frp 连接报错

  • 1,frp 报错
  • 2,查看frp服务端日志
  • 3,修改frp客户端名称
  • 4,测试连接

1,frp 报错

$ ssh -p 5000 root@公网IP
ssh: connect to host 公网IP port 5000: Connection refused


# nohup ./frps -c ./frps.ini &
# tail -f nohup.out [I] [proxy.go:217] [bb947359d71c9f35] [ssh] tcp proxy listen port [5000]
[I] [proxy.go:73] [bb947359d71c9f35] [ssh] proxy closing
[W] [control.go:332] [bb947359d71c9f35] new proxy [ssh] error: proxy name [ssh] is already in use


╰─➤  cat frpc.ini
[ssh kali]
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
remote_port = 5000


$ ssh root@公网IP  -p 5000
root@公网IP's password: [I] [proxy.go:217] [f903c7b64d343e3a] [ssh kali] tcp proxy listen port [5000]
[I] [control.go:335] [f903c7b64d343e3a] new proxy [ssh kali] success

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