
  • 1 方法1:使用getnstimeofday64方法
  • 2 方法2:使用ktime_get_real_ns方法

1 方法1:使用getnstimeofday64方法


/* The really slow allocator path where we enter direct reclaim */
static inline struct page *
__alloc_pages_direct_reclaim(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order,unsigned int alloc_flags, const struct alloc_context *ac,unsigned long *did_some_progress)
{struct page *page = NULL;bool drained = false;struct timespec64 start, end;getnstimeofday64(&start);*did_some_progress = __perform_reclaim(gfp_mask, order, ac);getnstimeofday64(&end);printk("func : %s-> %s, time spent = %ld s, %ld ns\n", \__func__, "__perform_reclaim", (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec),\(end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec));//... the rest of the code

2 方法2:使用ktime_get_real_ns方法


/* The really slow allocator path where we enter direct reclaim */
static inline struct page *
__alloc_pages_direct_reclaim(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order,unsigned int alloc_flags, const struct alloc_context *ac,unsigned long *did_some_progress)
{struct page *page = NULL;bool drained = false;u64 start_time, end_time;start_time = ktime_get_real_ns();*did_some_progress = __perform_reclaim(gfp_mask, order, ac);end_time = ktime_get_real_ns();printk("func : %s-> %s, time spent = %ld ns\n", \__func__, "__perform_reclaim", (end_time - start_time));//... the rest of the code

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