learning are iterative processes. We shouldn’t expect to build anything perfect at the first try. It’s better to make it work, even if the solution is dirty or doesn’t follow the best practices. When we’ve got a working solution, it’s time to polish it and correct our mistakes. But before we write code, we’ve got nothing, and we’ll never learn programming just by analyzing the theory.

解决方案是理解编码和学习是迭代过程。 我们不应该期望在初次尝试时就能构建出完美的东西。 即使解决方案很脏或未遵循最佳实践,也最好使其正常运行。 当我们有了一个可行的解决方案时,就该完善它并纠正我们的错误了。 但是在编写代码之前,我们一无所有,而且我们永远不会仅通过分析理论来学习编程。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/why-programmers-procrastinate-and-how-to-stop-1bb8ceecd451




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