java 反编译项目


在本文(PART I)中,我们将看到Java 7 Project Coin(JSR 334)中提出的一些小改动,然后(在第二部分中)我们将对它们进行反编译,以查看编译器在做什么(对于仅用于教育目的)。


  • NetBeans 7+或任何其他支持Java 7的IDE
  • JSDK 7+
  • JAD反编译 [R 或 Java的反编译


泛型帮助我们减少了ClassCastExceptions,但是有时候它会使代码难以阅读。 钻石算子是一个非常不错的变化。 成像您需要按城市对客户进行分组。 您将需要以下内容:

//suppose the classes City and Customer exist
Map<City,List<Customer>> map = new


//suppose the classes Country, City and Customer exist
Map<Country,MapltCity,List<Customer>>> map = new HashMapl&t;Country,MapltCity,ListltCustomer>>>();

现在,它开始变得很难阅读,对吧? 如果您还需要按地区分组怎么办?

//suppose the classes Region, Country, City and Customer exist
Map<Region,Map<Country,Map<City,List<Customer>>>> map = new HashMap<Region, Map<Country,Map<City,List<Customer>>>>();

所以你怎么看? 读取这样的代码根本不容易。 幸运的是,新的Diamond运算符对代码的可读性有很大帮助。 最后的代码可以在Java 7中重新编码,如下所示:

//suppose the classes Region, Country, City and Customer exist
Map<Region,Map<Country,Map<City,List<Customer>>>> map = new HashMap<>();



我已经等了很多!!! 我还记得我刚开始Java时代的日子,我确实需要在switch中使用Strings。 好吧,我的等待终于结束了。 在Java的早期版本中,您必须编写如下代码:

//in a class
public void stringToNumber(String str)
{if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("one")){System.out.println(1);}else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("two")){System.out.println(2);}else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("three")){System.out.println(3);}

在Java 7中,您可以这样编写:

//in a class
public void stringToNumber(String str)
{switch(str){case "one":System.out.println(1);break;case "two":   System.out.println(2);break;   case "three":System.out.println(3);break;}



在此版本中,这是一个不错的增强,现在您不必担心关闭那些ResultSet,States,FileInputStreams等。 您只需要使用新的try结构,编译器就会为您处理它。 您甚至可以通过新的try结构将自己的类创建为Closeable(这是一个新接口)。 以下是通过流进行的经典文件访问:

//in a class
public static void copyFile(String path) throws IOException, NullPointerException
{File file = new File(path);FileOutputStream fout = null;FileInputStream fin = null;try {try {fout = new FileOutputStream("file.dat");fin = new FileInputStream(file);byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];int leido = 0;while ((leido = != -1) {fout.write(bytes, 0, leido);}} finally {if (fout != null) {fout.close();}if (fin != null) {fin.close();}}} catch (NullPointerException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();throw ex;}catch (IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();throw ex;}}

如果您注意到了,为了确保打开的流一旦完成就被关闭,则必须编写一个try / finally块并自己关闭它们。 在Java 7中,可以使用新的try结构和新的NIO.2类以更好的方式和更少的代码行实现相同的行为:

//in a class
import java.nio.file.*;
public static void copyFile(String src) throws IOException, NullPointerException
{Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(src);try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("file.dat")) {Files.copy(path, fout);} catch (NullPointerException | IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();throw ex;}



//in a class
public static void coin()
{int binaryNum = 0b10; //This is number 2 in binary codedouble value1 = 1000000000; //hard to read?double value2 = 1_000_000_000; //Easy to read with Java 7double value3 = 0b101010110111; //hard to read?double value4 = 0b1010_1011_0111; //Easy to read with Java 7double pi = 3.14_15_92; //another example of readability

因此,更少的代码,更高的生产率和更好的代码可读性是Project Coin的宗旨! (除了这里没有看到的其他东西)。



//suppose the classes Region, Country, City and Customer exist
import java.util.*;
Map<region,map<country,map<city,list>>> map = new HashMap<>();


import java.util.*;
java.util.Map map = new HashMap();

只是一个旧学校地图的定义和实例化...为什么? 因为这就是泛型的工作方式:

When you take an element out of a Collection, you must cast it to the type of element that is stored in the collection. Besides being inconvenient, this is unsafe. The compiler does not check that your cast is the same as the collection's type, so the cast can fail at run time.Generics provides a way for you to communicate the type of a collection to the compiler, so that it can be checked. Once the compiler knows the element type of the collection, the compiler can check that you have used the collection consistently and can insert the correct casts on values being taken out of the collection.

这意味着编译器将在编译时检查您是否使用了正确的类,并将任何必要的强制转换添加到生成的类中。 例如:

//suppose the classes Region, Country, City and Customer exist
import java.util.*;
Map<region,map<country,map<city,list>>> map = new HashMap<>();
Map<country,map<city,list>> m = map.get(new Region());


//suppose the class Region exists
import java.util.*;
Map map = new HashMap();
Map m = (Map)map.get(new Region()); //the compiler added the cast


记住上一篇文章中介绍的Strings in switch示例:

//in a class
public void stringToNumber(String str)
{switch(str){case "one":System.out.println(1);break;case "two":   System.out.println(2);break;   case "three":System.out.println(3);break;}


//in a class
public static void stringInSwitch(String str)
{String s = str;byte byte0 = -1;switch(s.hashCode()){case 110182: if(s.equals("one"))byte0 = 0;break;case 115276: if(s.equals("two"))byte0 = 1;break;case 110339486: if(s.equals("three"))byte0 = 2;break;}switch(byte0){case 0: // ''System.out.println(1);break;case 1: // '01'System.out.println(2);break;case 2: // '02'System.out.println(3);break;}

是的……这是一个小技巧。 并不是直接在switch语句中支持字符串,而是它们的hashCodes是(hashCodes是整数)。 通过查看代码,我意识到最好不要在switch语句中使用Strings,因为最后,您将获得两个switch语句……



//in a class
import java.nio.file.*;
public static void copyFile(String src) throws IOException, NullPointerException
{Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(src);try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("file.dat")) {Files.copy(path, fout);} catch (NullPointerException | IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();throw ex;}

此示例在一个示例中使用try资源,并进行多捕获。 当我尝试使用JAD Java Decompiler对生成的类进行反编译时,我对嵌套的try语句有很多误解,因此我决定尝试JD Java Decompiler,结果如下:

//in a class
import java.nio.file.*;
public static void copyFile(String src) throws IOException, NullPointerException
{Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(src, new String[0]);try {FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("file.dat"); Throwable localThrowable2 = null;try { Files.copy(path, fout);}catch (Throwable localThrowable1){localThrowable2 = localThrowable1; throw localThrowable1;} finally {if (fout != null) { //I added this { symbol for readabilityif (localThrowable2 != null) { //I added this { symbol for readabilitytry { fout.close(); } catch (Throwable x2) { localThrowable2.addSuppressed(x2); } } //I added this } symbol for readabilityelse { //I added this { symbol for readabilityfout.close();  } //I added this } symbol for readability} //I added this } symbol for readability}} catch (IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();throw ex;}

从最后一段代码中,我们可以看到编译器如何使用新的(JDK 7) + addSuppressed(Throwable):void类Throwable来确保复制过程中抛出的任何异常都不会丢失。 这很重要,因为在应用程序中查找错误时,您将需要所有可能的异常。 另外,请注意,所有关闭操作都是在finally语句中完成的,以确保在过程结束时始终关闭资源。



//in a class
public static void coin()
{int binaryNum = 0b10; //This is number 2 in binary codedouble value = 1000000000; //hard to read?double value = 1_000_000_000; //Easy to read with Java 7double value = 0b101010110111; //hard to read?double value = 0b1010_1011_0111; //Easy to read with Java 7double pi = 3.14_15_92; //another example of readability


//in a class
public static void coin(
{int binaryNum = 2;double value1 = 1000000000D;double value2 = 1000000000D;double value3 = 2743D;double value4 = 2743D;double pi = 3.1415920000000002D;

好的,仅此而已。 希望大家都喜欢Java 7中的Project Coin(JSR334)的新功能。Java8中的Project Coin II还有更多改进,我们将在以后的文章中进行检查。 拜拜!

参考:我们的JCG合作伙伴提供的 Java –项目硬币反编译和Java 7 –项目硬币反编译第二部分 Java和ME博客上的Alexis Lopez。


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