2016, IX Samara Regional Intercollegiate Programming Contest I. Deadline

Alex works as a developer, and he has hard times now. He has to complete n tasks. Every task i has the latest time di when it can be completed (starting from the moment of time 0), the time ci needed to complete it, and the tasks that must be completed before task i to get the possibility to start it. We’ll say that the i-th task depends on these tasks.

What should be the order of doing tasks to complete all of them in time?

The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 200000) — the number of tasks.

Next n lines describe tasks. The i-th line starts with three space-separated integers di, ci and ri (1 ≤ di,  ci ≤ 109,  0 ≤ ri ≤ n - 1) — the latest time to complete the i-th task, the time needed to complete it and the number of tasks which it depends on. Then in the same line ri space-separated integers — the numbers of these tasks — are written. It’s guaranteed that there is no number i among these ri numbers.

The tasks are numbered from 1 in order of their appearance in the input. The sum of all ri in the input doesn’t exceed 200000.

In the first line output «YES» (without quotes) if Alex will be able to complete all the tasks without exceeding any deadlines, or «NO» (without quotes) otherwise.

If the answer is «YES», in the second line output n space-separated integers — the numbers of tasks in the order they must be done to fit into all deadlines. If there are many solutions, output any of them.


题意:共有n个任务,每个任务有对应的deadline d和花费的时间 c,在做第i个任务前必须保证它的前置任务ri已经做完,前置任务可以没有。



using namespace std;
const int maxn=200005;
int n,i,j,k,r,w,now=0;      //now:currentTime
struct node{int d,c,num;            //结束时间 所花时间 编号
struct cmp1{bool operator()(const node &x,const node &y)     { //重载,排序优先队列的函数return x.d>y.d;}
bool cmp2(node xx,node yy){return xx.d<yy.d;
priority_queue<node,vector<node>,cmp1> pq[maxn];//按照d值由小到大排序,队列排序取反
vector<int > v[maxn],ans;
bool vis[maxn],state[maxn];
void dfs(int p){if(vis[p]==1)                 //已被搜过return ;state[p]=1;                      //状态为1这点正激活但还未被用到 vis[p]=1;while(!pq[p].empty()){node t=pq[p].top();if(state[t.num]==1) {//如果出现已经激活的点说明有环,输出no cout<<"NO"<<endl;exit(0);}dfs(t.num);pq[p].pop();}now+=b[p].c;ans.push_back(p);               if(b[p].d<now){cout<<"NO"<<endl;exit(0);}state[p]=0;                      //回溯return ;
int main(){ cin>>n;for(i=1;i<=n;i++){a[i].num=i;  cin>>a[i].d>>a[i].c>>r;b[i]=a[i];                    //b[i]用来dfs,a[i]用来排序while(r--){cin>>w;v[i].push_back(w);}  }for(i=1;i<=n;i++){if(!v[i].empty()){for(k=0;k<v[i].size();k++){pq[i].push(a[v[i][k]]);            //优先队列排前置任务}}}sort(a+1,a+n+1,cmp2);                      //排序for(i=1;i<=n;i++)    dfs(a[i].num);cout<<"YES"<<endl;for(auto it:ans)  cout<<it<<" ";    return 0;

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