Signs That You’ve Found True Love

Is it love?

You might think that people who are truly in love automatically know the answer to this question, with no doubt in their minds — and a lucky few do.But for many, this generally isn’t the case.Consider the five following signs as you try to clarify your current relationship situation.

#1 You find yourself saying “we” more than “I” or “me.”

Language is a secret window into how you perceive yourself in relation to others.People who are close use plural words like “we” more frequently in conversation.The kinds of feelings that suggest love are likely accompanied by a tendency to use plural pronouns.

#2 You’re ready to make sacrifices for the other person.

If love is in the air, sacrifice is too.Individuals who engage in costly commitment signals are more oriented toward a long-term relationship with their partner.Costly commitment signals are pro-relationship behaviors that require substantial sacrifice.Engaging in costly commitment signals is healthy for relationships.

#3 You love looking at his or her face.

Eye gaze is a surprising indicator of romantic intentions, differentiating between lust and love.In the context of love, visual attention is primarily directed towards the face; in the context of lust, eye fixations are more frequently oriented toward the body.

#4 You don’t mind the idea of some dependency.

People like to be in charge of their lives and depending on someone else can be an uncomfortable proposition.However, experimental evidence shows that people who are highly motivated to increase closeness no longer hold negative views of dependence when it comes to their love interest.

#5 You sometimes feel like you can’t get enough of this person.

Love is a biochemical experience, because intense love activates the brain’s reward system.Successful long-term relationships strike a balance between alone time and together time, but attraction is important.

Love doesn’t look the same for every person, but these trends depict what scientific evidence suggests many people experience.Research suggests that passionate love might become sustained love when it is accompanied by substantive compatibility, a supportive social network, and mutual commitment.


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