ICS4U Summative Project: Hangman

For your summative project this year, you’re going to make a classic game – Hangman! Hangman is a game where you have to guess the letters of a word and if they exist in the word they show up in the right spots, but if they don’t you add parts to a body. If enough parts of the body are added, the player fails. If they guess the word, the player has succeeded.

This is the kind of game that can be used in many classes. It is fairly easy to make the basic game, but you can add lots of different features that will make it better and better. The more you add and the higher the level of detail, the higher your mark will be.

Being that this is a grade 12 University level class, there are some things that I expect in your game:

a)You should have a text file on your hard drive (you should include it in your package folder) that contains all of the potential words that could be used in your hangman game. When someone plays your game, they will be challenged with a word randomly chosen from the word list. Once they either succeed or fail, they can choose to move on to the next word OR they can exit the game.

b)You should count the number of words they get correct and the number of words they get wrong. If they get 3 wrong, the game ends automatically and they have to start again. Every time they get one right, the score increases.

c)You need to figure out how you are going to add “body parts” to the hangman. Are you going to add pieces or just have all of the images of different states of the hangman ready to go? This is a piece to think about.

As with most computer science projects, you can add lots of extras and features. You should consider how you’re going to make your game stand out. Feel free to have a theme of your own, some individual touches … be creative!!! Games with standard grey backgrounds and simple text will not be considered “above and beyond”. Again, make your game special!!!

In addition to the game itself, you need to incorporate the following coding concepts:
a)if/else or switch/case
b)loops (for, while or do)
d)arrays or ArrayLists
e)file IO
f)your own methods

Your code should be properly commented, documented, tab indented and overall well-kept. Assume that people who have no idea what you are creating are the ones who will be reading your code.

This is your chance to finish up the semester with a really solid effort. Remember that you get what you give. Start working on this NOW and make a plan before you start coding!

Due date: Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com



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