sap wm内向交货步骤

Just like most attributes of humans, including both the bright and dark sides, being an introvert is no exception. This article was not written to inspire you as most articles about data science or engineering do. What we want is that by the end of this article you will be informed with relevant tips that contain facts and experiences of Omdena Challenge participants on their journey towards Data Science.

就像 人的大多数属性,包括明亮和黑暗的一面,内向也不例外。 这篇文章并不是像大多数有关数据科学或工程的文章那样激发您的灵感。 我们想要的是,到本文结尾,您将获得相关提示,其中包含Omdena Challenge参与者在迈向数据科学的过程中的事实和经验。

As the name suggests, introverts are people who enjoy introspection, and commonly think through almost everything. On the other hand, they quite often reserve their opinions to themselves. In addition, introverted behavior is sometimes associated with fear of mistakes or disagreement with other people’s opinions.

顾名思义,性格内向的人喜欢内省,并且通常会思考所有事情。 另一方面,他们经常保留自己的意见。 此外,内向的行为有时会伴随着对错误的恐惧或对他人观点的分歧。

Data science requires steady communications and open-minded perspective of those involved. It also includes intensive dedication and collaboration. As every project, there are no Omdena challenges which are easy from the very beginning to the end. That said, it is important to clarify that being an introvert is not a crime neither should it prevent you from following a career you like: it is all about who you are and how you intend to develop yourself towards your goals. We have never participated in any challenge that was easy from the very beginning to the end including the Omdena challenges.

数据科学需要稳定的沟通和对相关人员的开放态度。 它还包括密集的奉献与合作。 作为每个项目,从始至终都没有容易遇到的Omdena挑战。 就是说,重要的是要阐明,内向并不构成犯罪,也不应阻止您从事自己喜欢的职业:这完全取决于您是谁,以及您打算如何实现自己的目标。 从一开始到最后,我们从未参与过任何容易的挑战,包括Omdena挑战 。

Being an introvert is not a crime neither is it a bad idea to be an introvert engineer; it’s all about how you intend to develop yourself, such that, you are equipped to confront the challenges and resolve the problems standing before you and your team.

内向不是犯罪,成为内向工程师也不是什么坏主意。 这完全取决于您打算如何发展自己,以便您有能力面对挑战并解决摆在您和您的团队面前的问题。

In what follows, you will learn how to equip yourself to stand against the challenges that may come to introverts while embarking on the journey of solving a Data Science problem. Below are five essential steps to excel in a data science project as an introvert.

在接下来的内容中,您将学习如何在开始解决数据科学问题的过程中,装备自己以应对内向的挑战。 以下是在数据科学项目中表现出色的五个基本步骤。

1)共同定义问题 (1) Define a problem collaboratively)

The ability to identify a problem is not tied to either extroverts or introverts. According to an introductory class in IBM machine learning, humans possess patterns in identifying and solving a problem. The pattern is:

识别问题的能力与外向或内向无关。 根据IBM机器学习的入门课程,人类拥有识别和解决问题的模式。 模式是:



Introverts are generally good at observing and evaluating because of their introspective and focused personality. The same may not be true when it comes to presenting their views and opinions. As an introvert, you will see lots of problems that need to be solved due to your genuine ability to quietly observe your environment. However, as a Data Scientist, it is important to understand that problems need to be defined and understood not just by you alone, but by an entire team of collaborators. As a better understanding of the problem arises and the project develops, more and more questions will pop up. As an introvert, you may be surprised to find out how much you will learn about the problem from other people’s perspectives, instead of just learning through reading or watching related videos in a typical introspective style. This means that the strong observation and evaluation skills of introverts are essential for the first stages of a Data Science problem, but to finally solve it, a team must also be able to efficiently communicate their interpretations and conclusions. Moreover, being in contact with collaborators opens room for curiosity and learning. You can practice communication by building confidence and appreciation to discuss everybody’s opinions by saying ‘this is an important observation’, ‘I see your point, but I think we can have this or that as an alternative’, ‘What do you guys think?’, etc.

内向的人通常善于观察和评估,因为他们具有内省和专注的个性。 在表达他们的观点和观点时可能并非如此。 作为一个性格内向的人,您会看到许多需要解决的问题,这是由于您具有真正观察环境的真正能力。 但是,作为数据科学家,重要的是要理解不仅需要您一个人而且还要由整个协作者团队来定义和理解问题。 随着对问题的更好理解和项目的发展,将会出现越来越多的问题。 作为一个性格内向的人,您可能会惊讶地发现从其他人的角度将学到多少有关该问题的知识,而不仅仅是通过阅读或观看具有典型内省性的相关视频来学习。 这意味着内向型人的强大观察和评估技能对于数据科学问题的第一阶段至关重要,但是要最终解决该问题,团队还必须能够有效地传达其解释和结论。 此外,与合作者的接触为好奇和学习提供了空间。 您可以通过说“这是一个重要的观察结果”,“我明白您的观点,但我认为我们可以选择这种方式或其他方式”,“你们怎么看?”来建立信心和欣赏力,来讨论每个人的意见, 从而进行交流。 '等

In addition to that, one can develop the confidence of appreciating people’s views by saying, ‘thank you’, ‘great observation’, ‘you have a nice point but I think, we can have this or that as an alternative’. Be involved because as much as the task is for the group, sometimes you have to take it personally.

除此之外,可以说“谢谢”,“伟大的观察”,“您的观点很不错,但是我认为,我们可以选择这种方式或那种方式” ,从而建立起欣赏人们观点的信心。 参与其中,因为与小组任务一样多,有时您必须亲自处理。

2)处理您的数据科学冒充者综合症 (2) Deal with your Data Science Impostor Syndrome)

Two psychology scientists namely: Pauline Cline and Suzane Imes; coined the term, ‘Impostor syndrome’ in 1978. Imposter Syndrome is a psychological condition in which an individual feels unaccomplished, presenting an internal fear that they may be regarded as a fraud if exposed. Although it is believed that Imposter Syndrome is more common among women in an environment dominated by men, it is a condition that can impact everyone.

两位心理学家分别是:Pauline Cline和Suzane Imes; 冒名顶替综合症(Impostor syndrome)于1978年被创造出来。冒名顶替综合症( Imoster Syndrome)是一种心理状况,使个人感到自己无能为力,表现出内心的恐惧,即如果暴露在外,就会被视为欺诈。 尽管人们认为在男性主导的环境中冒名顶替综合症在女性中更为普遍,但这是一种可以影响所有人的疾病。

Participating in the Omdena challenges gives us the opportunity to engage in several tasks and collaborate with a large group of people. And as in any group, it is quite common to come across people who are new to the field and are afraid of asking questions or that, if do so, start with a common apology (‘can I ask something stupid?’). Remember: there are no stupid questions. Sometimes, there are no right or wrong answers either. In this regard, it is always good to re-frame your mindset to a positive one and see every question as an opportunity to learn. Looking into the group of people changing career fields towards Data Science, it is possible that they feel overwhelmed and experience imposter syndrome too. Changing careers requires a lot of self-organization and it is not always an easy task: it implies having to leave your comfort zone, getting used to jargon and developing new skills.

参加Omdena挑战使我们有机会参与多项任务并与一大群人合作。 就像在任何小组中一样,碰到刚接触该领域并且害怕问问题的人还是很常见的,如果这样做,首先要道歉( “我能问些愚蠢的事情吗?” )。 记住:没有愚蠢的问题。 有时,也没有对或错的答案。 在这方面,最好将您的心态重新定型为积极的心态,并将每个问题视为学习的机会。 调查一群正在将职业领域转向数据科学的人们,他们可能会感到不知所措,并遭受冒名顶替综合症。 改变职业需要大量的自我组织,这并不总是一件容易的事:这意味着必须离开自己的舒适区,习惯于行话和发展新技能。

Let’s get this straight: Data Science is a field of constant (and fast!) evolution. You will not suddenly become an expert on every new technique available out there (and that’s ok!). Instead, get used with being constantly learning. But more importantly, for those who come from another background (be it Physics, Engineering, Computer Science or others), throughout your learning journey you will eventually notice that several of the buzzwords out there were already taught to you. So, identifying transferable skills, such as data analysis and programming, can be used as a self-evident indication that you are not a fraud and help you to deal with imposter syndrome.Though, introverts are highly innovative through their ability to observe and generate out of the box ideas. Warren Buffet who is a billionaire entrepreneur is also an introvert. Maybe, let me refer to him as a proud introvert. He said, “An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan”. This is how it relates to impostor syndrome, one of the best ways of solving impostor syndrome is through communication.

我们直截了当:数据科学是一个不断(且快速!)发展的领域。 您不会突然成为可用的每种新技术的专家(没关系!)。 相反,要习惯不断学习。 但是更重要的是,对于那些来自其他背景的人(无论是物理,工程,计算机科学还是其他领域),在您的整个学习过程中,您最终会注意到那里已经有几个流行词已经教给您了。 因此,识别出可转移的技能(例如数据分析和编程)可以作为不言自明的证据,表明您不是欺诈行为,并且可以帮助您处理冒名顶替者综合症。尽管如此,性格内向的人凭借其观察和产生的能力具有高度创新性开箱即用的想法。 亿万富翁企业家沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)也是一个内向的人。 也许,让我称他为内向的骄傲。 他说: “有计划的白痴可以在没有计划的情况下击败天才” 。 这就是它与冒名顶替综合症的关系,解决冒名顶替综合症的最佳方法之一是通过交流。

3) 与性格外向的人合作 (3) Collaborate with extroverts)

In most cases, extroverts tend to be also very charismatic individuals which makes people drawn close to them. Introverts, on the other hand, also can get a successful reputation by their good listening and observation abilities. They also tend to be good leaders by setting their subordinate on the right path through crucial suggestions and meticulous guidance. Meanwhile, an introvert can always profit from having a couple of extrovert team members, to complement their weaknesses through the power of collaboration.

在大多数情况下,性格外向的人也往往是非常有魅力的人,这使人们变得离他们很近。 另一方面,性格内向的人也可以凭借其良好的倾听和观察能力而获得成功的声誉。 他们还可以通过关键建议和精心指导,使下属走上正确的道路,从而成为好领导者。 同时,性格内向的人总是可以从拥有几个性格外向的团队成员中获利,通过协作的力量来弥补他们的弱点。

Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft, is a self-proclaimed introvert. He once explained how he benefits from the people around him to complement his weaknesses. In his own words, “If you are clever, you can learn to get the benefits of being introvert, which might be say, being willing to go off for a few days and think about a tough problem, read everything you can, push yourself very hard to think out on the edge of that area. Then, if you come up with something…you’d better hire some extroverts and tap into both sets of skills”. In addition to this, patience should be a constant practice, as chances are high that you will meet different kinds of persons, not only in personality, but also in culture and backgrounds, throughout your career in Data Science. Identifying strengths in persons is extremely powerful and can come in hand in all sorts of ways. For example, your colleague from South America can help your team to collect data in Spanish, making your data set much more informative. Such intercultural and interpersonal skills may come easier to introverts, and for sure can enrich one’s personal development.

微软的所有者比尔·盖茨是一个自称内向的人。 他曾经解释过如何从周围的人中受益,以弥补自己的弱点。 用他自己的话说: “如果你很聪明,你可以学会获得内向的好处,这可能是说,愿意离开几天并思考一个棘手的问题,阅读所有可能的内容,推动自己在该区域的边缘很难思考。 然后,如果您想出点什么……最好雇用一些性格外向的人,并充分利用这两套技能 。” 除此之外,耐心应该是一种持续的习惯,因为在数据科学的整个职业生涯中,您很有可能会遇到各种各样的人,不仅在个性方面,而且在文化和背景方面。 识别人的力量非常强大,可以通过各种方式进行。 例如,您来自南美的同事可以帮助您的团队以西班牙语收集数据,从而使您的数据集更具参考价值。 这样的跨文化和人际交往能力可能更容易向内向,并且可以肯定地丰富个人的发展。

4)学习和分享,与您同行 (4) Learn and share, to take people with you)

Just like in every group, there are people who are technically sound and there are others who are blessed with soft skills such as communication, project and strategic management, etc; and lastly, let’s not forget the newbies. They are ready to learn. Working with introvert newbies can slow things down at first, but you will also learn valuable skills such as mentoring and passing knowledge (hopefully communication too!).

就像在每个小组中一样,有些人在技术上是健全的,有些人则拥有沟通,项目和战略管理等软技能; 最后,让我们不要忘记新手。 他们准备学习。 刚开始与性格内向的新手合作会减慢速度,但是您还将学到宝贵的技能,例如指导和传授知识(也希望交流!)。

Even further, it is the bound created through these collaborations and learning which will later be the force making you all go far in the project. When you intend to go far, you must carry people along. They will gain lots of experience and maybe tomorrow, it will be you calling them to help with some task.

更进一步,正是通过这些合作和学习创造的界限,将成为后来推动您在项目中走得更远的力量。 当您打算走很远时,您必须携带人员。 他们将获得很多经验,也许明天,您会打电话给他们帮助完成某些任务。

Taking myself(Joseph Itopa) as an example, my weakness was in data collection and I am not very good at sorting, searching, and merging data. We realized that we must learn fast in other to help the group in collecting data. My strength is more in modeling but through learning data collection skills, our team became better at accomplishing the task and I added a new skill to my portfolio. This is exactly what Omdena hopes to achieve through its collaborators network. Here again, patience, communication and confidence play key roles. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what the goals of the project are and not take decisions personally. Clear communications of task assignments and collaborations instead of competition are essential to avoiding duplicate work and waste of precious time in a project. In the same way, being humble and just admitting when you need help is crucial to guarantee that tasks don’t get stuck. Finally, the pace on a Data Science project will not always be the same, and you will eventually realize that sometimes we need to overwork ourselves, and in some other weeks things are calmer.

以我自己(Joseph Itopa)为例,我的弱点在于数据收集,而我并不擅长对数据进行排序,搜索和合并。 我们意识到,我们必须快速学习其他知识,以帮助该小组收集数据。 我的专长是建模,但通过学习数据收集技能,我们的团队在完成任务方面变得更好,并且我在投资组合中增加了新技能。 这正是Omdena希望通过其合作者网络实现的目标。 同样,耐心,沟通和信心也起着关键作用。 有时我们需要提醒自己项目的目标是什么,而不是亲自做决定。 清晰地传达任务分配和协作而不是竞争,对于避免重复工作和浪费项目中的宝贵时间至关重要。 同样,保持谦虚并在需要帮助时坦诚相待对于确保任务不会卡住至关重要。 最终,数据科学项目的步伐并不总是相同的,您最终会意识到有时我们需要劳累过度,而在其他几周中情况会变得平静。

5)庆祝别人在某些方面做得更好 (5) Celebrate that others are better at something)

Meanwhile, in order to move fast, some highly technically gifted collaborators are also needed in the team, so we can assure that goals can be reached within the set period. Getting used to a collaborative fast pace project can be a challenging task for an introvert, as it involves huge amounts of exchanged messages, conflict of opinions and eventual misunderstandings among participants of a Data Science project.

同时,为了快速行动,团队中还需要一些技术精湛的合作者,因此我们可以确保在设定的时间内实现目标。 适应快速协作的项目对于内向的人来说可能是一项艰巨的任务,因为它涉及大量交换的消息,意见冲突以及数据科学项目参与者之间的最终误会。

In conclusion, just like other ambitions, choosing to be a data scientist or engineer will require dedication, sacrifice, and self-discipline.


One way we have practically learn data science is through real-world challenges, which will force you to learn complex concepts such as data mining, wrangling including feature engineering. Also try to put yourself in every collaborator’s shoes and look at the challenge as something that must be solved together. You realized that you have to work hard in some weeks while in others you can relax more.

我们实际学习数据科学的一种方法是应对现实中的挑战,这将迫使您学习复杂的概念,例如数据挖掘,争用(包括要素工程)。 另外,尝试使自己陷入每位合作者的视线中,并将挑战视为必须共同解决的问题。 您意识到,有些星期您必须努力工作,而另一些星期您可以放松更多。

To the aspiring introvert data scientists, try to go ahead and understand yourself first and what you want to be in this field; develop your communications skills and engage in discussions that will help understand the context of the problem you want to solve; communicate appreciating others; find your transferable skills and celebrate little successes will help you grow above impostor syndrome. Practice positive thinking about yourself and others: you are not a fraud, you are a work in progress.

对于有抱负的内向型数据科学家,请尝试着先了解自己,并希望自己在该领域中有所作为。 发展您的沟通技巧并进行讨论,以帮助您了解要解决的问题的背景; 沟通欣赏他人; 找到您可以转让的技能并庆祝成功,这将帮助您超越冒名顶替综合症。 对自己和他人进行积极的思考:您不是欺诈,而是正在进行的工作。

Communicate often, appreciate others' perspectives, celebrate little successes, and compare yourself to yourself and not the other person.


Impostor syndrome will make you feel like you are not putting in efforts but that’s not true and that’s not you. Every little successful step is an achievement. Learn to work with your team. A good leader will work with any team because she doesn’t always have to lead, all she needs to do is to follow while making decisions based on people’s contributions. To the extroverts out there, remember that every personality and work style should matter. Be empathic and try to cooperate so that everyone in your team feels comfortable being there. For sure this will allow yourself to learn a lot from the introverts and see your workplace grow as a strong and successful family.

Impostor综合症会使您感到自己没有努力,但这不是事实,不是你。 每个成功的小步骤都是一项成就。 学习与团队合作。 一个好的领导者将与任何团队一起工作,因为她并不一定总是要领导,她要做的就是跟随人们,同时根据人们的贡献做出决策。 对于那些性格外向的人,请记住,每个人格和工作风格都应至关重要。 要有同情心,并尝试合作,以便团队中的每个人都感到自在。 当然,这会让您从内向的人身上学到很多东西,并看到您的工作场所成长为一个强大而成功的家庭。

Enjoy the journey and learning!


Authored by Joseph Itopa A. and co-authored by Rosana de Oliveira Gomes (Ph.D.). Both authors can be found on linkedin via these links: and respectively.

由约瑟夫·伊托帕·A。(Joseph Itopa A.)和罗莎娜·德·奥利维拉·戈麦斯(Rosana de Oliveira Gomes)(博士)合着。 可以通过以下链接在linkedin上找到两位作者: https : //和 。

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sap wm内向交货步骤


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sap wm内向交货步骤_内向型人在数据科学中成功的五个有效步骤相关推荐

  1. 概率论在数据挖掘_为什么概率论在数据科学中很重要

    概率论在数据挖掘 数据科学 (Data Science) Lots of Data Science concepts are applied using Probability fundamental ...

  2. SAP QM 内向交货单包装的时候触发的检验批不能被自动取消?

    SAP QM 内向交货单包装的时候触发的检验批不能被自动取消? 如下的交货单 2500053233,包装完成后触发了三个检验批. 内向交货单并没有完成收货过账. Inspection lot 1000 ...

  3. 数据科学领域有哪些技术_领域知识在数据科学中到底有多重要?

    数据科学领域有哪些技术 Jeremie Harris: "In a way, it's almost like a data scientist or a data analyst has ...

  4. 编译原理 数据流方程_数据科学中最可悲的方程式

    编译原理 数据流方程 重点 (Top highlight) Prepare a box of tissues! I'm about to drop a truth bomb about statist ...

  5. r怎么对两组数据统计检验_数据科学中最常用的统计检验是什么

    r怎么对两组数据统计检验 Business analytics and data science is a convergence of many fields of expertise. Profe ...

  6. clt框架_中心极限定理clt数据科学

    clt框架 As we have seen in the previous article, "Inferential Statistics" plays a significan ...

  7. 数据科学r语言_您应该为数据科学学习哪些语言?

    数据科学r语言 Data science is an exciting field to work in, combining advanced statistical and quantitativ ...

  8. 图像在计算机中通过什么方式表示_线性代数在数据科学中的十大强大应用(二)...

    本篇为机器学习与数据科学背后的线性代数知识系列的第二篇,本篇主要介绍自然语言处理(NLP)中的线性代数与计算机视觉(CV)中的线性代数.涵盖主成分分析(PCA)与奇异值分解(SVD)背后的线性代数知识 ...

  9. python翻译库_[译] 鲜为人知的数据科学 Python 库

    Python 是一个很棒的语言.它是世界上发展最快的编程语言之一.它一次又一次地证明了在开发人员职位中和跨行业的数据科学职位中的实用性.整个 Python 及其库的生态系统使它成为全世界用户(初学者和 ...


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