

  1. 以a-开头的表示状态的形容词,一般在句子中充当表语成分,但作定语时需要后置,类似的形容词有:alive, asleep, alikealone, awake, aware, ashamed, adrift, ablaze, absent, afraid, available.等
    He spoke like a man afraid. 他说话时像很害怕似的。
    Tom was the only boy awake at the time. 那时tom是唯一醒着的男孩。
    The house ablaze is next door to mine. 那着火的房子就在我家的隔壁。

  2. 部分表示方位、住所、时间副词作定语。如here, there, above, below, upstairs. downstairs. outside, inside, around. today, nearby 等常作后置定语。如:**
      A boy outside is waiting for you.
      People there are very friendly.
      The man upstairs is making a noise.

  3. 形容词修饰复合不定代词时应后置
      I have something important to tell you.
      There is nothing serious.
      There is nobody suitable for the job.

  4. else 只作后置定语,修饰疑问词或不定代词。
      When else shall we meet again, if Friday is not convenient for you?
      Ask someone else to help you if David is not free.
      Who else can we turn to?

  5. left 和remaining 都表示有“剩下的”的意思,但left只作后置定语。如:
      There is five minutes left.
      The lady bought a gift for her daughter as a birthday gift with the remaining 30 dollars.

  6. involved意为“有牵连的”,“涉及到的”,只作后置定语,如:
      the problems involved.

  7. 有些词既可作前置定语,也可作后置定语。如:
      possible, enough, more(另外,附加的)proper
      I don’t have wine enough for five persons at the moment
      =I don’t have enough wine for five persons at the moment.
      They thought about all the means possible(= possible means)
      Today I will have to write two letters more(= two more letters)

  8. 有些词既可当作前置定语又可当后置定语,但含义不一样。
      如:used, concerned, present
      All the people present(在场的)voted for him.
      Present situation is serious.(目前的,现在的)
      All parties concerned(有关的)are present.
      Concerned (忧虑的)parents held a meeting.
      the method used is very efficient (运用的,使用的)
      This is a used bike.(旧的)



  The man in the car is Jim’s father. (介词短语)in the表示在什么里面的
  He made a report on modern science (介词短语) on关于什么的
  A friend in need is a friend indeed(介词短语) in表示在什么时候
  I live in a village far from here(副词短语)
  He cast it a second time, and drew in an old basket full of sand (形容词短语)
  Would you like something to drink
  What do you plan to do in the year to come
  The building to be built was designed by Mr Wang. =The building which will be built was designed by Mr Wang. (相当一个定语从句)
3、不定式经常用作一些名词的后置定语,常见的这类名词有way,chance, opportunity, courage, time, week, wish, need, promise, plan, right.
  You have no right to speak
  If I have the chance to go abroad I’ll never let it go.

You promised to write us regularly.(不定式当宾语)

You haven’t kept your promise to write us regularly.(不定式当后置定语)

He planned to start a company (不定式当宾语)

He told me his plan to start a company. (不定式当后置定语)


①The old man has a walking stick(动名词当定语表示用途)

②Can yon see the falling leaves in the sky. (现在分词当定语表示动作进行)

③Deer don’t like eating fallen leaves (过去分词当定语表示动作完成)

④The man running on the playground is our English teacher.(现在分词当后置定语,与被修饰词存在主动关系)

=The man who is running on the playground is our English teacher.

⑤Do you know the girl dancing in the center?

⑥The food cooked by my mother was delicious.(过去分词当后置语与被修饰词存在动作的完成与被动关系)

=The food which was cooked by my mother was delicious.

⑦The building built was designed by Mr Warg.

=The building which was built was designed by Mr Wang.

⑧There were over 300 people trapped above the fire.

⑨The building being built was designed by Mr Wang.(过去分词的进行式作后置定语表示与被修饰词存在动作的被动且正在进行)

=The building which is being built was designed by Mr Wang.


In the north where it is cold, they grow wheat.

I will never forget the day, on which I joined the Party.

I know the only route that leads to the top of the mountain.

I found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Cheng du.

The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.


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