Word Preparation

  1. be looking for:寻找
    I was looking for the book with a pink cover when she came in.

    They are looking for the main building of this university. Do you know where it is?

  2. in that cae:那样的话
    I heard you don't like horror movies? In that case, let's watch an action movie instead.

    - Sorry, the black ones are sold out. 对不起,黑色的都卖完了。
    - In that case, can I take a red one? 那样的话,能给我个红色的吗?

  3. head towards:朝...方向走
    If you head towards the subway station over there, you will see the market we talked about.

    He is heading towards the Main Street. I guess he is going to the gym over there.

  4. Am I in the right place? 我找对地方了吗?
    Hi, I'm standing outside a red door of a building right now. Am I in the right place?

    Excuse me. I'm looking for a place where I can get some second-hand furniture. Am I in the right place?

  5. Would you mind ...? 你介意...吗?
    Would you mind passing me the yellow bottle please?

    Would you mind closing the window? It's a bit cold in here.

  6. How can I get to ... from here?从这儿怎么去...呀?
    How can I get to the city center from here? Do I need to take a bus?
    我从这儿怎么去市中心呢? 需要做公交车吗?

    How can I get to the shopping mall from here? I think I'm lost.


Asking for help from an information center? 在咨询中心寻求帮助

除了Would you mind...,还可以说

  • Could you please ...?
  • I was wondering I you could ...
  • Could you please do me a favor?
  • Could you help me with ... , please?


  • Could you please recommend me some quiet cafes to go to?
  • I was wondering if you could give me some travel advice, since you have been travelling a lot.
  • Could you please do me a favor? I'm trying to find the nearest bus station. Do you know where it is?
  • Could you help me with these forms, please? They're too complicated for me.

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