
Copying and pasting text is one of those things everybody who uses a computer needs to know, but even though copy/paste is one of the simplest functions you will learn, it can bring with it one big hassle: special formatting.


You know what we mean: you copy something from a webpage into an email message or and that it retains its font, size, color, and other features, when all you want is just the text.


An example of how the original document’s formatting (left) is retained when you paste into something else, like a Mail message (right).

There are actually a couple ways to copy and paste text without the formatting. Many folks copy the text in question, paste it into a blank TextEdit document, and then copy the plain text from there and paste it into your target document.

实际上,有两种方法可以复制和粘贴文本而无需设置格式。 许多人复制有问题的文本,将其粘贴到空白的TextEdit文档中,然后从那里复制纯文本并将其粘贴到目标文档中。

Note how all the original formatting is stripped out from the source after being pasted into TextEdit.

That’s a perfectly acceptable way to go about things, but it’s a little unwieldy and time consuming. Plus, if you’re pasting a really large amount of text, say in the neighborhood of dozens or even hundreds of pages, you’re going to want a better way.

这是处理问题的一种完全可以接受的方式,但是有点笨拙和耗时。 另外,如果您要粘贴大量文本,例如在数十页甚至数百页附近,您将需要一种更好的方法。

Luckily there is a better way. Just copy your text into the clipboard and then press Command+Option+Shift+V on your keyboard.

幸运的是,有更好的方法。 只需将文本复制到剪贴板,然后在键盘上按Command + Option + Shift + V。

The keyboard combination retains the bullet point, but everything else (fonts, links, etc.) is discarded.

When you paste your unformatted text, you will then need to go through and reformat to your preferences.


The keyboard combination should work on the majority of Mac apps whether you’re pasting into email, a note, and so forth. It won’t however, work as intended on a Microsoft Word document. Word appropriates the Command+Option+Shift+V shortcut for its own purposes. Instead, you will have to use Command+Control+V.

无论您要粘贴到电子邮件,便笺等中,键盘组合键都可以在大多数Mac应用程序上使用。 但是,它不能在Microsoft Word文档上正常工作。 Word将Command + Option + Shift + V快捷键用于其自身目的。 相反,您将必须使用Command + Control + V。

When you do, a Paste Special dialog will appear asking how you want to paste your text. Just choose “Unformatted Text” and click “OK”.

完成后,将出现“选择性粘贴”对话框,询问您如何粘贴文本。 只需选择“未格式化的文本”,然后单击“确定”即可。

Hopefully this will help you understand your options when pasting text from one place to another. While sometimes you may want to hang onto the formatting, other times stripping it all out is preferable.

希望这可以帮助您理解将文本从一个地方粘贴到另一个地方时的选择。 尽管有时您可能希望保留格式,但有时最好将其全部删除。

Just remember, Command+Option+Shift+V will do the job almost every time except with notable exceptions like Word. If the keyboard shortcut doesn’t work and you can’t figure it out, then you can always resort to the TextEdit method.

请记住,Command + Option + Shift + V几乎每次都会执行此工作,但Word等值得注意的例外除外。 如果键盘快捷键不起作用,并且您无法弄清楚,则可以始终使用TextEdit方法。




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