1. Results The detection rate of CTAP and CTHA was 92.2% and 90.1%, respectively.

结果 CTAP病灶检出率为92.2%,CTHA病灶检出率为90.1%。

2. To formalizing cooperative states of agents and cooperation of agents, we construct a cooperative formal framework for agents-cooperative transaction logic language L〓. A cooperative transaction agent prototype CTAP is implemented with Java to verify our research theory.


3. Each sample was divided and treated with physiologic saline solution, chlorhexidine, PRPs and thrombin.


4. Of 7 nodules with large regenerative nodule and adenomatous hyperplasia showed isodensity both on CTHA and CTAP.


5. Objective To assess the clinical utility of portal vein three dimensional reconstruction using spiral-CT arterial portography, and to compare the diagnostic value of the two kinds of 3D technique which include shaded surface display (SSD) and maximum intensity projection (MIP).


6. The Relationship of Right Hepatic Vein and Right Portal Vein: Observation with Three-dimensional Helical CT Arterial Portography


7. To discuss the diagnostic value of helical CT during arterial portography (CTAP) combined with hepatic arteriography in detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


8. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of spiral CT [CT arterial portography (CTAP) and CT hepatic arteriography (CTHA)] for hepatic carcinoma.


9. CTAP的意思

9. Objective: To evaluate whether the double phase spiral CT arterial portography (CTAP) reduce the rate of nontumorous perfusion (NPD).


10. Methods By Seldinger technique, 10 patients were examined with combined use of CTA, CTAP and lipiodol CT.


11. The functions of CTAP are to interpreter the agent description given by users with a cooperative transaction description language and to realize transaction processing and cooperation of agents.


12. In this study, we analyzed the clinical value of CTAP in the course of repeated TAE therapy compared with other imaging modalities.


13. This paper mainly studied on the portal blood supply of liver cancer in vivo by the technique of CTAP because the CTAP images provided us to show the enhancement changes of liver cancer during portal phase and the nice manifestation of 4~5 grades branches of portal vein.


14. CTAP的意思

14. Methods The CTAP and CTHA manifestations in 50 patients with small hepatocellular carcinoma (< 3 cm in diameter) were analyzed and compared with those in bi phase enhanced CT.


15. Methods The CTHA/CTAP manifestations of 125 small liver nodular lesions from 67 patients were analyzed and compared with that of DSA.


16. And the quality of CT images significantly improved. The detection rate of CTAP and CTHA is higher than that of three-phase enhanced CT.


17. CTAP

17. Conclusion The detection rate of CTHA/CTAP for small liver nodular lesions was significantly higher than that of DSA.


18. Significance of CTAP and CTHA in the interventional therapy for liver cancer


19. Results For liver nodular lesions less than 10 mm in diameter, the detection rate of CTHA/CTAP and DSA were 78.95% and 50%, respectively.


20. Methods The CTHA/CTAP manifestations of 108 small liver nodular lesion from 76 patients with liver cirrhosis were analyzed and compared with those in bi-phase enhanced CT.



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