bool = imagick_writeimage([source image handle],[new name & filetype]) 写图片 UN KNOW USE = imagick_writeimages new_handle = imagick_clonehandle([image handle]) 复制出新句柄 image_handle = imagick_image2blob([blob handle]) 将数据流数据转换成为image数据 imagick_blob2image 与image2blob相反 image_handle = imagick_getcanvas([color],[canvas width],[canvas height]) 创建一个画布 UN KNOW USE = imagick_newimagelist 错误句柄类 bool = imagick_iserror([image handle]) 最后一次执行是否成功 rason_string = imagick_failedreason([image handle]) 如果执行iImagick函数返回假将可以从本函数抛出失败 desc_string = imagick_faileddescription([image handle]) 显示抛出的异常描述 error_string = imagick_error([image handle]) 返回错误内容 获取图片信息类 image_width = imagick_getwidth([image handle]) 获得图片宽度 image_height = imagick_getheight([image handle]) 获得图片高度 mime_string = imagick_getmimetype([image handle]) 获得图片MIME类型 depth_int = imagick_getimagedepth([image handle]) 获得图片DEPTH值 colors_num = imagick_getnumbercolors([image handle]) 获得图片颜色数量 bool = imagick_isgrayimage([image handle]) 是否会度图片 bool = imagick_ismonochromeimage([image handle]) 是否单色图片 bool = imagick_isopaqueimage([image handle]) 是否不透明图片 bool = imagick_ispaletteimage([image handle]) 是否彩色图片 image_type = imagick_getimagetype([image handle]) 获得图片颜色值 bool = imagick_isimagesequal([image handle1],([image handle2])) 图片是否相同 magick_type = imagick_getmagick([image handle]) 获得图片类型 int = imagick_getcolorspace([image handle]) 图片转换类 bool = imagick_convert([image handle],[new type]) 将图片数据转换成为指定格式 bool = imagick_setcompressiontype([image handle],[compression type]) 指定图片的压缩方式 bool = imagick_setcompressionquality([image handle],[quality value]) 指定图片的压缩质量 尺寸调整类 bool = imagick_resize([image handle],[new width],[new height],[filter type],[blur],[geometry]) 改变图片尺寸 UN KNOW USE imagick_magnify UN KNOW USE imagick_minify bool = imagick_scale([image handle],[new width],[new height],[geometry]) 按照指定比例缩小图片 bool = imagick_sample([image handle],[new width],[new height],[geometry]) 缩小产生样本图片 bool = imagick_zoom([image handle],[new width],[new height],[geometry]) 放大图片 字体设置类 bool = imagick_setfontsize([image handle],[size]) 设置字体大小 UN KNOW USE imagick_setfontstyle bool = imagick_setfontface([image handle],[Font Name]) 设置采用的字体 绘图类 bool = imagick_begindraw([image handle]) 开始在一个image上绘画 bool = imagick_drawannotation([image handle],[x],[y],[text]) 在image上的x y开始画一些文字符号 bool = imagick_drawrectangle([image handle],[up x],[up y],[low x],[low y]) 画一个矩形 bool = imagick_drawellipse([image handle],[starting x],[starting y],[ending x],[ending y],[start rotation in degrees],[end rotation in degrees]) 画一个椭圆形 bool = imagick_drawarc([image handle],[origin x],[origin y],[ x radius],[ y radius],[ start rotation in degrees],[ end rotation in degrees]) 画一个弧形 bool = imagick_drawcircle([image handle],[origin x],[origin y],[perimater x],[perimater y]) 画一个圆 bool = imagick_drawline([image handle],[starting x],[starting y],[ending x],[ending y]) 画一条线 bool = imagick_drawpoint([image handle],[x coordinate ],[y coordinate ]) 画一个点 bool = imagick_setfillcolor([image handle],[color vlaue]) 设置填充颜色 bool = imagick_setfillopacity([image handle],[opactiy]) 设置不透明度 质量增强类 bool = imagick_rotate([image handle],[degrees]) 设置旋转图片的角度 bool = imagick_shear([image handle],[x coordinate],[y coordinate]) 旋转剪切 bool = imagick_contrast([image handle],[contrast value]) 提高或降低图象对比度 bool = imagick_equalize([image handle]) 色彩均匀化 bool = imagick_gamma([image handle],[gamma value 0.8 - 2.3]) 图象GAMMA调整 bool = imagick_level([image handle],[gamma value 0.8 - 2.3]) 图象GAMMA调整 bool = imagick_modulate([image handle],[modulate]) 调整亮度,饱和度,色彩 bool = imagick_negate([image handle],[gray scale value]) 反色图片 bool = imagick_normalize([image handle]) 规格化图片 图片装饰类 bool = imagick_border([image handle],[ x starting position of border ],[y starting position of border ],[width of border],[height of border]) 在图片上化一个边框 UN KNOW USE imagick_frame bool = imagick_raise([image handle],[ x starting position of border ],[ y starting position of border ],[ width of border],[ height of border],[raise non-zero]) 浮雕效果 效率滤镜类 bool = imagick_charcoal([image handle],[the radius of pixel neighborhood],[the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels]) 碳笔 bool = imagick_implode([image handle],[define the extent of the implosion]) 内曝效果 bool = imagick_oilpaint([image handle],[the radius of the circular

neighborhood]) 油画效果 bool = imagick_solarize([image handle],[define the extent of solarization - this value is between 0 and MaxRGB]) 反转曝光 bool = imagick_swirl([image handle],[define the tightness of the swirling

effect ]) 旋涡 bool = imagick_wave([image handle],[the amplitude of the wave],[the frequency of the wave]) 水波纹 图片滤镜类 bool = imagick_blur([image handle],[the radius of the Gaussian, in

pixels, not counter the center pixel],[the standard deviation of the

Gaussian, in pixels]) 模糊 bool = imagick_despeckle([image handle]) 平滑聚焦图象 bool = imagick_edge([image handle],[the radius of the pixel neighbor- hood; using 0 will cause a suitable radius to be selected for you]) 边缘锐化 bool = imagick_emboss([image handle],[the radius of the pixel neighbor-

hood],[the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels]) 浮雕效果 bool = imagick_enhance([image handle]) 图象增强 bool = imagick_gaussianblur([image handle],[he radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel; using 0 will cause a suitable radius to be selected for you],[the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels]) 高斯模糊 bool = imagick_medianfilter([image handle],[the radius of the pixel neighbor-hood]) 平滑过滤图象 bool = imagick_motionblur([image handle],[the radius of the Gaussian, in

pixels, not counter the center pixel],[the standard deviation of the

Gaussian, in pixels],[apply the effect along this angle]) 动感模糊 bool = imagick_reducenoise([image handle],[the radius of the pixel neighborhood]) 降噪 bool = imagick_shade 阴影 bool = imagick_sharpen 锐化 bool = imagick_spread 发散 bool = imagick_threshold 临界值 bool = imagick_unsharpmask unsharpmask锐化 UN KNOW USE bool = imagick_flatten 图片列表类 bool = imagick_next bool = imagick_prev bool = imagick_first bool = imagick_goto bool = imagick_getlistsize bool = imagick_getlistindex bool = imagick_getimagefromlist bool = imagick_pushlist bool = imagick_poplist 图片变形类 bool = imagick_chop bool = imagick_crop([image handle],[x starting position of border],[y starting position of border],[width of border],[height of border]) 从图片上截取 bool = imagick_flip ([image handle]) 图象翻转 bool = imagick_flop 左右转换 bool = imagick_roll bool = imagick_profile bool = imagick_rgbtransform 色彩变更 bool = imagick_transformrgb 色彩变更 bool = imagick_mosaic bool = imagick_transparent([image handle],[color value]) 设置指定颜色成为透明色 图片量子化 bool = imagick_ordereddither([image handle]) 图片合成类 bool = imagick_composite 图象融合 图片属性设置 bool = imagick_set_image_comment([image handle],[the comment to set in the image]) 设置图象的一些参数 bool = imagick_set_image_quality([image handle],[quality value]) 设置图象的质量 句柄销毁类 bool = imagick_destroyhandle([image handle]) 干掉指定的image handle 兼容的函数 imagick_read => imagick_readimage imagick_free => imagick_destroyhandle

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