

  • 前言
  • 一、Cooperative Vehicle Positioning via V2V Communications and Onboard Sensors
    • 1.Abstract
    • 2. introduction
    • 3.step:
      • 1.Preliminaries
      • 2.Cooperative positioning: principle and examples



一、Cooperative Vehicle Positioning via V2V Communications and Onboard Sensors



This paper presents a vehicular positioning system in which multiple vehicles cooperatively calibrate their positions and recognize surrounding vehicles with their GPS receivers and ranging sensors. The proposed system operates in a distributed manner and works even if all vehicles nearby do not or cannot participate in the system. Each vehicle acquires various pieces of positioning information with different degrees of accuracies depending on the sources and recency of information, and compiles them based on likelihood derived from estimated accuracies to minimize estimation errors. A simulation based performance evaluation given in the paper shows that the proposed system improves the estimation accuracy by 85% on average with respect to the standalone GPS receiver, and recognizes about 70% surrounding vehicles with an error of 1m.

2. introduction

positioning errors introduced by GPS receivers can be several times larger than that in urban areas with many obstacles to GPS receivers
(1)Some methods assume additional hardware such as Differential GPS, gyroscopes and acceleration sensors, and fuse the information to improve the position accuracy
(2)some other methods estimate relative positions of vehicles originating from position of a vehicle using information shared among vehicles via V2V communication
(3)In addition, some methods have been proposed to estimate driving lanes of vehicles by using onboard sensors and V2V communication
These existing methods can achieve sufficient accuracy to some ITS applications such as car navigation systems. However, it is difficult to satisfy more severe requirements in vehicle safety applications.(满足精度,不满足安全)
(4)some automotive companies commercialize safety systems such as Volvo’s Collision Warning with Auto Brake and Toyota’s Pre-Collision System
based on situation awareness. They utilize distances from surrounding obstacles obtained by ranging sensors such as millimeter wave radar and laser sensors. Some researches have also been proposed to improve situation awareness of vehicles using ranging sensors and V2V communications [11]. However, they do not consider how to share the information among vehicles to improve the recognition and position accuracy.

We assume that some vehicles hold GPS receivers and ranging sensors such as millimeter wave radar sensors and DSRC/WAVE communication devices. Each vehicle shares measurements from GPS and ranging sensors with surrounding vehicles, and updates positions using the measurements by different vehicles at different times.

In order to mitigate the impact of the measurement with large error caused by decay with time, a vehicle estimates the “accuracy” for each measurement, and estimates the positions by reference to it. Also, a vehicle estimates the “accuracy” of estimated positions based on the Central Limit Theorem to share the most accurate positions with surrounding vehicles. From performance evaluation, we confirm that our system could reduce position error of vehicles by 85% on average from that of the standalone GPS receiver, and recognize about 70% of all surrounding vehicles with an error of 1m.




2.Cooperative positioning: principle and examples

Each equipped vehicle holds positions of nearby vehicles,
and updates them every time slot. In order to update the
positions, each vehicle detects its surrounding vehicles as well
as its own GPS position and velocity. This information is
transmitted via a Basic Safety Message to its nearby vehicles.
On receiving each other’s GPS positions and relative positions,
each equipped vehicle estimates the current positions of its own
nearby vehicles.
The positioning consists of the following three steps: (1)
obtaining observations (GPS and range measurement), (2)
updating estimation from observations and (3) exchanging


A. Obtaining observation (GPS and range measurement)
B. Updating estimation from observations
C. Message exchange


A. Simulation settings
B. Simulation results


This paper has proposed a cooperative vehicle positioning system which provides accurate positions for ITS applications in real-time under the situation where some vehicles have GPS receivers and ranging sensors such as millimeter wave radar sensors and DSRC/WAVE communication devices. From performance evaluation, we confirmed that our system could reduce position errors of vehicles for average 85% and recognize 70% of all nearby vehicles with an error of less 1m. As our future work, we are planning to evaluate the performance of our system by using realistic scenarios.


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