
How-To Geek, one of the largest and most influential tech sites on the web, is looking for a full-time technology writer that shares our passion for explaining tech.

How-To Geek是网络上最大,最有影响力的技术网​​站之一,正在寻找一位全职的技术作家,与我们分享对解释技术的热情。

Our readers love How-To Geek because of its unique voice. We’re not a website just for geeks—we are the geeks. We’re the people you turn to when your computer isn’t working right, you need to do something technical, or you want to understand the latest technology. We explain it all in simple, approachable terms. When providing instructions, we use lots of screenshots that make technical processes easy to follow.

我们的读者喜欢How-To Geek,因为它的声音独特。 我们不是一个仅适合极客的网站,而是极客。 当您的计算机无法正常工作,需要做一些技术性工作或想了解最新技术时,我们将是您的目标。 我们以简单易懂的方式来解释这一切。 提供说明时,我们使用了大量的屏幕截图,使技术流程易于遵循。

我们在寻找什么 (What We’re Looking For)

We’re looking for someone who is technically adept across multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, networking, and other consumer technology) and who can dive into writing smart, engaging articles. This position is fully remote!

我们正在寻找在各种平台(Windows,macOS,iOS,Android,网络和其他消费者技术)上精通技术的人,并且可以投身于撰写精妙,引人入胜的文章。 这个位置很遥远!

Here are some examples of the types of articles you’d be writing:


  • How to Find Any Device’s IP Address, MAC Address, and Other Network Connection Details


  • How to Use Virtual Desktops in Windows 10

    如何在Windows 10中使用虚拟桌面

  • How to Stop Apple Pay from Opening on Your iPhone All the Time

    如何阻止Apple Pay一直在iPhone上打开

  • How to Transfer Apps to a New Android Device


  • How to Log Into Your Mac Automatically Without a Password


技能要求 (Skill Requirements)

  • 3+ years of demonstrable writing experience on consumer technology at a major print or digital publication (you must be able to furnish published writing samples)在大型印刷或数字出版物上有3年以上在消费者技术方面的可证明写作经验(您必须能够提供已发表的写作样本)
  • High comfort level writing straightforward, practical, and instructional-style advice on technology to a lay audience高舒适度,向普通用户撰写简单,实用和指导性的技术建议
  • Practical experience working with major operating systems (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) and applications, as well as a solid grasp of general technology与主要操作系统(Windows,macOS,Android,iOS)和应用程序一起工作的实践经验,以及对通用技术的扎实了解
  • Ability to dive into new technology subjects and learn them quickly能够深入研究新技术主题并快速学习它们
  • Ability to keep up with writing new articles and revising edits on submitted material daily每天能够跟上撰写新文章和修改提交的材料的编辑的能力
  • Keeps up with the news surrounding those platforms and the world of technology in general跟上有关这些平台和整个技术领域的新闻
  • Strong research skills强大的研究能力
  • Willingness to work closely with editors, but also able to write with minimal oversight愿意与编辑紧密合作,但也可以在很少的监督下撰写
  • Solid skills in taking and manipulating screenshots扎实的屏幕截图和处理技能
  • Experience working in WordPress preferable有使用WordPress的经验者优先
  • Deadline focused, with a get-things-done attitude截止日期集中,事事如意
  • Strong attention to detail with emphasis on accuracy and quality注重细节,注重准确性和质量
  • Ability to prioritize work to balance multiple projects and deadlines能够对工作进行优先级排序以平衡多个项目和截止日期
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team能够独立和团队协作
  • Self-motivated with a positive attitude以积极的态度自我激励
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills优秀的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • Basic working knowledge of SEO principles is a plus精通SEO原理的基本工作知识

主要职责 (Primary Responsibilities)

  • Write multiple short (400-1000 word) straightforward instructional posts per day on various platforms and technologies每天在各种平台和技术上撰写多个简短(400-1000字)的简单指导性帖子
  • Write occasional longer, feature-length articles撰写偶尔的较长且长篇文章
  • Generate new article ideas based on your own experience and also accept assignments from editors根据您自己的经验生成新的文章创意,并接受编辑的作业
  • Update existing articles from our archive when needed必要时更新存档中的现有文章

好处 (Benefits)

  • This job is a temp-to-perm position. During this evaluation period, which can last up to, but no longer than, 3 months, we are offering $25/hour at 40 hours/week.

    这项工作是临时职位 。 在此评估期间(持续时间最长为3个月,但不超过3个月),我们每周40小时提供每小时25美元的服务。

  • After the review period, you may be offered a full-time, salaried position. If so, this position will be eligible for benefits, including:

    审核期过后,可能会为您提供全职带薪职位。 如果是这样,该职位将有资格获得福利,包括:

    • 401(k): Employer match up to 4%; eligible after 3 months of employment

      401(k):雇主匹配率最高为4%; 工作三个月后有资格

    • Health Insurance: Medical, dental, and vision cost-sharing insurance plan


    • Paid holidays: We offer the following paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day


    • Non-Cashable PTO (Vacation and Sick Days): The Company offers 120 hours of non-cashable PTO for combined paid vacation and sick pay annually. Each employee is permitted to only carry over 80 hours of Non-Cashable PTO each calendar year.

      不可兑现的PTO(假期和病假日):公司每年提供120个小时的不可兑现的PTO,以支付带薪休假和病假工资。 每个员工每个日历年只能携带80个小时以上的不可兑现的PTO。

  • Remote work: You will be working from home and should have your own computer with reliable Internet access


关于工作 (About the Job)

  • Location: Must be legally allowed to work in the US, based in the US, and available to work during regular business hours


  • Job Type: Temp-To Perm


  • Salary: $25/hour, 40 hours/week during the initial evaluation period. After successful completion of the evaluation period, you may be offered a full-time position with salary from 40K-$45K per year, depending on experience

    薪酬:每小时25美元,在初始评估期间每周40小时。 在成功完成评估期后,您可能会获得全职职位,年薪从4万至4.5万美元不等,具体取决于经验

如何申请 (How to Apply)

Think you’re the person we’re looking for? Head over to our job posting and click the big green “Apply Now” button.

以为您就是我们要找的人吗? 转到我们的职位发布 ,然后单击绿色的大“立即申请”按钮。



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