
  • iPaas产品对比
  • mulesoft是什么?



  • iPaas解决企业里各个软件造成的壁垒问题,减轻IT任务量,偏向Iaas;
  • aPaas满足企业追求的灵活但要性价比高的软件开发,降低开发门槛,偏向Saas。



Product Strengths Cautions
Adaptris Targeted industry traction
Use case coverage
Customer relationship and growth
Sales execution
Market coverage
Support for nonspecialist integrators
Boomi Market understanding
Product strategy
Market traction
Citizen integrator support
Functionality and third-party support
Celigo Support for nonspecialist integrators
Sales execution
Sales strategy
Market reach
Customer experience
Range of buyers
Cloud Elements Multipersona support
Strategy for enterprise-grade operations
Marketing execution
Market focus
Geographic strategy
IBM Market understanding
Product strategy
Market responsiveness
Sales execution
Mind share
Fragmented offering
Informatica Enterprise offering and adoption
Mind share for non-data-focused scenarios
Guidance for complex implementations
Jitterbit Market traction
Resonance of offering
Customer relationships
Implementation and skills coverage
Operational and deployment support
Geographic strategy
Microsoft Breadth of portfolio
Market traction
Global coverage
Versatility of offering
Product implementation and documentation
Pricing model
MuleSoft Go-to-market strategy and traction
Platform versatility
Appeal to nonspecialist integrators
Pricing and negotiation flexibility
Complexity and suitability
Oracle Offering coverage
Marketing strategy
Product strategy
Enterprise-grade operations
Customer satisfaction
SAP Offering coverage
Sales execution
Customer experience
Marketing strategy
Platform deployment
Platform technology
SnapLogic Adaptable platform and customer focus
Balance of high performance and simplification
Composable business capabilities
Operations and administration
API management functionality
Access to solutions
Software AG Product coverage
Geographic strategy
Market understanding
Sales execution
Market responsiveness
Marketing execution
Talend Sales execution
Product evolution
Business model extension
Market and mind share
Geographic and skills coverage
Resonance and versatility of offering
TIBCO Software Sales execution
Product versatility
Presence and experience
Market mind share
Solution strategy and implementation
Integrator productivity Sales execution
Sales strategy
Customer experience
Geographic strategy
Breadth of offering
Market reach
Workato Customer experience
Sales execution
Geographic strategy
Product offering
Market reach



RAML的全称是RESTful API建模语言,这是一种基于YAML格式的新规范,因此机器与人类都能够轻易地理解其中的内容。但RAML的目的不仅仅在于创建更易于理解的规范(你可以将这一工作指派给文档团队,他们会做得更好)而已。RAML的设计者Uri Sarid希望使用者能够打破固有的思维,在开始编写代码之前以一种全新的方式对API进行建模。

Dataweave中文翻译为数据编织。Dataweave是一个简单而强大的工具,主要用在Mule中的Transform Message组件,用于在Mule内部查询和转换数据(XML,JSON,CSV…)。


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