
  A little partner who has just entered a British school must catch up with Essay every holiday.So what is Essay?How does Essay write it?Today we will talk about the doorway in Essay.





  –Provide the background of the event or theme


  –Why study this topic and put forward an argument


  –What theories and models are used in this paper(knowledge points in the class)and what content is written in what order.


  2.Text(about 75%-80%of the total words)


  –According to the teacher's requirements,sort out the content of the text,and analyze the proposed arguments in a clear logical order by using sub arguments;

  –论据:example+cite(引用)支持论点。引用要来自Academic books和Academic articles。必要时候可引用图表,有些老师要求图表放在正文,但有些老师要求以appendix的形式,附在文末(reference后面)。

  –Argument:example+cite to support the argument.References should come from Academic books and Academic articles.Charts can be quoted when necessary.Some teachers require charts to be placed in the text,but some teachers require them to be attached at the end of the text in the form of appendix(after the reference).

  –使用Academic words,避免过大过宽的词,如:good,nice,bad,beautiful;学会同义词替换,同一单词避免多次出现。

  –Use Academic words to avoid words that are too big or too wide,such as good,nice,bad,beautiful;Learn to replace synonyms and avoid multiple occurrences of the same word.

  –Critical Thinking and Writing!这是在英国写Essay的重要得分点。英国的教育方式更注重鼓励学生深度思考问题并明确的表达自己的想法。这也是普遍的中国学生弱项。那到底该如何有批判性思考呢?

  –Critical Thinking and Writing!This is an important scoring point for writing Essay in the UK.The British way of education pays more attention to encouraging students to think deeply and express their ideas clearly.This is also a common weakness of Chinese students.How to think critically?


  1)What is critical?


  Put forward your own ideas,and measure,judge and prove your ideas.Compare and evaluate with the views of other scholars.At the same time,this is also a largely objective process,but it is driven by your logic and argument.Finally,always ask yourself questions when thinking.

  2).Critical thinking不是:

  2).Critical thinking is not:


  A direct description of something


  Make assumptions without checking and confirming them


  No evidence to support generalization


  Receive external information without asking questions


  Providing incorrect or misleading information


  Introduce others'views without commenting on them

  3).有助于Critical thinking and writing的提问


  What is the main argument?

  What are the other perspectives on this topic?

  What could be going on beneath the surface?

  What is not being said?

  Why do I agree/disagree with this?

  How relevant is this to my Essay?

  How will I use this in my Essay?


  Note:Don't divide paragraphs into too many words.Each paragraph should be about 150-200 words,so as to ensure clear thinking and make it easy for teachers to read.



  –Summarize the full text,so that readers can have a comprehensive understanding of the full text again;


  –The writing method of Conclusion is generally to summarize each sub argument in one sentence and summarize the theories used.


  –It is suggested to end the argument with a small summary.


  –大多数的英国高校要求按照哈佛体系(Harvard Reference)的格式写reference。每个高校的图书馆系统中可以搜到完整具体的哈佛体系格式。

  –Most British universities require reference to be written in the format of Harvard Reference.The complete and specific Harvard system format can be found in the library system of each university.


  –Or some universities have their own requirements


  Note:The number of words is only a suggestion,which depends on the teacher's requirements.


  Next,we will introduce some synonym substitution commonly used in the paper:

  1.提出观点的动词:illustrate,state,explain,show,report,come up with,elucidate,consider

  2.顺序连接词:first,firstly,first of all,initially,in addition,moreover,meanwhile,except that,furthermore,finally,eventually,lastly,in the end

  3.转折连接词:however,nonetheless,whereas,although,in spite of,despite

  4.总结连接词:therefore,thus,in sum,in brief,in conclusion(多用于最后的总结段),hence


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