[题目来源]:Southeastern Europe 2004




[分析]:利用KMP来求解。在KMP中有一个p数组记录当前字符的它的上一个位置,且保证这一段一定是来连续的。所以如果i处有循环则i到p[i]的长度即为循环节长度,所以如果i mod  (i-p[i])=0则说明有循环,i div (i-p[i])就是循环次数。


View Code

 1 var 2   n, tc: longint; 3   s: ansistring; 4   p: array[0..2000010] of longint; 5  6 procedure init; 7 var 8   i: longint; 9 begin10   readln(n);11   if n = 0 then halt;12   s := '';13   readln(s);14 end;15 16 procedure work;17 var18   i, k, temp: longint;19 begin20   fillchar(p,sizeof(p),0);21   k := 0;22   p[1] := 0;23   for i := 2 to n do24     begin25       while (k > 0) and (s[i] <> s[k+1]) do k := p[k];26       if s[i] = s[k+1] then inc(k);27       p[i] := k;28     end;29   for i := 1 to n do30     if p[i] <> 0 then31       begin32         temp := i-p[i];33         if i mod temp = 0 then34           writeln(i,'',i div temp);35       end;36 end;37 38 begin39   tc := 0;40   while 1 = 1 do41     begin42       inc(tc);43       init;44       writeln('Test case #',tc);45       work;46       writeln;47     end;48 end.


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