BigDecimal类的add()方法 (BigDecimal Class add() method)



    public BigDecimal add(BigDecimal val);
public BigDecimal add(BigDecimal val, MathContext ma_co);

  • add() method is available in java.math package.


  • add(BigDecimal val) method is used to get a BigDecimal that holds the value added this BigDecimal with the given BigDecimal and its scale is calculated by using max([this BigDecimal.scale()] , [BigDecimal val.scale()]).

    add(BigDecimal val)方法用于获取一个BigDecimal,该BigDecimal保留使用给定BigDecimal与该BigDecimal相加的值,并使用max([thisBigDecimal.scale()],[BigDecimal val.scale()])计算其小数位数。

  • add(BigDecimal val, MathContext ma_co) method is used to get a BigDecimal that holds the value-added this BigDecimal with the given BigDecimal based on the given MathContext settings.

    add(BigDecimal val,MathContext ma_co)方法用于获取BigDecimal,该BigDecimal包含基于给定MathContext设置的给定BigDecimal与该BigDecimal的增值。

  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of adding an object.


    ArithmeticException: This exception may throw when the result is not accurate and set the rounding mode "UNNECESSARY".

    ArithmeticException :当结果不正确并且将舍入模式设置为“ UNNECESSARY”时,可能会引发此异常。

  • These are non-static methods and it is accessible with class objects and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.




  • In the first case, add(BigDecimal val),

    在第一种情况下, add(BigDecimal val)

    • BigDecimal val – represents the object is to add with this BigDecimal object.
    • BigDecimal val –表示对象要与此BigDecimal对象添加。
  • In the first case, abs(MathContext ma_co),

    在第一种情况下, abs(MathContext ma_co)

    • BigDecimal val – Similar as defined in the first case.
    • BigDecimal val –与第一种情况下定义的类似。
    • MathContext ma_co – represents the context setting to use in rounding.
    • MathContext ma_co –表示要舍入的上下文设置。

Return value:


In both the cases, the return type of the method is BigDecimal,

在这两种情况下,方法的返回类型均为BigDecimal 。

  • In the first case, it returns the added result of both the objects without any context setting.


  • In the second case, it returns the added result of both the objects with any context setting.




// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of add() method of BigDecimal
import java.math.*;
public class AddOfBD {public static void main(String args[]) {// Initialize two variables - val,
// and str
int val = 120;
String str = "2.357";
// Initialize two BigDecimal objects and
// one MathContext
BigDecimal b_dec1 = new BigDecimal(val);
BigDecimal b_dec2 = new BigDecimal(str);
MathContext ma_co = new MathContext(5, RoundingMode.CEILING);
// add this BigDecimal b_dec1 with the given
// BigDecimal b_dec2
BigDecimal add_val = b_dec1.add(b_dec2);
System.out.println("b_dec1.add(b_dec2): " + add_val);
// add this BigDecimal b_dec1 with the given
// BigDecimal b_dec2 based on the given context
// settings
add_val = b_dec1.add(b_dec2, ma_co);
System.out.println("b_dec1.add(b_dec2, ma_co): " + add_val);



b_dec1.add(b_dec2): 122.357
b_dec1.add(b_dec2, ma_co): 122.36


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