
I recently changed jobs, and in this new company we are working with a different tech stack than I was used to.I had to quickly learn the new technologies and it was a challenge.Being a self-taught programmer, I already knew what I had to do and how to learn efficiently and quickly.


In this post, I will go over ten rules that I follow whenever I have to learn something new.


回想一下您刚刚学到的东西 (Recall what you’ve just learned)

After going through a chapter or coding exercise, do something else and remember the main ideas of what you learned.


Try recalling them when you are doing mundane activities like doing the dishes, going out to the store, or taking a shower.The ability to recall new things you learned will help you cement them in your mind much more easily.


实际写代码 (Actually write the code)

Imagine you are watching an awesome Laravel tutorial on YouTube.

想象一下,您正在YouTube上观看了很棒的Laravel教程 。

Now you’re already 2 hours in and can’t remember how the author got the database connection up and running.Now you have to go back to that specific section and re-watch it.What a waste of time!Write out the code as you go along with the tutorial you are watching or reading. If you cannot keep up with the pace, press pause, solve the issue or coding challenge, and then resume the video.

现在您已经花了2个小时了,不记得作者是如何建立并运行数据库的连接的,现在您必须回到该特定部分并重新观看它,这很浪费时间!编写代码随着教程的进行,您正在观看或阅读。 如果您无法跟上步伐,请按暂停键,解决问题或遇到编码问题,然后继续播放视频。

整理想法和问题 (Chunk the ideas and problems)

The idea of chunking is to understand and practice with an idea or solution to a problem to the point where you can recall it in a split second.Once you have learned a new programming concept, take some time to repeat it. Imagine a song about it and try to sing it in your mind over and over again.The information will turn into a chunk and you will be able to make a connection and pull it up whenever you want.

分块的想法是理解和实践问题的想法或解决方案,以使您可以在一秒钟内将其召回。一旦您学会了新的编程概念,就需要花一些时间来重复它。 想象一下关于它的一首歌,然后尝试一遍又一遍地在您的脑海中歌唱。信息将变成大量信息,您将可以建立连接并随时随地拉起它。

像训练身体一样训练自己的思想 (Train your mind like you would train your body)

If you want to build muscle, you will need to train your body a little bit every day.But you wouldn’t want to train just one muscle group 7 days a week. It will not grow as much as you would like it to. Muscles need time to grow. The tissues need time to regenerate and grow in mass.So one solution is to split your workout into muscle groups. On day one you train legs and abs, day two the chest, day three the back, and day four maybe the arms.That’s what you should do when you learn.Spread out your learning a little every day, just like a bodybuilder. The brain is like a muscle – it can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject at a time.Try to split your learning routine into something similar to muscle groups:

如果您想锻炼肌肉,则每天都需要锻炼身体,但是您不想只每周锻炼7天,只锻炼一个肌肉群。 它不会像您希望的那样增长。 肌肉需要时间才能成长。 组织需要时间来再生和生长,因此一种解决方案是将锻炼分为肌肉组。 在第一天,您训练腿部和腹部,第二天训练胸部,第三天训练背部,第四天也许是手臂,这就是您学习时应该做的事情,每天都像健美先生那样一点点地学习。 大脑就像一块肌肉–一次只能对一个对象进行有限的运动。尝试将您的学习程序分为类似于肌肉群的运动

  • Database management day (SQL/NoSQL)数据库管理日(SQL / NoSQL)
  • Web Design day网页设计日
  • Functional JavaScript day功能性JavaScript日

混合使用各种解决问题的技术 (Mix up different problem-solving techniques)

There is no one single way of solving a problem, that’s for sure. When you have a task and your way of solving the problem doesn’t seem to work very well, try a different approach.Mix things up and see if you can come up with multiple solutions.After every solution you have implemented, go over your errors and make sure you understand why you made them. Then, work on improving the code.

可以肯定的是,没有单一的方法可以解决问题。 当您有任务并且解决问题的方法似乎效果不佳时,请尝试另一种方法。将所有内容混合在一起,看看是否可以提出多个解决方案。在您实施了每个解决方案之后,请遍历错误,并确保您了解造成错误的原因。 然后,改进代码。

休息一下 (Take breaks)

From my experience, it is common to be unable to solve problems or grasp concepts the first time you encounter them.


Sometimes you get frustrated that you've been stuck on a problem for so long, and it seems like you cannot figure it out. This is the ideal moment to take a break.Let your mind relax for a while. You’ll find out that sometimes the solution to your problems comes in your sleep, or when taking a bath.This is because a part of your mind is working in the background, figuring out things you might not be able to when you're focused

有时您会因困扰问题太久而感到沮丧,似乎无法解决。 这是休息的理想时刻。让您的大脑放松一会儿。 您会发现有时可以通过睡眠或洗澡来解决问题,这是因为您的一部分思想在后台工作,弄清了自己可能无法做到的事情专注

像我五岁一样解释 (Explain Like I’m Five)

Have you ever heard of this concept “Explain Like I’m Five”? There’s even a subreddit for it. And it's a pretty neat mental exercise.Whenever you are struggling with a concept, ask yourself, how can you explain this so a 5-year-old could understand it?This exercise will make you think about how to simplify an answer using analogies.

您是否听说过“像我五岁一样解释”这个概念? 甚至有一个subreddit 。 这是一个非常整洁的脑力锻炼,每当您在为一个概念而苦苦挣扎时,都要问自己,如何才能解释这个问题,以便5岁的孩子能够理解它?

For example, how would you describe a database to a child?


I would say that a database is like a bucket or a toy box.You organize your apartment or house by placing all the toys inside the box. Otherwise, the toys will be all over the place and you won’t be able to find them easily when you need them.The database solves all of these issues.

我想说一个数据库就像一个水桶或一个玩具盒。您可以通过将所有玩具放在盒子里来组织公寓或房屋。 否则,这些玩具将无处不在,您将无法在需要时轻松找到它们。数据库解决了所有这些问题。

保持专注 (Maintain your focus)

I bet you’ve heard this a thousand times before. This topic is full of opinions and advice, some more unusual than others.When working on a problem, try to focus on that task so you're as efficient as possible.

我敢打赌,您已经听过一千遍了。 本主题充满了意见和建议,有些比其他的要多。处理问题时,请尽量专注于该任务,以使您尽可能地高效。

It's up to you to figure out how to focus on something and maintain it for a while.What I’ve found that works for me so far is to turn off all interrupting beeps, alarms, and notifications on my phone and computer.Besides this, I like listening to music that helps me focus. I found that I focus very well while listening to music that has no lyrics, like post-rock.

由您自己决定如何专注于某事并保持一会儿。到目前为止,我发现对我有用的是关闭手机和计算机上所有中断的哔哔声,警报和通知。 ,我喜欢听能帮助我专注的音乐。 我发现在听没有歌词的音乐(例如后摇滚)时,我的注意力非常集中。

I’ve created a special playlist that I listen to when I’m programming or stargazing.Check it out here.

我创建了一个特殊的播放列表,在我编程或注视时可以收听。 在这里查看。

首先做最难的事情 (Do the hardest things first)

Take advantage of a rested mind and do the hardest thing earliest in the day.There are some good reasons to do it this way.You will feel better during the day after getting rid of that unpleasant thing first.Harder things take more effort. By doing the hardest task earliest in the day, it will help make sure you’ve got enough time to complete it.Also, this makes it less likely that you'll postpone the hardest task for the next day.

充分利用休息的精神,并尽早做最艰难的事情,这样做有很多充分的理由,首先要摆脱那些不愉快的事情,白天你会感觉好些。 通过尽早完成最艰巨的任务,可以确保您有足够的时间完成它。此外,这也减少了将第二天最艰巨的任务推迟到第二天的可能性。

激励自己 (Motivate yourself)

Sometimes you feel like the work you are putting in is not getting you anywhere.This happens to everyone from time to time. You are not to blame, honestly.If you want to stay motivated, make yourself feel like you are making progress.No matter what’s happening in your life, always have one thing you’re making progress with, so you feel good about it and yourself.For example, if you want to learn JavaScript, make it your number one priority.Every day you should read a few pages of your favorite JavaScript book or work on personal and/or open-source projects that rely on JavaScript.

有时您会觉得自己所从事的工作无法将您带到任何地方,这不时发生在每个人身上。 老实说,你不应该责备自己。如果你想保持动力,让自己感觉自己在进步,无论生活中发生了什么,总是在做一件事情,所以你对此感到满意例如,如果您想学习JavaScript,请把它放在第一位。每天您应该阅读自己喜欢JavaScript书的几页,或者从事依赖JavaScript的个人和/或开源项目。

If you want to read more tips on how to keep yourself motivated as a software developer, check out this article.

如果您想了解更多有关如何保持自己作为软件开发人员的积极性的提示,请参阅本文 。

Follow me on Twitter @pelu_carol and say hi!

在Twitter上关注我@pelu_carol ,打个招呼!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/10-rules-of-studying-every-software-developer-should-follow/



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