
by Primož Cigler


如何通过关闭浏览器中的一个选项卡将Mac上的电池寿命延长一倍 (How I doubled the battery life on my Mac by literally closing one tab in a browser)

Today I want to share a quick and easy hack that doubled the time-on-battery on my laptop.

今天,我想分享一个快速简便的技巧, 使笔记本电脑的电池使用时间延长一倍

It is so easy to do once you know where to look.


I spend most of the time on my laptop in the browser. This is mostly because I read stuff, stick on social media or develop websites. I use Chrome for this, I rarely open any other browser — most of the time for testing only.

我大部分时间都花在浏览器的笔记本电脑上。 这主要是因为我阅读东西,坚持使用社交媒体或开发网站。 我为此使用Chrome,很少打开任何其他浏览器-大部分时间仅用于测试。

Chrome is generally known not being energy efficient app, so it is a trade-off, but I find it much better (especially for dev) than anything else.


For quite some time now I started to notice that the battery is not lasting as long as it used to when I bought this laptop a year and a half ago. It is normal that it is losing its power over time. But then one day about 2 weeks ago, when I was lying ill in my bed, I decided to check what is draining my battery so fast and if I can fix it.

现在已经有一段时间了,我开始注意到电池的寿命不像一年半前购买笔记本电脑时的电池寿命那么长。 随着时间的流逝,它失去了动力是正常的。 但是大约2周前的一天,当我生病躺在床上时,我决定检查电池耗尽的速度是否如此之快以及是否可以修复。

Fortunately the OS X comes with the Activity Monitor, which also gives you the overview which apps put most impact on your battery life.

幸运的是,OS X随附有活动监视器,该监视器还概述了哪些应用程序对电池寿命的影响最大。

If you sort the list by column Avg Energy Impact, you will find the most troublesome apps. In my case Google Chrome. You can solve the problem easily by quitting the app, but as I mentioned, this was not viable in my case, as I want to use Chrome.

如果按“ 平均能源影响”列对列表进行排序,则会发现最麻烦的应用程序。 就我而言,谷歌浏览器。 您可以通过退出应用程序轻松解决问题,但是正如我提到的那样,对于我而言,这是不可行的,因为我想使用Chrome。

The screenshot above was taken at the time I am writing this and it showing the “fixed” Chrome. By the time I went to analyze it for the first time, the Avg Energy Impact value for Chrome was well over 100, around 140.

上面的屏幕截图是在我撰写本文时截取的,它显示了“固定的” Chrome。 在我第一次进行分析时,Chrome的平均能量影响值已超过100,约为140

因此,我如何设法将其减少到大约三分之一? (So, how did I manage to cut it down to about one third?)

It was quite simple. I literally had to close one single tab in Chrome, which was using lots of CPU.

这很简单。 我确实不得不关闭 Chrome中的一个选项卡 ,因为它使用了大量CPU。

My toolbar in Chrome looks like this:


I have couple of pinned tabs which I want always open and then come the tabs that “come and go”.

我有几个固定的选项卡,我想一直打开它们,然后使用“ 来去去去”的选项卡。

There is one not-so-well known tool in Chrome, that allows you to analyse how much resources the individual tabs consume. It is called Task Manager and you can find it in Menu > More Tools > Task Manager.

Chrome中有一个鲜为人知的工具,可让您分析各个标签所消耗的资源。 它称为任务管理器 ,您可以在菜单>更多工具>任务 管理器中找到它。

When opened, it will reveal more fine-grained details about CPU and RAM spent within Chrome.


What you’re interested in is the CPU — this is what is draining your battery.

您感兴趣的是CPU —这就是消耗电池电量的原因。

Find the tabs that are constantly greedy for your CPU and kill them with fire!


To my case. I had the currency exchange rates (USD to EUR) opened all the time. It was this page. And look at this, when I have this page opened and pinned:

就我而言。 我一直都打开货币汇率(USD到EUR)。 就是这个页面 。 当我打开并固定此页面时,请看一下:

It was obvious choice. I can live without pinned tab about exchange rates, if that makes my laptop alive for twice the time.

这是显而易见的选择。 如果我的笔记本电脑可以存活两次,那么我可以不用固定汇率标签来生活。

If you feel that your laptop battery is struggling because of the Chrome, check out the Chrome Task Manager. Kill the most greedy websites with fire and notify their developers. They are probably doing some dirty stuff in JavaScript which is draining your battery like hell.

如果您觉得笔记本电脑的电池因Chrome而无法使用,请查看Chrome任务管理器。 用火杀死最贪婪的网站,并通知其开发者。 他们可能正在用JavaScript做一些肮脏的事情,这会像地狱一样耗尽您的电池。

You might follow me on Twitter, but we both know Twitter is very noisy. So you can leave me your email and I will occasionally send you stuff I find useful.

您可能会在Twitter上关注我,但我们都知道Twitter非常嘈杂。 因此,您可以给我留下您的电子邮件 ,我有时会向您发送我认为有用的内容。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-doubled-the-battery-life-on-my-mac-by-literally-closing-one-tab-in-a-browser-d96f2c5374db/



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