• Convex and strictly convex
  • Strong convex

1. Convex and strictly convex

Common used notations about convexity are convex and strictly convex. Their definitions are

Definition 1: [convex]: f(x)f(x) is said to be convex if one of the following holds ∀x,y\forall x,y


f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)\leq \lambda f(x)+(1-\lambda)f(y)

Definition 2: [strictly convex]: f(x)f(x) is said to be strictly convex if one of the following holds ∀x,y\forall x,y


f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)

And there exist two equivalent definitions:

Theorem 3. [first order condition(1)]: If f(x)f(x) is first differentiable, then f(x)f(x) is convex iff ∀x,y\forall x,y


f(y) \geq f(x)+\nabla f(x)\cdot (y-x)
This equivalence holds for strictly convex for >>.

necessary: If f(x)f(x) is convex and let λ→0\lambda \rightarrow 0


\begin{align} f(x)&\geq \frac{f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y ) - (1-\lambda)f(y)}{\lambda}\\ &=f(y) + \frac{f(y+\lambda (x-y)) - f(y)}{\lambda}\\ &=f(y) + \frac{f(y+\lambda (x-y)) - f(y)}{\lambda (x-y)}\cdot(x-y)\\ &=f(y) + \nabla f(y)\cdot(x-y)\\ \end{align}
sufficient: If the first order condition is satisfied,


\begin{align} f(x)&\geq f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)+\nabla f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)\cdot (1-\lambda)(x-y)\\ f(y)&\geq f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)+\nabla f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)\cdot \lambda(y-x)\\ \end{align}

combining these two together, we get:


\begin{align} \lambda f(x)+(1-\lambda)f(y) \leq f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y) \end{align}

**Theorem 4. [first order condition(2)[monotone of ∇f(x)\nabla f(x)]]: f(x)f(x) is convex iff (∇f(x)−∇f(y))⋅(x−y)≥0(\nabla f(x)-\nabla f(y))\cdot (x-y)\geq 0.
proof: necessary:
If f(x)f(x) is convex, then ∀x,y\forall x,y, we have


\begin{align} &f(x)\geq f(y) +\nabla f(y)\cdot (x-y)\\ &f(y)\geq f(x)+\nabla f(x)\cdot (y-x) \end{align}
adding these two equalities:


f(x)+f(y)\geq f(y)+f(x)+(\nabla f(y) - \nabla f(x))\cdot (x-y)


(\nabla f(x)-\nabla f(y))\cdot (x-y)\geq 0
Let g(t)=f(x+t(y−x))g(t) = f(x +t(y-x)). Then ∇g(x)=∇f(x+t(y−x))⋅(y−x)\nabla g(x) = \nabla f(x+t(y-x))\cdot (y-x)


\begin{align} \nabla g(t) - \nabla g(0) & = \nabla f(x+t(y-x))\cdot (y-x) - \nabla f(x)\cdot (y-x) \\ &= \frac{1}{t}(\nabla f(x+t(y-x)) - \nabla f(x))\cdot t(y-x)\\ &\geq 0 \end{align}
so ∇g(t)\nabla g(t) is monotone increasing.



\begin{align} g(1) &=g(0)+ \int_0^1 \nabla g(t) dt\geq \nabla g(0) \\ \Rightarrow& f(y) \geq f(x) +\nabla f(x)\cdot (y-x) \end{align}

Theorem 5. [second order condition]: If f(x)f(x) is second differentiable, then f(x)f(x) is convex iff ∀x\forall x


\nabla^2 f(x)\geq 0
This equivalence holds for strictly convex for >>.
For simply, we firstly prove one variable function situation:
If h(x):x∈Rh(x): x\in \mathbb{R} is convex iff its twice derivative h′′(x)≥0h''(x)\geq 0
From h′′(x)≥0h''(x)\geq 0 and taylor expansion, we have


h(y) \geq h(x)+h'(x)(y-x)
and from last theorem, we know h(x)h(x) is convex.
∀x≤z≤y\forall x\leq z\leq y, we have z=λx+(1−λy)z=\lambda x+(1-\lambda y) with λ=y−zy−x\lambda = \frac{y-z}{y-x}


\begin{align} h(z) &= h(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)\\&\leq \lambda h(x)+(1-\lambda)h(y)\\&=\frac{y-z}{y-x} h(x)+\frac{z-x}{y-x}h(y) \end{align}


\Rightarrow (y-x)h(z)\leq (y-z)h(x)+(z-x)h(y)


\Rightarrow(y-z)(h(z)-h(x))\leq (z-x)(h(y)-h(z))


\Rightarrow\frac{h(z)-h(x)}{z-x}\leq \frac{h(y) - h(z)}{y-z}

So for t1≤x≤z≤y≤t2t_1\leq x\leq z\leq y\leq t_2, we have


\frac{h(x)-h(t_1)}{x-t_1}\leq \frac{h(z)-h(x)}{z-x}\leq \frac{h(y) - h(z)}{y-z}\leq \frac{h(t_2) - h(y)}{t_2 - y}
letting t1→xt_1\rightarrow x and t2→yt_2 \rightarrow y, we have


h'(x)\leq \frac{h(z)-h(x)}{z-x}\leq \frac{h(y) - h(z)}{y-z} \leq h'(y)

So h′(x)h'(x) is increasing →\rightarrow h′′(x)≥0h''(x)\geq 0.

Now we prove for multivariable function. Let g(t)=f(x+tℓ)g(t)=f(x+t\ell) be one variable function.
From convexity of f(x)f(x),


g(\lambda t_1+(1-\lambda)t_2) = f(x+\lambda t_1\ell+(1-\lambda)\ell) \leq \lambda f(x+t_1\ell)+(1-\lambda)f(x+t_2\ell) = g(t_1)+g(t_2)
So g(t)g(t) is convex as a one variable function. Then


g''(t) = \ell^t\nabla^2 f(x+t\ell) \ell\geq 0


\nabla^2 f(x) \geq 0
Let g(t)=f(x+t(y−x))g(t) = f(x+t(y-x)), then


g''(t)=(y-x)^t \nabla^2 f(x+t(y-x)) (y-x)\geq 0
So g(t)g(t) is convex.



\begin{align} f(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y) &= f(x+(1-\lambda)(y-x))\\ &=g(1-\lambda) = g(\lambda 0 +(1-\lambda) 1)\\ &\leq \lambda g(0)+(1-\lambda)g(1)\\ &=\lambda g(x)+(1-\lambda)f(y) \end{align}
So f(x)f(x) is convex.

From the proof, we know that the convexity of a function on a convex set is one-dimensional fact.


  • convex says a function is convex ≥\geq a linear function
  • strictly convex says a function is convex >> a linear function

2. Strong convex

Definition 3: [strong convex]: f(x)f(x) is said to be m-strong convex if f(x)−m2∥x∥22f(x)-\frac{m}{2}\|x\|_2^2 is convex.

Then from last section, we have that:
first order condition (1):


f(y)\geq f(x)+\nabla f(x)\cdot (y-x)+\frac{m}{2}\|y-x\|_2^2
first order condition (2)[monotone of derivative]:


(\nabla f(x) - \nabla f(y)) \cdot (x-y)> m\|x-y\|_2^2
seconf order condition :


\nabla^2 f(x)> m\cdot I

Intuition: strong convex says a function is convex ≥\geq a quadratic function.

Theorem: If a function is strong convex then the first derivative of it is Lipschitz continuous.
proof: Firstly, we claim that the subset S={x,f(x)≤f(x(0))}S=\{x, f(x)\leq f(x^{(0)})\} is closed. Since ∀y∈S\forall y \in S, we have


\begin{align} &f(x^{(0)})\geq f(y) \geq f(x^*) +\nabla f(x^*)\cdot (y-x)+\frac{m}{2}\|y-x^*\|_2^2\\ &\Rightarrow \| y - x^*\|_2^2 \leq \frac{2}{m} f(x^{(0)}) \end{align}

And the maximum eigenvalue of ∇2f(x)\nabla^2 f(x) is continuous, so there exists a upper bound MM for ∇2f(x)\nabla^2 f(x), which says that ∇f(x)\nabla f(x) is lipschitz continuous.

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