原因是PA_EXCEED_ROUND_LIMIT is null or too small for cost*invoice_rate - cost*actual_rate.




PA_EXCEED_ROUND_LIMIT error messages has been raised to find the root cause and below is oracle response:

Symptoms: Using a Projects super user responsibility and the Navigation is Project Super User -> Desktop Integrator -> Create Document.
When  uploading the records for the Transactional currency  the record gets rejected during transaction import. Rejection Reason is: ' PA_EXCEED_ROUND_LIMIT  Functional currency cost is not within the rounding limit'  Functional rate was provided.

Cause: Value for Functional Rounding Limit was not provided

Solution: Provide a value for Functional Rounding Limit in the Web ADI template.

The field ACCT_EXCHANGE_ROUNDING_LIMIT, if passed will be used as the tolerance limit between the Functional Raw Cost entered by the user and the Functional Raw Cost converted from the transactional cost using the exchange rates. So if the user is not passing a value for this field then its assumed that the ACCT_EXCHANGE_ROUNDING_LIMIT is ZERO and system expects the Functional Raw Cost entered by the user and the functional raw cost converted from transaction  raw cost to be same

处理pa interface的时候,transaction_status_code有如下几个:

PO Rejected in post-import
P Pending
R Rejected
PR Rejected in pre-import
I Imported
A Accepted

同时有几个标准的triggers在pa interface上,所以reimport的时候需要注意。因为import程序会抓取audit表的数据,只有当update transaction_status_code的时候会重写。当然也可以从app直接进行import


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