# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jan 21 11:33:22 2021
import os
import shutil
from PIL import Image
import numpy as nppath = ' /zy/task/'
newpath0=' /dataset/egg_skin/'
newpath='C: /dried_fruits_dis/'if not os.path.exists(newpath):os.makedirs(newpath)filelist = os.listdir(path)
for item in filelist:print(item)# src = cv.imread(path1+item)# [height,width,c]= src.shape# img_resize1 = cv.resize(src,(int(width*0.3),int(height*0.3)),interpolation=cv.INTER_CUBIC) name = item.split('-',3)[1]name0=item.split('-',3)[0]if name=='0.jpg' or name=='2.jpg'or name=='3.jpg'or name=='1.jpg':shutil.move(path+item,newpath0)else:         shutil.move(path+item,newpath

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