

类别:英文 时间:2018-08-04 22:32:16 收藏数:20 评分:0











public static void main class system out print double string char integer scanner score name boolean

true false if else case default switch break match assess while do index bug debug equal step error

rate young schedule negative customer birthday point continue return array length exception sort

type primitive reference info insert island compare ignore triangle invert diamond password class

object OOP return encapsulation null initial type document display method version orient parameter

since search triangle practice loan shape operator protect private height customer manage search

upper case equal ignore lower last trim concatenate buffer final mini initial delete search count

simple charge List head title body input table form span strict transitional frameset form action

input textarea method target checkbox radio hidden row column cell spacing border width height

padding frame register blank parent resize scrolling target style family background repeat float

decoration space position solid margin padding header content footer main index container auto hover

link isited active navigation position sheet layout vertical category sidebar upright commodity show

automation relationship management promote enterprise vertical percent detail buy online pay share

favorite button operation success block hack multiple collection validate bug inline if end spot

activity banner flag neighbor focus round current sharp application developer network build console

debug namespace project solution watch break continue switch array each while private public get set

value this property ref format equals convert index join split substring trim database edition

studio nalysis table relationship management administrator record row entity transaction DBMS DBS

DBA onstraint primary binary foreign check course score structured query language transact insert

update elete truncate employee default manipulation definition recordset order null trim replace

floor ceiling round convert length between business count landlord exchange salary education group

join left right outer client online nickname province relation base master active objec connection

command execute query scalar operation read append manager grade primary reference check handle

online level forms partial event message icon label combo anchor dock application exit menu tool

strip image list view detail range context computer enum gender male female picture timer about

data set adapter fill source property grid collection visible split container panel tree node

collection after filter cell super market commodity management system reduce discount framework

common language runtime intermediate system type structure static encapsulation stack popularity

array Hashtable collection dictionary generic constructor overload salary merit turn contral virtual

override protected base inheritance polymorphism bstract substitution principle fly speed design

pattern factory singleton pizza simple unique XML channel program extensible markup node file

directory stream encoding exist serialize attribute binary save obsolete cinema ticket free

adventure artoon entity relationship diagram model normal formate hotel guest promotion state type

create drop primary exist alter growth constraint unique foreign reference declare variable set

error version cast convert case when then average nest simple query inner join outer left right

alias transaction automicity consistency isolation durability commit rollback view index procedure

system extensional define execute parameter input output default value automatic teller machine

deposit trade balance test remark class object static final private public protect overloading

constructor encapsulation inheritance extend super override constructor public abstract final

polymorphism instance override constructor ClassCastException upcasting downcasting abstract

interface static final abstract implement time limit elapse level parameter static code block

exception try catch finally throw arithmetic log property collection set list map iterator generic

remove contain key value JDBC driver manage connection statement execute append query result set

Oracle database grant revoke constraint column sequence increment cache extract decode trim count

index unique bitmap import export data access object entity purchase tax vehicle guide invoice XML

XHTML DTD XSD XSL CSS DOM SAX balance account deal breed charge stock BOM DOM document undefined

object alert prompt break continue confirm open close function date interval timeout onload display

visibility visible block write hidden forward back reload core attribute append node remove replace

insert delete row style className top left scroll current Compute mouse over String length LowerCase

UpperCase index focus select blur regular express test match split global select option join sort

collection validate array product count remove hypertext transfer protocol uniform resource browser

server client deploy undeploy comment charset import declaration language implicit request content

response redirect content message document validate character cookie session include application

attribute interval inactive directory interface context environment pool bean JNDI ava

DataSource mail count size total current display upload model tier business DAO abstract extend

interface implement expression standard prefix library scope tag message select size order top

container context redirect initialize pattern exception generic config context destroy service

asynchronous synchronous exist validate login check document element stock cart item order legal

current dispatcher keywords hibernate object relational mapping get load transient persistent

detached district street lazy fetch cascade inverse employee project query language dialect

title floorage group order scrollable price distinct immediate load batch fetch criteria

restriction order first result projection row example procedural sequence declare cursor

collection explicit implicit section function procedure subprogram package sequence conversion

current notation database grant revoke constraint column sequence increment cache specification

technology component container dynamic content generate compile engine extension provide

functionality model controller view comment framework register double integer framework

controller action view mode strut hibernate spring public action message generic context

execute filter dispatcher result space interceptor abstact default redirect global method proxy

configuration interceptor invocation default stack abstract submit execute validate parameter

expression regular local property type convert point value stack entry Vote subject confirm

item option order spring dependency injection interface property condition session factory

local transaction propagation advice office automation void main class system out print

singleton prototype data source autowire dependency check simple access protocol service

universal description discovery integration direct remote stable release version source allow

create photo content album activity mark thumbnail version order inject attack security

distribution deny xss xss redundant array action controller confirm map validate forward scope

resource dispatch dynamic action operater post parameter


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