



{“scene”: {“id”: 266, “p”: 254, “s”: 10238, “e”: 10358, “fps”: 2.5, “tag”: 2}}

id: scene id
p: pedestrian ID
s, e: starting and ending frames id of pedestrian “p”
fps: frame rate.
tag: trajectory type. Discussed in detail below.


{“track”: {“f”: 10238, “p”: 248, “x”: 13.2, “y”: 5.85, “pred_number”: 0, “scene_id”: 123}}

f: frame id
p: pedestrian ID
x, y: x and y coordinates in meters of pedestrian “p” in frame “f”.
pred_number: prediction number. This is useful when you are providing multiple predictions as opposed to a single prediction. Max 3 predictions allowed
scene_id: This is useful when you are providing predictions of other agents in the scene as opposed to only primary pedestrian prediction.




Average Displacement Error (ADE): Average L2 distance between the ground truth and prediction of the primary pedestrian over all predicted time steps. Lower is better.

Final Displacement Error (FDE): The L2 distance between the final ground truth coordinates and the final prediction coordinates of the primary pedestrian. Lower is better

Prediction Collision (Col-I): Calculates the percentage of collisions of primary pedestrian with neighbouring pedestrians in the scene. The model prediction of neighbouring pedestrians is used to check the occurrence of collisions. Lower is better.

Ground Truth Collision (Col-II): Calculates the percentage of collisions of primary pedestrian with neighbouring pedestrians in the scene. The ground truth of neighbouring pedestrians is used to check the occurrence of collisions. Lower is better.


Topk Average Displacement Error (Topk_ADE): Given k output predictions for an observed scene, the metric calculates the ADE of the prediction which is closest to the groundtruth trajectory in terms of ADE. Lower is better. In this challenge, k=3

Topk Final Displacement Error (Topk_FDE): Given k output predictions for an observed scene, the metric calculate the FDE of the prediction which is closest to the groundtruth trajectory in terms of ADE. Lower is better. In this challenge, k=3

Average NLL (NLL): Given n output predictions for an observed scene, the metric calculates the average negative log-likelihood of groundtruth trajectory in the model prediction distribution over the prediction horizon. Higher is better. In this challenge, n=50.


  • aicrowd trajnet challenge
  • Awesome Interaction-aware Behavior and Trajectory Prediction
  • Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds:A Deep Learning Perspective
  • TrajNet++: Large-scale Trajectory Forecasting Benchmark

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