漂亮的JavaScript烟花特效代码 - www.webdm.cn

html,body{background:#000; height:100%; margin:0px; padding:0px;color:#FFF;}

.ball{color:#FF0000; position:absolute; font-size:16px;}

.star{color:#FF0000; position:absolute; font-size:4px;}

function Fireworks(sky, loop){

this.sky = sky;

this.skyWidth = document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;

this.skyHeight= document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;

this.x = this.y = 0;

this.step = 20;

this.delay = 30;

this.stars = [];

this.r = 10;

this.step2 = 7;

this.radius = 90;

this.angle = 45;

this.num = 16;

this.loop = loop;

this.degree = 2;

this.t = 0;

this.delt = 0;

this.max = 30;

this.cur = 1;

this.points = null;


Fireworks.prototype = {

init : function(){

this.x = parseInt(this.skyWidth/1.3 * Math.random()) + this.skyWidth / 8;

this.y = this.skyHeight;

this._y = parseInt((this.skyHeight / 4) * Math.random()) + this.skyHeight / 5;


setOpacity : function(obj, p){

if(p > 85){

var opacity = 100 - (p - 85) * 4;


obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";


obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity / 100;




getNextPoint : function(degree, coeff, t){

var tt = 1.0 - t;

for(var rr = 1; rr <= degree; rr++){

for(var i=0; i <= degree-rr; i++){

coeff[i] = tt * coeff[i] + t * coeff[i+1];



return coeff[0];


showBall : function(){

this.ball = document.createElement("div");

this.ball.innerHTML = "●";

this.ball.className = "ball";

this.ball.style.left = this.x + "px";

this.ball.style.top = this.y + "px";



moveBall : function(){

var self = this;

if(this.y > this._y){

var p = parseInt((this.skyHeight - this.y) / (this.skyHeight - this._y)*10);

this.y -= (this.step - p * 1.6);

this.ball.style.fontSize = 16 - p + "px";

this.ball.style.top = this.y + "px";

setTimeout(function(){self.moveBall();}, this.delay);





hideBall : function(){


this.ball = null;


showStars : function(){

var colors = ['#FF0000','#FF00FF','#00FF00','#00FFFF','#FFFF00','#FF0000','#FF00FF','#00FF00','#00FFFF','#FFFF00'];

var n = cs = parseInt(Math.random() * colors.length / 2);

var cc = parseInt(Math.random() * colors.length / 2);

var colorMode = parseInt(Math.random() * 2);

var star = Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ? "★" : "☆";

this.r = 10;

this.radius = Math.round(Math.random() * 30) + 60;

this.num = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 5) * 2;

this.angle = 180 / this.num * 2;

for(var i=1; i<=this.num; i++){

this.stars[i] = document.createElement("div");

this.stars[i].innerHTML = star;

this.stars[i].className = "star";

if(colorMode == 1){

this.stars[i].style.color = colors[n];

if(++n > cs + cc)

n = cs;


this.stars[i].style.color = colors[parseInt(Math.random() * colors.length)];





moveStars : function(){

var self = this;

if(this.r < this.radius){

var p = this.step2 - parseInt(this.r / this.radius * 5);

p = p < 1 ? 1 : p;

this.r += p;

p = parseInt(this.r / this.radius * 100);

for(var i=1; i<=this.num; i++){

this.stars[i].style.left = this.x - Math.round(this.r * Math.sin(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * this.angle * i))) + "px";

this.stars[i].style.top = this.y - Math.round(this.r * Math.cos(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * this.angle * i))) + "px";

this.stars[i].style.fontSize = 4 + p/10 + "px";

this.setOpacity(this.stars[i], p);


setTimeout(function(){self.moveStars();}, this.delay);


setTimeout(function(){self.hideStars();}, 200 * Math.random());



initBezier : function(){

var coeff_x = [];

var coeff_y = [];

this.points = [];

this.t = 0;

this.delt = 1.0 / this.max;

this.cur = 1;

var a = parseInt(Math.random() * 5) * 90;

coeff_x[0] = this.x;

coeff_y[0] = this.y;

for(var i=1; i<=this.num; i++){

coeff_x[1] = this.x + Math.sin(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * this.angle * i)) * this.radius/2;

coeff_y[1] = this.y + Math.cos(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * this.angle * i)) * this.radius/2;

coeff_x[2] = this.x + Math.sin(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * (a-this.angle * i))) * this.radius;

coeff_y[2] = this.y + Math.cos(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 180 * (a-this.angle * i))) * this.radius;

this.points[(i-1)*2] = coeff_x.slice(0);

this.points[(i-1)*2+1] = coeff_y.slice(0);



moveStars2 : function(){

var self = this;

if(this.cur < this.max){

this.t += this.delt;


p = parseInt(this.cur / this.max * 100);

for(var i=1; i<=this.num; i++){

this.stars[i].style.left = this.getNextPoint(this.degree, this.points[(i-1)*2], this.t) + "px";

this.stars[i].style.top = this.getNextPoint(this.degree, this.points[(i-1)*2+1], this.t) + "px";

this.stars[i].style.fontSize = 4 + p/10 + "px";

this.setOpacity(this.stars[i], p);


setTimeout(function(){self.moveStars2();}, this.delay);


setTimeout(function(){self.hideStars();}, 200 * Math.random());



hideStars : function(){

for(var i=1; i<=this.num; i++){


this.stars[i] = null;

if(this.points != null){

delete this.points[(i-1)*2];

delete this.points[(i-1)*2+1];




delete this.points;


this.points = null;





fire : function(){



var effect = parseInt(Math.random() * 2) + 1;


case 1:



case 2:






play : function(){






window.onload = function(){

for(var i=0; i<5; i++)

new Fireworks(document.body, true).play();


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