
You would like to download customer material info record via initial download ( R3AS ). You always see error message “Parent not O.K.: BUPA_MAIN”.
You can guarantee that the dependent business partner as parent has already been downloaded to CRM correctly.
Why still see this error message?

In R3AC1, you see there are three parent object:

The design is: the children object CUST_MAT_INFO could ONLY be really started ( status: RUNNING ) when ALL of its parent object have been downloaded successfully - which means all the parent have status D in column DNL_STATUS in the table SMOFDSTAT.
In my example, this is not true - Material object has status “A” - aborted.

As a result, if you have only a small set of customer material info record to download, you’d better use request download, otherwise ensure the initial download of all parent objects are done successfully.
An example of request definition for customer material info record could be found below:




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