截至本文发稿(2019-2-10, 农历大年初六)时为止,访问SAP云平台的官方网站:https://cloudplatform.sap.com/enterprise-paas/kubernetes.html

能看到下面的网页:SAP云平台上的Kubernetes环境,Coming Soon(即将推出)

Build powerful container-native applications and deploy them on a cloud or infrastructure of your choice without worrying about the creation and management of the underlying container clusters.



Containers are rapidly becoming a popular development paradigm for cloud-native applications in the industry – with Kubernetes as the dominant container orchestrations technology. The SAP Cloud Platform Kubernetes environment reduces pain points associated with the creation and management of Kubernetes clusters by offering an easy to use, secure and open standards-based Cluster-as-a-Service running on top of a variety of underlying infrastructure choices, deployment options of cloud vs. on-premise, etc. SAP is making this innovation accessible to the entire developer community via an open-source project called Gardener.



站在巨人肩膀上的牛顿:Kubernetes和SAP Kyma


  1. Customers can rely upon the SAP Cloud Platform to create, manage, secure and maintain the container clusters for them.


  1. Leverage the Gardener open-source project to easily access a variety of community innovations.


  1. Use container-native development to build and operate complex, stateful cloud applications that require greater freedom over underlying infrastructure.

通常情况下开发复杂的云原生应用和有状态的云应用,需要对底层云的基础设施具有很高的自由度。而SAP云平台通过Gardener提供的Cluster-as-a-Service, 给使用者提供了这种自由度。



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