自动驾驶Mapping-占位栅格图(Occupancy Grid Map)中介绍了概率占位栅格地图(Probabilistic Occupancy Grid)的原理,并推导了如何利用贝叶斯理论(Bayes Theorem)更新生成概率占位栅格地图。下面看看如何用Python代码实现未知环境中的运动车辆上安装的激光雷达(lidar)生成概率占位栅格图。



M = 50

N = 60

true_map = np.zeros((M, N))

true_map[0:10, 0:10] = 1

true_map[30:35, 40:45] = 1

true_map[3:6,40:60] = 1;

true_map[20:30,25:29] = 1;

true_map[40:50,5:25] = 1;


# Initializing the robot's location.

x_0 = [30, 30, 0]

# The sequence of robot motions.

u = np.array([[3, 0, -3, 0], [0, 3, 0, -3]])

u_i = 1

# Initialize the vector of states for our simulation.

x = np.zeros((3, len(time_steps)))

x[:, 0] = x_0

while(Some Conditon...) :

# Perform robot motion.

move = np.add(x[0:2, t-1], u[:, u_i])

# If we hit the map boundaries, or a collision would occur, remain still.

if (move[0] >= M - 1) or (move[1] >= N - 1) or (move[0] <= 0) or (move[1] <= 0) or true_map[int(round(move[0])), int(round(move[1]))] == 1:

x[:, t] = x[:, t-1]

u_i = (u_i + 1) % 4


x[0:2, t] = move



x[2, t] = (x[2, t-1] + w[t]) % (2 * math.pi)



首先,我们需要搞清楚激光雷达的外参和内参,并以此推导出激光雷达(lidar)在Map坐标系下的姿态(x, y,



# Parameters for the sensor model.

meas_phi = np.arange(-0.4, 0.4, 0.05)

rmax = 30 # Max beam range.

alpha = 1 # Width of an obstacle (distance about measurement to fill in).

beta = 0.05 # Angular width of a beam.


def get_ranges(true_map, X, meas_phi, rmax):

(M, N) = np.shape(true_map)

x = X[0]

y = X[1]

theta = X[2]

meas_r = rmax * np.ones(meas_phi.shape)

# Iterate for each measurement bearing.

for i in range(len(meas_phi)):

# Iterate over each unit step up to and including rmax.

for r in range(1, rmax+1):

# Determine the coordinates of the cell.

xi = int(round(x + r * math.cos(theta + meas_phi[i])))

yi = int(round(y + r * math.sin(theta + meas_phi[i])))

# If not in the map, set measurement there and stop going further.

if (xi <= 0 or xi >= M-1 or yi <= 0 or yi >= N-1):

meas_r[i] = r


# If in the map, but hitting an obstacle, set the measurement range

# and stop ray tracing.

elif true_map[int(round(xi)), int(round(yi))] == 1:

meas_r[i] = r


return meas_r

3、计算Inverse Scanner Model

获取激光雷达(Lidar)的测量数据之后,下一步就是将其关联匹配到地图的Map Cell上。主要流程是:

1)将 Lidar bearing与Map Cell相对于传感器的方位进行最小误差匹配,得到影响当前Map Cell的激光束;


r = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)

phi = (math.atan2(j - y, i - x) - theta + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi

# Find the range measurement associated with the relative bearing.

k = np.argmin(np.abs(np.subtract(phi, meas_phi)))

2) 计算每个Cell被占用的概率。计算完成之后,得到三种不同类型的区域:未探测区域、障碍物区域和非障碍物区域,并赋给它们不同的占用概率。这里将未探测区域的占用概率设为0.5,表示不确定是否占用;障碍物区域占用概率等于0.7,表示大概率被占用;可行驶区域占用概率0.3,表示小概率被占用。

完整的Inverse Scanner Model的实现代码如下:

def inverse_scanner(num_rows, num_cols, x, y, theta, meas_phi, meas_r, rmax, alpha, beta):

m = np.zeros((M, N))

for i in range(num_rows):

for j in range(num_cols):

# Find range and bearing relative to the input state (x, y, theta).

r = math.sqrt((i - x)**2 + (j - y)**2)

phi = (math.atan2(j - y, i - x) - theta + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi

# Find the range measurement associated with the relative bearing.

k = np.argmin(np.abs(np.subtract(phi, meas_phi)))

# If the range is greater than the maximum sensor range, or behind our range

# measurement, or is outside of the field of view of the sensor, then no

# new information is available.

if (r > min(rmax, meas_r[k] + alpha / 2.0)) or (abs(phi - meas_phi[k]) > beta / 2.0):

m[i, j] = 0.5

# If the range measurement lied within this cell, it is likely to be an object.

elif (meas_r[k] < rmax) and (abs(r - meas_r[k]) < alpha / 2.0):

m[i, j] = 0.7

# If the cell is in front of the range measurement, it is likely to be empty.

elif r < meas_r[k]:

m[i, j] = 0.3

return m

Inverse Scanner Model的测量结果如下图所示:

4、生成概率占位栅格地图(Probabilistic Occupancy Grid)

生成概率占位地图的过程就是循环对激光雷达(lidar)的测量结果应用Inverse Scanner Model,然后更新各个Map Cell的Log Odds的过程(详细推导过程参见:自动驾驶Mapping-占位栅格图(Occupancy Grid Map)):


是Inverse Measurement Model,


是Initial belief。

最后,将log odds还原为真实概率,得到每个网格的占位概率值。


meas_rs = []

meas_r = get_ranges(true_map, x[:, 0], meas_phi, rmax)


invmods = []

invmod = inverse_scanner(M, N, x[0, 0], x[1, 0], x[2, 0], meas_phi, meas_r, rmax, alpha, beta)


ms = []


# Main simulation loop.

for t in range(1, len(time_steps)):

# Perform robot motion.

move = np.add(x[0:2, t-1], u[:, u_i])

# If we hit the map boundaries, or a collision would occur, remain still.

if (move[0] >= M - 1) or (move[1] >= N - 1) or (move[0] <= 0) or (move[1] <= 0) or true_map[int(round(move[0])), int(round(move[1]))] == 1:

x[:, t] = x[:, t-1]

u_i = (u_i + 1) % 4


x[0:2, t] = move

x[2, t] = (x[2, t-1] + w[t]) % (2 * math.pi)

# Gather the measurement range data, which we will convert to occupancy probabilities

meas_r = get_ranges(true_map, x[:, t], meas_phi, rmax)


# Given our range measurements and our robot location, apply inverse scanner model

invmod = inverse_scanner(M, N, x[0, t], x[1, t], x[2, t], meas_phi, meas_r, rmax, alpha, beta)


# Calculate and update the log odds of our occupancy grid, given our measured occupancy probabilities from the inverse model.

L = np.log(np.divide(invmod, np.subtract(1, invmod))) + L - L0

# Calculate a grid of probabilities from the log odds.

m = np.divide(np.exp(L), np.add(1, np.exp(L)))








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