
Number()函数 (Number() function)

Number() function is a predefined global function in JavaScript, it used to convert an object to the number. If the function is not able to convert the object in a number – it returns "NaN". (Read more: NaN in JavaScript).

Number()函数是JavaScript中预定义的全局函数,用于将对象转换为数字。 如果函数无法将对象转换为数字,则返回“ NaN” 。 (了解更多: JavaScript中的NaN )。



  • If we convert Boolean values to the number, Number() function returns 0 or 1.


  • If we convert a date object to the number, Number() function returns value in milliseconds.




<title>JavaScipt Example</title>
var a = "10";
var b = "10 20";
var c = "1234 Hello";
var d = "Hello 1234";
var e = true;
var f = new Date();
//converting values to number using Number() function
document.write("Number(a) = " + Number(a) + "<br>");
document.write("Number(b) = " + Number(b) + "<br>");
document.write("Number(c) = " + Number(c) + "<br>");
document.write("Number(d) = " + Number(d) + "<br>");
document.write("Number(e) = " + Number(e) + "<br>");
document.write("Number(f) = " + Number(f) + "<br>");



Number(a) = 10
Number(b) = NaN
Number(c) = NaN
Number(d) = NaN
Number(e) = 1
Number(f) = 1549128507537




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