
A:visited {color: pink ! important}



Note: the screenshots below are taken from Chrome for macOS (Version 60.0.3112.101). If you’re on a PC or using another Chrome version, the steps may be slightly different.

Step 1: Open Chrome, then install this extension called Stylist. Click on the blue “ADD TO CHROME” button.

Step 2: Confirm by clicking “Add extension”. You’ll see a notification indicating the plugin has been added to Chrome.

Step 3: Right-click on the Stylist extension icon, then select Options. Under the Styles tab, hit Add New Style.

Step 4: Now name the new style, check the “All site” option, copy and paste this piece of code (as shown below) in the box, and click Save.

A:visited { color: green ! important }

Note: The color of is this line is “green”. Feel free to change it to another color or an RGB code (255, 0, 0 for example). You can find more colors and their codes here.

Important: checking “All site” may affect your user experience with other sites. For example, I noticed that after implementing the change, my Gmail tabs all showed as red. which looks absolutely odd. So I added this rule, which only allows the change to impact specific Google search results.

Step 5: Check if the new style has taken effect. In my case, yes — the color of the visited TechCrunch Wikipedia page is now changed to green (by default, it was red).

P.S. I am used to having the visited link color show up as light purple, so I adjusted it back.


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