在Oracle ERP云里,PO行分配里面有三个账户如下



原材料/材料采购 (inventory/receiving inspection),就是这个原材料的账户


一般接收时的分录是:材料采购/暂估应付账款 (receiving inspection/ap accrual)



匹配PO后的分录是:暂估应付账款/应付账款(receiving inspection/ap)

这样,1,2,3连续执行下来,中间账户会对冲掉,只剩下  原材料/应付账款

PO Charge Account: the account to charge for the cost of this item in the purchasing business unit.

The charge account in your PO distributions will be used as the Debit account during your PO Delivery process.Normally it will be a Material account in case Inventory Item and expense account in case of expense items.

PO Accrual Account: the payables accrual account in the purchasing business unit.

This is the account used by Purchasing to accrue your payable liability when you receive your items. This account represents your uninvoiced receipts and is usually part of your accounts payable liabilities in the balance sheet. Payables relieves this account when the invoice is matched and approved.

PO Variance Account: the invoice price variance account in the purchasing business unit.

Invoice price variance is the difference between the purchase order price for an inventory item and the actual invoice price multiplied by the quantity invoiced. Purchasing uses this account on the PO distribution when the purchase order is created.

In addition, The PO Variance Account will consider the same account as PO Charge Account in case if you creating Expense type document.

What is the difference of PO Charge Account,PO Accrual Account and PO Variance Account相关推荐

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