UMAP算法是Leland McInnes、John Healy和James Melville的发明。

The UMAP algorithm is the invention of Leland McInnes, John Healy, and James Melville.


See their original paper for a long-form description (


Also see the documentation for the original Python implementation (


Given a set of high-dimensional data, run_umap.m produces a lower-dimensional representation of the data for purposes of data visualization and exploration.


This MATLAB implementation follows a very similar structure to the Python implementation, and many of the function descriptions are nearly identical.



Here are some major differences in this MATLAB implementation:

1) All nearest-neighbour searches are performed through the built-in MATLAB function knnsearch.m. The original Python implementation uses random projection trees and nearest-neighbour descent to approximate nearest neighbours of data points. The function knnsearch.m either uses an exhaustive approach or k-d trees, both of which are slow for high-dimensional data. As such, this implementation is slower in the case of large, high-dimensional data sets.

2)MATLAB函数eigs.m不像Python包Scipy中的函数“eigsh”那么快。对于大型数据集,我们使用一种称为概率分块的算法对数据进行分块,从而初始化低维转换。如果用户下载并安装了Andrew Knyazev提供的lobpcg.m函数,可以用来为中型数据集找到精确的特征向量。

2) The MATLAB function eigs.m does not appear to be as fast as the function "eigsh" in the Python package Scipy. For large data sets, we initialize a low-dimensional transform by binning the data using an algorithm known as probability binning. If the user downloads and installs the function lobpcg.m, made available here ( by Andrew Knyazev, this can be used to find exact eigenvectors for medium-sized data sets.


3) In most cases, we call Java code to perform stochastic gradient descent. However, if the data is being reduced to a dimension other than 2, then stochastic gradient descent is performed natively in MATLAB, which tends to be much slower.

总之,该MATLAB UMAP实现比原始的Python实现慢,后者使用了Numba来加速计算。

Overall, this MATLAB UMAP implementation is slower than the the original Python implementation, which uses Numba to accelerate the calculations.


However, the speed seems acceptable based on tests done so far.


Supervised dimension reduction should be possible with this version of the implementation, though we have not yet included it in the examples.


This implementation is considered a first draft and has not yet been reviewed by the original authors of UMAP.


We hope to make improvements to it in the future, starting with examples of using supervised dimension reduction.


Provided by the Herzenberg Lab at Stanford University.







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