今日家中忽然断电,之后 ESXi 服务器就一直疯狂转,连接显示器,发现原来一直没有启动。停留在ESXi Loading module ipmi_si_drv 是ipmi_si_drv模块没有加载。


Today, when I restart a failed server, stuck in Loading module ipmi_si_drv ... , about 30 minutes boot is completed.avoid-vmware-esxi-loading-module-ipmi_si_drvFirst try setting IPMI to Shared in BIOS, if the option is available. When booting your installation media, press Shift O to display the boot arguments and add noipmiEnabled to the boot arguments. Remember to do the same once the installation/upgrade is complete. Manually turn off or remove the module by turning the option VMkernel.Boot.ipmiEnabled off in vSphere or using the commands below:# Do a dry run first:
esxcli software vib remove –dry-run –vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv
# Remove the module:
esxcli software vib remove –vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv
or try the following command in an unsupported shell connection:esxcfg-module -d ipmi_si_drv
This disables the module although it still gets loaded.Use a -l argument to see what modules are enabled/loaded and check that your desired one is disabled. This appears to be persistent across a reboot.

  后来又搜索到了 HP iLO is not responding 这篇文章:

When during boot of an HP ProLiant server you see the “iLO2 not responding. System health monitoring has been disabled.” error message you need to restart the HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) component in the server.iLo is a small, always on computer with a web interface to monitor and manage the hardware of the HP ProLiant servers. You can monitor the temperature sensors, fan speeds, power usage, and you can turn on and off the server remotely. So if you accidentally shut down the server or the server loses power and does not start automatically you can push the virtual power button on the web interface and turn on the server as if you would stand in front of it.To restart iLO in the HP ProLiant server you have to completely discharge all electricity from the server.shut down the server,
disconnect all power cords from the electrical outlets,
remove all power supplies from the server (you need to disconnect the power cord from the power supply too to remove the power supply),
press and hold the power button on the front of the server for 15-30 seconds,
re-install the power supplies,
connect the power cables to the power supplies,
connect the power cables to the electrical outlets,
momentarily press the power button on the front of the server to turn on the server.
This power reset does not erase any information of the iLO configuration, just restarts it.On the power on screen you should see the usual messages from iLO.

  原来是因为断电之后,iLO信息丢失,导致无法启动iLO4,iLO4 的提示信息为:Warning iLO4 not responding解决方法要在 HP ProLiant 服务器中重新启动iLO,必须完全从服务器中释放所有电量:



感谢原作者 我花了 30min 来解决这个问题..


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