
blob = new Blob(['\ufeff' + csvStr], {type: 'text/csv;charset=UTF-8'})

重点1:添加\ufeff BOM头


Visualforce Page: $Label.Label_API_Name

Lightning Component Page {!$Label.c.Label_API_Name}

Apex Class String getLabelName = Label.Label_API_Name;

or directly System.Label.Label_API_Name

Organization-Wide Email Address   组织范围内的电子邮件地址 对应对象:

select id,displayname,address from orgwideemailaddress

创建partner user 在测试类中不要忘记加上PortalRole

  • Create adminUser with the role assigned to this user (This role should be other than the customer portal role).
  • Create Account and Contact while running in adminUser context i.e. enclose your Account and Contact creation code within system.runAs(adminUser). This is because, the Owner of the Account should have a role.
  • Create Community User as adminUser i.e. after creating Account and Contact, your code for Community User creation should follow which should be within system.runAs(adminUser). You can assign PortalRole for this user or can leave it blank, when this field is left blank and a Contact is assigned, the user is automatically assigned a User Role.


The role of the user in the Customer Portal (either Executive, Manager, User, or PersonAcount). Prior to API version 16.0, you could set this field to null and the system automatically included a portal role. In API version 16.0 and above, when you set this field to null, a portal role is not automatically created. When this field is null and a ContactId is provided, the user is assigned to the User role.

Format the 'Date' and 'Date Time' data in a CSV file

Knowledge Article Number 000325035

Data Loader uses the SOAP API or BULK API depending on how it's configured.

Unless formatted properly for the API to accept them, users may have trouble importing changes to the 'Date,' 'Date Time,' and 'Time' data type fields when the corresponding values in the .csv file do not adhere to a specific formatting or correspond with the org's time zone settings.

Refer to Data Types Supported by Data Loader for all of the supported formats that are unique to Data Loader.


Video guide to format the Date and Date Time data in a CSV file

How to Format the 'Date' and 'Date Time' Data in a CSV File

This is the correct formatting to use to avoid errors and frustration:

'Date' field acceptable formats


  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ

'Date Time' field acceptable formats

  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ

'Time' field acceptable formats

  • hh:mm:ss.sssZ (For example, 07:00:00.000Z)

Example scenarios

Scenario: If your org's time zone is set as "China/Taiwan time zone GMT+8":

 'Date' and Data Loader time zone is GMT+0, GMT, or blank 

Your example data in your import spreadsheet can be one of the following:

  • 2011-01-10

  • 2011-01-10 00:00:00

  • 2011-01-10T00:00:00Z

  • 2011-01-10T00:00:00.000Z

'Date' and Data Loader time zone is GMT+8

Your example data in your import spreadsheet must be one of these:

  • 2011-01-10 08:00:00

  • 2011-01-10T08:00:00Z

  • 2011-01-10T08:00:00.000Z

Note: If you set the hh:mm:ss to 00:00:00, the Import Date data in Salesforce will display the previous day ('2011-01-09' instead of '2011-01-10').

'Date Time' and Data Loader time zone is GMT+8

Your example data in your import spreadsheet must be one of these options in order to have the 'Date Time' display exactly what you imported in spreadsheet:

  • 2011-01-10 XX:XX:XX

  • 2011-01-10TXX:XX:XXZ

  • 2011-01-10TXX:XX:XX.XXXZ

Additional information about these format​s

  • XX:XX:XX or XX:XX:XX.XXX stands for the variable time you key in.

  • The "T" in these strings indicates the beginning of the time element.

  • "Z" is a special GMT designation.

  • This information is only applicable for the latest version of the Data Loader

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