
Harness the power of shells . . . for the Internet and beyondCompletely revised and updated to include the latest developments in Internet and business applications, UNIX Shell Programming, Fourth Edition provides comprehensive coverage of Bourne, Korn, C, and BASH shells. Using a specially developed three-step process, this invaluable guide takes you through the entire universe of UNIX shell, from simple commands and programming to the world of software developers and system administrators.Using this comprehensive book, you'll be able to choose the shell that's right for you -whatever your needs or background.UNIX Shell Programming, Fourth Edition gives you:* Practical guidance on how to create CGI scripts, object warehouses, and reuse catalogs* Everything on shell extensions for management of distributed environments* A special shell reference appendix containing real-life examples that you can use right nowVisit the book's companion Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/unixshell


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