


IGS Viewer is a professional tool used for viewing CAD models with excellent speed and quality. IGS Viewer boast a very user-friendly interface for beginners users and in the same time provide full range of tools for navigation and analyzing the 3D object. For advanced users of this kind viewers there are most of the known command as on any 3D viewer, and for beginners and non-technical users there is a help, and explanation on every tool how to use and what that tool do while using IGS viewer. Interesting feature in IGS Viewer is tree view where are showen all markers that are used in 3D object. You can easily hide or unhide them and see all object part by part. With IGS Viewer except zooming and panning you can see the object in 2D in any of the 4 sides (top, bottom, left, right), you can add shade to the object to see how will look like as an real object or to see only wireframe. IGS Viewer also allow changing color of wireframes or shade of 3D object.

IGS Viewer is a tool for viewing international IGES standard files. IGES files (.igs, .iges file format) for 3D and assembly are often used by all major mechanical CAD systems. With this absolutely FREE IGS Viewer you can easily open 3D files (*.igs), rotate them and perform some basic actions like: zoom, rotate, move or change skin and skin color. Download IGS viewer and start viewing the world in 3D. Please refer to the IGES Viewer walk thru section for more information's and screenshots.

IGS viewer Key Features

Change transparent level 1-10 for shade-skin

Dynamic zooming from toolbox or with mouse

2D view in all 4 sides of 3D object

Dynamic rotation by toolbox or with pressing and hold middle mouse button

Adding shade of the 3D object and change color of the skin

View only wireframe and change color of the lines

Why do you need a IGS Viewer?

When you open 3D object (IGS files) you need speed and good interface to view every detail in that 3D object. IGS Viewer provides all this features. With ability to add shade-skin, you can see every part how should/will look like in real. Rotateing the object allowing you to see every detail in every side of the 3D object. With wireframe and rotateing in the same time you can see all elements that created 3D object as one whole.
All these elements that we mentioned in the text above are implemented in our IGS Viewer, and the best of all is that IGS Viewer is a FREE tool.

Related Downloads

3D object are avaliable in many types of file extensions. As the most popular extension for 3D objects except .igs are .stp and .stl file extension. For opening this types of file extensions there are many viewers as STP File Viewer and STL File Viewer , that are totally FREE for use and provide many tools for better viewing and working with 3D objects.

主页: http://igsviewer.com/

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