Ben Stockton

All it takes is one suspicious or malicious Android app installed on your device for it to put your data and security at risk. If you’ve found a suspicious app and you want to report it to Google, here’s how to do it.

它所要做的就是在您的设备上安装一个可疑或恶意的Android应用,以使您的数据和安全受到威胁。 如果您发现了可疑应用程序,并且想将其报告给Google,请按照以下步骤操作。

Before you start, remember that most Android malware doesn’t come with a warning banner. Knowing how to avoid malware on Android in the first place is your best form of defense. You can start by only installing apps from the Google Play store.

在开始之前,请记住,大多数Android恶意软件都不带有警告标语。 首先,知道如何在Android上避免恶意软件是您最好的防御方式。 您只能从Google Play商店中安装应用程序开始。

If you need to install apps outside of the Play Store, you should be absolutely certain you trust the source before you sideload them onto your device. Third-party app stores like the Amazon Appstore might prove to be better to use than sites offering you APK file downloads directly.

如果您需要在Play商店之外安装应用,则应绝对确定您信任源,然后再将其侧面加载到设备上 。 事实证明,像Amazon Appstore这样的第三方应用商店比直接提供APK文件下载的网站更易于使用。

Don’t take for granted that every app in the Google Play Store is safe to use, though. Suspicious apps will fall through the cracks from time to time. Thankfully, Google offers users a way to report apps that you feel are suspicious for review.

不过,不要以为Google Play商店中的每个应用程序都可以安全使用。 可疑的应用程序将不时陷入困境。 值得庆幸的是,Google为用户提供了一种报告您认为值得审查的应用程序的方法。

从您的设备报告可疑的Android应用 (Report Suspicious Android Apps from Your Device)

The easiest method for reporting an app as suspicious is to report it through the Google Play Store on your device. Open the Play Store app and search for the suspicious app.

将应用程序报告为可疑的最简单方法是通过设备上的Google Play商店进行报告。 打开Play商店应用,然后搜索可疑应用。

In the top-right section of the app listing, you’ll see the three-dot menu button. Tap this and click “Flag as Inappropriate.”

在应用列表的右上部分,您将看到三点菜单按钮。 点击此按钮,然后单击“标记为不适当的”。

You’ll have a list of seven categories for your complaint, from sexual content to impersonation. Choose the reason that best suits your complaint. If you’re reporting an app for malware, for instance, choose “Harmful to Device or Data.”

您会列出七个投诉类别,从色情内容到冒充他人。 选择最适合您的投诉的原因。 例如,如果您要报告恶意软件应用,请选择“对设备或数据有害”。

If the option for “Harmful to Device or Data” isn’t available, or it doesn’t fit your choice, select another reason. If none of the reasons match, choose “Other Objection” at the bottom of the list.

如果“对设备或数据有害”选项不可用,或与您的选择不符,请选择其他原因。 如果没有任何原因相匹配,请在列表底部选择“其他异议”。

Once you’re done, select “Submit.”


You aren’t able to add any comments to your complaint if you’re reporting it through the Google Play Store. If you want to go into further detail or add supporting evidence, it’s best to make your complaint online.

如果您要通过Google Play商店举报,则无法在投诉中添加任何评论。 如果您想进一步了解细节或添加支持证据,最好是在线提出投诉。

使用Google Play商店帮助中心网站 (Use the Google Play Store Help Center Website)

Google has a specific report form for users to report apps online, available via the Google Play Store Help Center website. This method is useful if you don’t have your device on hand or if, as previously mentioned, you need to go into extra detail about your complaint.

Google有专门的报告表供用户在线报告应用程序,可通过Google Play商店帮助中心网站获得 。 如果您没有手边的设备,或者如前所述,如果您需要进一步了解投诉,则此方法很有用。

Open the Help Center website, scroll to “Help by Product Type,” and click “Google Play Store.”

打开帮助中心网站 ,滚动到“按产品类型帮助”,然后单击“ Google Play商店”。

Under “Fix an Issue,” click “Report Content Issues or Violations.”


On this page, scroll to “Computer” and, under “Flag Apps, Games, or Music as Inappropriate,” click the link for the “Report Inappropriate Apps Form.”


The form is fairly straightforward, with options to report apps for reasons including sexual or graphic content, spam, illegal activities, and more. As you would if you were reporting through the Google Play Store directly, you’ll need to select the reason for reporting the app.

表单非常简单,可以选择报告应用的原因包括性或图形内容,垃圾邮件,非法活动等。 就像直接通过Google Play商店进行报告一样,您需要选择报告应用程序的原因。

If you think your app has malware included, select the “Harmful to Device or Data” option. You can also choose to select “Other Objection” if you feel the other categories are too narrow for your complaint.

如果您认为您的应用程序包含恶意软件,请选择“对设备或数据有害”选项。 如果您认为其他类别对您的投诉而言过于狭窄,也可以选择“其他异议”。

Where the form requests it, provide a brief explanation as to why you’re reporting the app, providing as much detail as possible. If the app is still available for download, find the web URL for it on the Google Play Store website and provide it.

在表单要求的地方,提供有关您为什么要报告该应用程序的简要说明,并提供尽可能多的详细信息。 如果该应用仍可供下载,请在Google Play商店网站上找到该应用的网络网址并提供。

Confirm your name and email address and click “Submit” to finish.


Whether you choose to report an app through the Google Play Store on your device or through the Help Center, your report will be sent to Google for review and analysis.

无论您选择通过设备上的Google Play商店还是通过帮助中心来报告应用,报告都将发送给Google进行审查和分析。

Once that review takes place, if Google believes your complaint has merit, the app will then be removed from the Google Play Store.

进行审核后,如果Google认为您的投诉值得,则该应用将从Google Play商店中删除。



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